Install SASS at Ubuntu LTS

Ahmad Sharif
1 min readFeb 9, 2016


SASS official site already describes how to install SASS at Linux. When I am going to follow their official documentation I got the following error message.

sudo gem install sass

sudo: gem: command not found”

Later, I searched online and found the following command works. I have no idea what is the problem of official documentation. I just know the following commands work.

So far there are three-step to install SASS at ubuntu 14.01 LTS

sudo apt-get update
sudo sudo apt-get install rubygems
sudo apt-get install rubygems-integration
sudo gem install sass
// For ubuntu 14.04
sudo apt install ruby-sass // For ubuntu 16.04

After do this cross-check by typing following command in your console or terminal.

sass -v 

It will return this message “Sass 3.4.21 (Selective Steve)”

Enjoy :)



Ahmad Sharif

Full-stack Web Developer. I craft web application with Angular, React, Laravel, PHP, Mysql, NodeJS, Express, MongoBD.