Paid or free OnlyFans?

In OnlyFans there are two ways to set up your profile, either with paid or free content. Although it may not seem like it, both ways are valid to generate money, but each one has its pros and cons at the moment of truth. But then, which is better: paid or free OnlyFans? Below you can see a detailed comparison and draw your own conclusions about each of these two methods.

OnlyFans Tips
4 min readFeb 15, 2024

Is it better to use OnlyFans for free or for a fee?

Determining whether to set up your OnlyFans for free or paid will depend on the type of content you want to create and the way you want to capture your audience. In order to decide this it is necessary that you know what each of these two modalities offers, below you can learn about each of them and thus be able to make a better decision:

Free OnlyFans

This method allows your fans to subscribe free of charge to your OnlyFans profile, which can significantly increase the number of users who follow you. However, you will not generate money for each subscription, but the earnings will come from each message or tips that users leave you. While it may seem counterproductive, you should know that most of the successful girls on this platform have a free OnlyFans profile.

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For the free method to work for you, you must get many followers daily. Although this can be achieved by advertising your profile very well in your social networks and seeing that you do not have to make any payment to subscribe, it will go viral, getting new fans in a short time. You must take into account that you must have an optimal message configuration to be able to see good earnings, otherwise having so many subscribers will not do you any good.

To achieve good results you need to set up your free profile as follows:

  1. Resorting to spam. Free profiles depend on tips, so if you already have a good amount of users subscribed to your profile, you need to spam their DMs at least 15 times a day. This way you can guarantee to get their attention and start earning revenue with personalized content.
  2. Create content continuously: In order to be consistent using a free OnlyFans profile, you must create and upload enough content to stay relevant and attract new buyers. But also, you must have as a strict rule to always have low prices, since that will be the main attraction for the fans.
  3. Never post full content on your free profile: It may seem obvious, but even if your profile is accessible for free to everyone, it doesn’t mean you should upload your full content. You can choose to upload small video teasers that serve as a teaser for the full content. This way you can offer the full video for a small amount of money.

Paid OnlyFans

There is also a more traditional way of how OnlyFans works, which is with a paid subscription. This way you can generate a smaller but loyal base of followers, which will generate a certain amount of guaranteed monthly money. Another advantage is that you can set the price you want for the subscription, in addition to the extra premium content you generate.

Unlike the free profile, here you do not need to use spam messages to attract the attention of your followers, since by paying the subscription you can offer the content immediately ensuring your payments. This way you can have more freedom to publish fully explicit content without the need for teasers or partial nudity on your profile.

To get the most out of the paid subscription method you can do the following:

  1. Publish full content: If you are going to place your profile by subscription, it is not necessary to limit the publication of your explicit content to a minimum. Instead, you can freely publish longer videos that you can then offer privately for a specific amount.
  2. Choose a posting model: Another very important thing is to have a posting model in mind so that your paid profile can start to take off. You can try posting explicit photos every other day and a lingerie or provocative photo daily, as well as short explicit videos weekly. This will keep your followers’ attention and you will be able to keep earning consistently.

Final Verdict: Free or Paid OnlyFans?

In general, paid OnlyFans is a good option for content creators who want to earn money directly from their exclusive content. However, it is important to note that followers must pay to access it. On the other hand, free OnlyFans is a good option for those who want to reach a wider audience and are not interested in earning money directly from their content. Instead, models can earn money through advertising and sponsorships.

It could be said that both OnlyFans paid and OnlyFans free have their advantages and disadvantages. It all depends on which business model you find more comfortable and profitable to choose the option that best suits your needs and objectives.

Start generating income with your paid or free OnlyFans profile today!

Now you know that this dichotomy between paid and free OnlyFans is mainly based on the approaches to content creation and consumption. While with the paid model you offer a more exclusive and personalized experience, the free model encourages accessibility and increased traffic to your profile.

Both approaches have their place in the adult content market and the choice will depend on the preferences of each creator. If you need more precise help with this issue, then with an OnlyFans agency you can get better results, as they are mainly dedicated to this type of services.

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