About the origin of Smoke Testing and the confusion it comes with.

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Aiko Klostermann
4 min readAug 5, 2019

You know what smoke testing is, right? -Yes! Great, I also thought I’d know. And that also is what a colleague of mine thought. The problem: We knew it meant something different than what the respective other knew.

As mentioned in my article about visualization and prioritization of technical debt: analogies can help a lot with grasping abstract concepts. And this is where a term like “Smoke Testing” comes in handy, as long as everyone involved has the same understanding of the analogy…

The story

A colleague and I were discussing how to verify the functionality of our recent production deployment. He mentioned that we could do some manual smoke testing. This confused me a little bit since that’s not how I understood “smoke testing”.

Luckily for me, I knew where the analogy came from and I could derive what smoke testing in software development actually means from that origin. So I started explaining why smoke testing is called smoke testing and why his understanding is wrong!

Hardware Smoke Testing

