How Artificial Intelligence Can Improve Your Crypto Trading

Published in
3 min readSep 20, 2018

We’ve spent the past couple of months launching our AiBB project to private presale investors. The AiBB platform provides to its users the superior predictions in real time, and we think this superior Ai is behind better opportunities for traders and more successful trades.

Besides the platform, a mobile app that provides the functions of Portfolio Management a multi-token wallet, and AI Assistant help our users get everything done in one place, watch their digital assets, and know what the opportunities are in the market at any given point in time. It’s centralized intelligence in a decentralized market where flitting from app to app to get simple trades accomplished often means missing orders or opportunities for profit due to price discrepencies.

There are many skeptics who do not believe in the opportunities that open with the use of an AI assistant. They’ve tried bots in the past and find they have better luck just winging it with their human intuition.

The Benefits of Using Ai to Make Trade Orders

Both new and experienced investors can face some of the common pitfalls on the cryptocurrency market. The high volatility, the absence of the link between fundamental economic data and exchange rate, the fake news and pump-and-dump schemes make the investment in the crypto market very risky. Now, time for some good news. The Ai assistant by AiBB has the potential to considerably improve your investment decision-making process when managing your cryptocurrency portfolio.

The cryptocurrency market is not the first field where the Ai assistant is successfully implemented. In e-commerce, Ai can take part in pricing analysis or researching the customer issues. Beta testing professionals who tried the Ai assistant said it freed up time from time-consuming research on these issues because it scans and parses thousands of data points that a human just can’t do. It can analyze the large volume of data quickly and effectively. In the crypto market, the Ai assistant can find mentions of a chosen ICO or currency, collect it and extract some insights from these data points.

Extracting insights is the part that bots can’t do. It can present users with a pile of information and leave them to make sense of it all. AiBB doesn’t leave its traders high and dry, though. It analyzes its data and because it is a true Ai advisor and not a bot, it learns from each trade and improves in the future, making predictions that get more precise and more tailored to users over time.

Another important function of AI assistant is the data reliability check. In the crypto market, it is especially important. Unfortunately, gossip and rumors are the frequently used speculative instrument of this field, where traders talk on fora and Telegram groups and wind up acting en masse because they feel safer and “in the know” when they participate in these groups. Extreme fear of missing out (FOMO) dominates trades. Emotional trading becomes the norm. However, very often, the origin, accuracy, and reliability of the data cannot be easily determined. This is where Ai comes in. The use of Ai helps to check the facts, exclude the fake news, and offer reliable analysis based on millions of data points.

It gets the emotion out of trading which improves outcomes.

AiBB’s Ai trade assistant has the ability to predict market movements and behavior. It uses the existing technologies of modeling and simulation techniques that help to predict customer behavior, but also to make smart choices that are based in more data than a human could even consider, let alone analyze vis a vis every other piece. The free Ai assistant by AiBB brings the power of these technologies into the crypto jungle.

