5 Business Myth You Must Debunk Or Remain Setback In Business.

3 min readOct 27, 2019

Starting up a business requires a lot, don't you think so? I do if you ask me, but when people come out with a myth that has no proof or basis and assumes it’s true, doesn't it get you pissed off?

Let look at some of this myth and why you should debunk them coupled with reading some of your thoughts as well.

1. Passion Is Enough To Build A Business

While passion is a crucial element to consider when starting out, like every human emotion, it wanes with time. How do you keep being passionate about the same thing every day without getting bored to bits about it no matter how much money you make of it?

Most business people I know no longer have the same passion like they did when they started out, the only thing they have done is make the business their habit, so it becomes a routine thing like eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Am no longer passionate about eating food, but I have to do it.

What do you think?

Another one is,

2. Everyone Can Be My Client

Everyone can be my client is another myth that has to be debunked when starting out a business. Because whether we like it or not, the world is divided, e.g., poor and rich, women and men, black and white, one's culture and against another person’s culture and lifestyle, educational backgrounds, exposure, developed and underdeveloped countries, etc.

How do you produce a product that reconciles all that no matter the everyday things we both all share?

The third myth got me thinking, wow! Maybe that is all it takes until I found out the truth.

3. Quality Product Is All It Takes To Succeed

Hell no! If that were what it takes every good new product wouldn't result in multi-level marketing, affiliate marketing just to carve an inch from the market that has been dominated by larger firms in the business for more extended periods and have more capital for expansion.

The truth is, nobody takes notice of a quality product until it is properly marketed. If you think Apple, Google just came out with the blue; you need to have a rethink.

Tell us your thoughts.

The fourth myth is somewhat laughable, but it is all good.

4. The Idea Is The Only Thing That Matters

Seriously, you are just going to carry an idea in your head and hope you catch a big break, and everything will be alright.

That is not how I see it, from where I am standing, a quote from Mark Zuckerberg will do the trick" ideas don't come fully formed, they only exist as we work on them."

You see my friend; you have to shape your dream yourself by putting it in play and learning from your mistakes or projections.

Do you think an idea is the only thing that matters? Let read it

The fifth myth is purely sickening for real.

5. There's A Single Secret Weapon I Need That Will Guarantee Success.

Hey, there is no weapon out there for success than to work only. Except you were born with a silver spoon, every successful person I know or have read about have had to dig in deep to find their treasure.

Funny enough most of them didn't have very successful parents to teach them the ropes, they have had to find their path to success mostly by trial and error.

Here it goes then, the five myths you should debunk. If you have any thought or want to counter some of the point mentioned here, feel free to let us read it.

Thank you

