MEFCC 23— A wild Yoru has appeared

Ahmed Aziz
4 min readMar 11, 2023


I wanted to base this week's article on my recent experience at the Middle East Film and Comic Convention in Abu Dhabi. This was one of my first times doing what I felt like was an actual cosplay, even though my outfit and makeup were hardly adventurous by any means, in fact, I would say that I'd likely wear the same outfit on an average day to uni. However it was the idea that I attended with some effort and thought put into the character I wanted to go as that really made it satisfying, and besides, there’s nothing wrong with a comfy cosplay!

Below you can see screenshots of the Instagram account that I am using for this assignment, along with the few posts I made for the con.

I started the day off by getting my scar makeup done with the help of my sister, using the pictures I took before I was fully ready for my first post. I think the first picture on the post gives the impression of getting ready with the mirror and how you can see different products around the table. The second slide on the post shows the finished look with the third slide just being a screenshot from the manga that the character I cosplayed is from.

The second post moves on to the trip there, showing some pictures I took during the car ride with my friends. The first picture is just a simple selfie I took, evidently without warning anyone else in the car, which also shows the cosplay outfit better. The second picture is more of a detail shot, it's evident that I am in a car because the picture is taken from my passenger side mirror, where the front windshield of the car is visible. Finally, the third image just shows the first BeReal I took of the day, yes I took one then deleted it then took another one. The caption for this post references the cosplays of my friends, joking that we’re on a road trip as the characters we dressed as.

My third post of the day was just my experience at the event, I captioned it as a joke because I noticed that I only took pictures with cosplayers from one game, Elden Ring. Of course, I thought their cosplays were amazing, but I just thought it was a silly detail. I also made a joke about how I am just standing with more or less the same pose in every picture I took while they were posing in character.

Moving on to the fourth post, which is specifically about meeting a voice actor named Zach Aguilar, which I was really looking forward to because he voices the protagonist in a game that I love. The first slide in this post is just of the line, followed by the art card I chose and then a picture of the autograph I got!

The final post was just to show how the day wrapped up, with a relaxing (there was a moment of sheer panic during the trip back but that’s not important) drive home. I used a picture of the screen in the car showing that my phone was connected to the Bluetooth, in reference to the caption.

