Is AI already massively replacing humans? British Telecom, AI and Layoffs

Ahmed Fessi
3 min readMay 22, 2023
BT — British Telecom — Image Credits : Economic Times

The future of work is changing rapidly, and artificial intelligence (AI) is at the helm. BT, a telecom giant, is a clear testament to this transformation as it announces plans to slash up to 55,000 jobs by 2030. This major workforce reduction, representing more than 40% of its global staff, aligns with BT’s push into AI and digital technology, thereby creating a leaner, more efficient business model.

The Challenges of AI Integration

The incorporation of AI and automation into any business model is not without its hurdles. In BT’s case, these challenges span both the technical and the human domains.

Technological Implementation

The implementation of AI and other advanced digital technologies can be a daunting task for any organization. Challenges include integrating new systems with existing infrastructure, ensuring data security and privacy, and maintaining the technology in the long run. In BT’s context, there is the additional challenge of phasing out old technology, like 3G and copper networks, as it rolls out full fibre broadband and 5G.

Impact on Employees

AI integration often leads to job displacement, a fact that BT’s announcement highlights. With AI expected to take over roles such as call handling and network diagnostics, a significant part of the workforce could find themselves redundant.

Employees should Adapt to the New AI-Powered Landscape

While BT’s announcement may strike fear in the hearts of many, it’s essential to remember that AI is not the enemy of the workforce, but rather a tool that, used wisely, can drive progress and create opportunities. Here are ways that employees can adapt:


The rise of AI and digital technologies necessitates upskilling. Workers, especially those in roles likely to be automated, should invest time in learning new skills, particularly digital and AI-related ones. BT has also suggested that some of the job reduction will come from natural attrition and reskilling, so employees should be proactive in seeking these opportunities.

Embracing Flexibility

As technology continues to evolve, so do the types of jobs available. Workers should therefore remain flexible and open to new roles that may emerge as AI becomes more integral to BT’s operations.

The Silver Lining

While the workforce reduction is daunting, it’s essential to remember that the transition towards AI and digital technology can create new roles, streamline operations, and ultimately lead to a more efficient business model.

It’s a profound shift that many companies are likely to experience in the coming years as AI becomes more prevalent. However, with the right strategies and mindset, companies like BT can navigate these turbulent waters and create a brighter future for themselves and their employees.

Closing Thoughts

The advent of AI is undeniably reshaping the global workforce, displacing traditional roles while simultaneously introducing new ones. The surge of automation might seem intimidating, yet it represents an inevitable trend in our rapidly evolving digital age. Fears of AI replacing jobs are valid but should be balanced with the understanding that this transformative technology can also foster innovation, productivity, and new opportunities. As we stand on the precipice of this new era, adaptation is key. By embracing change, investing in continuous learning, and cultivating agility, we can not only navigate the shifting landscape but also leverage it to propel individual growth and societal progress. The AI revolution is here, and it offers an open invitation for us to evolve, innovate, and redefine the concept of work as we know it.

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Ahmed Fessi

Author | FinTech Chief Information Officer | Data & Digital Leader | Enterprise Architect |