Ahmed El-Sharkasy
3 min readMar 4, 2016

Knowledge Discovery Platform for Professional Millennials!

Nowadays Professional Millennials face a very competitive market where deep knowledge is a key differentiation and it’s getting even more intense!

While Social Media have changed the way people consume content on the internet, Professional Millennials still face the dilemma of finding the relevant knowledge quickly, easily and with reasonable prices and also suffer the problem of learning and sharing knowledge with top professionals.

There is no easy way of getting relevant knowledge online.

There is no time to keep juggling between dozens of websites to enrich their knowledge, or subscribe to dozens of email digests, and afterwards they have to filter the content to see what’s relevant to what they are searching for, what’s genuine and of a top quality and then whether they can afford it or not!

People generally look for ‘Answers’ on Quora, ‘Pictures’ on Instagram, ‘Videos’ on YouTube, ‘Slides’ on slideshare, ‘Friends’ on Facebook, ‘Realtime Updates’ on Twitter. However, there is no such thing for ‘Relevant Knowledge’. By Relevant Knowledge we mean: Top quality globally viewed Articles and Papers, Top reviewed/rated Books, Content from Authentic Names in your area of interest, High quality Courses and Podcasts, Most discussed QAs and Most interesting Events tailored to your choices or interests.

Also, the process of consuming and sharing knowledge does not have to be boring going through a typical feed of items every day, hitting a share button and that’s it. The process needs to be revolutionized, goal-oriented and gamified to suit the Millennials mindset.

On the other hand, content creators and publishers can barely overcome the difficulty of targeting their specific niche audience; because there isn’t a direct way of reaching their target in any existing platform designed specifically for Professional Millennials seeking knowledge.

Finally, for startups and software companies, they find it hard to share knowledge in an effective way other than sending emails, closed FB groups, slack channels. Also, finding a platform through which a company can manage all its own knowledge sources and reward her employees with books, courses, events tickets is a dream.

There is an opportunity for a new platform to tackle these problems and truly serve the Age of Micro-moments, where there is no time to waste and also be on-demand. So, find your relevant top quality content whenever/whatever you need the same quick and easy way you find a flat on AirBnB or order a driver on Uber.

A platform connects professionals to consume and share knowledge in an easy way with a touch of ‘Fun’ and ‘Gamfication’ too. And when the right people see the right content at the right time, everybody — people, editors, ad sellers, brand advertisers — wins.

A platform that does not work as an aggregator, pushing publishers and writers to produce only quality content, it’s a platform for the elite content!

We believe that something you learn today may help shift your career in the near and far future, these things are what make changes to the humanity and such information is too invaluable not to be shared.

If you feel the pain and interested to find a solution, please share with your input in this survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1luUpOq52kJiNT_mqY1zfxezScdLULo3E7pynaOhsfos/edit?usp=sharing

Also, please share with your friends who might be interested to get their input too. We are on a mission to deliver knowledge to Professional Millennials in the most efficient way, and we won’t be able to do that without your valuable input.