
2 min readAug 10, 2023


How could you help AiGoLearning?

I can bring what I’m learning to the table like the position of the company is a better way.And understand what the students wants to learn.Creating a new way to communicate with the teachers and students.We need to explore different colleges that want their students to participate in teaching the pupils.But colleges that are nonprofit organizations or private as well.

How can you compare the work ethic between India & Americans ?

Well the work ethic is India is more muli-national that share with American.The work ethics are similar due to process of brainstorming.The vision of each company “everyone voices must be hear”.

How can you view your work ethic in the company to build it up?

I envision my ethic in the company is pretty simple: just communicate with everyone and respect. “ I don’t see anything that needs to change because the company is small and still improving”.I want each department to be seen or heard from different agencies.

What can you do as an Ambassador to improve the company by expanding its horizon?

As an Ambassador “any small company , the most difficult thing is. advertisement and it’s a roadmap to success.AiGoLearning is definitely on a good path but we need to work on our social media platforms.We need to post more on Instagram & Twitter gains attention to progress from all generations. “Collaborating with different companies that are already working with kids who are in the American community.

