Eilean Donan Castle and Writing Sad Stories — Ailish SinclairThat’s the Sea Gate at Eilean Donan Castle, in the Highlands of Scotland, above. It’s two things at once. In the present day, it’s…May 8, 2023May 8, 2023
Pointe Work and a Red Leotard — Ailish SinclairWould a red, strappy leotard distract the eye from my puffer-fish face or accentuate it? The many thin straps of the garment crisscrossed…May 2, 2023May 2, 2023
Is the Real Stone of Scone Hidden at Finlaggan? — Ailish SinclairThat’s definitely not the real Stone of Scone above. It’s an ancient standing stone at Finlaggan on the Isle of Islay.Apr 28, 2023Apr 28, 2023
London, Baby! Ballet, Food, Shops, Quirky Streets — Ailish SinclairMy daughter and I took a little trip to London, baby! (originally posted 2014). It was a heady mix of excitement, fun, sore feet, poignant…Jan 5, 2023Jan 5, 2023
Researching Historical Fiction: Immersing Oneself in the PastWhen I decided to write a story set in the 16th century, I knew that a lot of research lay ahead. It actually turned out to be a whole…Feb 10, 2020Feb 10, 2020