Why I joined Iris

Tsaraboulidis Agisilaos
2 min readDec 11, 2016


image from getiris.co

If you don’t know already today I joined the Iris team. Cat Noone started Iris and I was one of the first beta testers. Fast forward several months to the present, now a part of this amazing team. I would love to give you more context about why I joined and who knows maybe inspires you to follow your dreams & try harder to achieve your goals.

I love the product

As I said before, I was excited about this product when it first came out. I was really active when Cat was sending me emails for feedback. So whatever you do be sure that you’re passionate about it and to love it.

I admire Cat’s work

I think that I followed Cat on Twitter one year ago, since then she launched several products like a theme for text editors (toothpaste), a sketch plugin (fluid). Fold which is a fantastic card game for your iPhone and of course Iris. Her work on every single one of these products is stunning. It’s a really nice experience to work with a talented designer like Cat.

Having Impact to the world

I knew from the start that by working on Iris I will have a big impact in this world, as an engineer and as a human being. Also I saw that Cat’s vision of Iris was the same I had even as a beta tester at the beginning and I couldn’t be happier with my choice to join the team.

Fun fact: When I discovered Cat one year ago I said to myself that it would be cool to work with her on a project. 1 year later , this dream of mine is a reality.

Expect a lot of updates from the Iris team in the future.

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Tsaraboulidis Agisilaos

Co-Founder and CTO @irisapp. prev: iOS eng intern @Microsoft. Makes @soundmemoryrush. Photographer. I like traveling. Nerd. 22.