Pascal Programming Language — RIP Niklaus Wirth

Ahmed Fessi
3 min readJan 7, 2024
Pascal Program — Screenshot
program Tribute; 
uses crt;
writeln('RIP Niklaus Wirth');

This simple Pascal program evokes a sense of nostalgia for many who began their programming journey with it, much like I did. Pascal, renowned for its educational use, preceded modern introductory languages like Scratch and Python.

I used Pascal extensively during my years in high school and university. It also played a significant role in my participation in various programming competitions, such as the Tunisian Olympiads in Informatics (2003, 2004), France’s Prologin competition (2006, 2007) , and the International Olympiads in Informatics (IOI’04). My journey with Pascal continued as I coached the Tunisian National Team for the IOI between 2014 and 2018.

Over time, the landscape of programming education evolved. Today, young learners often begin with Scratch, transitioning to Python, C, or C++ later. As a result, Pascal has gradually faded from many educational curriculums, giving way to these newer languages.

A defining feature of Pascal is its commitment to structured programming. This paradigm emphasizes the use of functions, procedures, and control structures such as loops and conditional statements, ensuring more organized and readable code structure. This approach marked a departure from the unstructured programming patterns prevalent in earlier languages.

Pascal is renowned for its strong typing system. This characteristic mandates that the type of all variables must be explicitly defined, and it prohibits operations between mismatched types. Such rigidity plays a crucial role in reducing errors and enhancing the readability and maintainability of the code.

In terms of readability and simplicity, Pascal stands out for its straightforward and clear syntax. This quality has made it an exemplary language for teaching fundamental programming concepts. Additionally, Pascal supports a variety of complex data structures, including records, files, arrays, and sets, and allows for the creation of new data types based on existing ones.

The portability of Pascal is another key aspect. Programs written in Pascal can be easily transferred and run on different computer platforms. This feature was particularly important during a time when computer architectures were diverse and often incompatible.

Pascal’s influence extended significantly into the realm of education, particularly in the 1970s and 1980s. Its clarity and structured approach made it the preferred language for teaching introductory programming courses. It also played a crucial role in various programming competitions and academic settings.

However, the use of Pascal was not confined to educational settings. It found application in real-world software development as well, most notably in the creation of the original Apple Macintosh operating system and early versions of Windows. Despite this, the emergence of languages like C++ and Java saw a decline in Pascal’s use in commercial software development.

The Pascal programming language, named in honor of the French mathematician Blaise Pascal, holds a special place in the history of computing. Today, we pay tribute to Niklaus Wirth, the visionary creator of the Pascal language, who passed away a couple of days ago. His contributions to the field of programming have left an indelible mark on the industry and on the educational paths of many programmers around the world.

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Ahmed Fessi

Author | FinTech Chief Information Officer | Data & Digital Leader | Enterprise Architect |