Namaz is the solution to all your problems

Aiman Khan
4 min readApr 27, 2018


We all are servants of Allah but a true servant is the one whom obedience to Allah is on the basis of wisdom, and to whom Allah’s love is sufficient. A perfect Muslim is a servant of Allah and does everything which is beloved to Him. It is mentioned in Quran many times clearly that the basic purpose of life is to worship Allah. There are different ways to worship Allah, but Salah (Namaz) is the most important one with specified prayer times.

Allah says in the Holy Quran:

“And I have created the Jinn and the men only for this that they may worship Me.”

[Surah Az-Zariyat56:60]

Prayer is the Solution

Importance of namaz in Islam

Islam has five basic pillars which act as the frameworks the religion. As a true believer of Allah, every Muslim believes and performs according to these pillars of faith. Salah (Namaz) is the second pillar of Islam and Muslims pray five times a day. There are specified times namaz times which need to be strictly observed.

Namaz is a comprehensive worship that aimsto remember Allah. It consists of exact substantial stances, including standing, bowing, prostrating and sitting. The stance of Salah means that man’s connection to his Creator is a connection of worship, articulate accommodation and appreciation. The offering of Namaz (Salah) five times a day is obligatory for all Muslims and the salah times are specified for the whole year.

Importance of Namaz

Advantages of Namaz

Namaz assists with discipline and punctuality. Offering salah is just not only the submission of believers to Allah but it has many other benefits which are highly valued. Salah helps us attain purity and piousness. Namaz sharpens our moral sense, keeps us from indecent and shameful acts. Allah has said in Quran:

“Indeed, prayer prohibits immorality and wrongdoing”

[Quran 29:45]

Namaz is for our body, soul and mind. Namaz purify our body and soul both. The ablution (Wudhu) with fresh water five times a day before offering Namaz acts as a cleanser for your physical body. But for your internal soul, if you perform Salah the right way, it will cleanse out your negativities, arrogance and hypocrisy. Namaz brings up purity, punctuality and a sense of peace and emotional.

Praying together

It is recommended for Muslims to pray together. The better version is to pray with other Muslims on Jamaat Timings in a mosque. This little effort of going in a Mosque for Namaz increases the blessings from Allah. Syeduna Abdullah bin Umar (R.A.) narrated thatHazrat Mohammad (P.B.U.H) said:

“Salah with Jamaat is twenty-seven times greater than salah prayed alone.”

Allah has made the religion of Islam easy for us. Each step towards mosque for namaz contains blessings for us. Allah has put so many rewards for our deeds.

“And if you would count the graces of Allah, never could you be able to count them.”

[Quran 14:34]

It’s time for success

It is just matter of few minutes from our schedule to make our connection with Allah- the creator, the listener, who has all solution for every problem of ours.

“But Allah is your protector, and He is the best of helpers.”

[Quran 3:150]

Every posture we make during offering Salah can make incredible intrinsic experience. Each position of Salah has benefits to our bodies in number of ways, from relief of stress, muscle tone to reduce pressure to the increase in blood flow.

The five daily prayers- before dawn Fajr, at mid-day Duhur, mid-afternoon Asr, Sunset Maghrib and in the evening Isha have to be performed and Muslims365, the world’s first prayer app for Muslims to introduce jamaat timings is giving this opportunity to its users to get the accurate prayer times for your desired location. It is helping the believers throughout the world to pray on right time to increase the reward by Allah with the most exact Islamic prayer times. Users have the option available to choose the prayer times to be displayed on daily, weekly or monthly basis.

Allah mentions those who observe salah in the Holy Quran as:

“Who believe in the unseen, establish prayer, and spend out of what We have provided for them.”

Muslims365 provides you Jamaat times and you can also view the time range for Salah on daily, weekly and monthly basis. Now you can easily reach at your desired Mosque by getting the accurate timings and you can perform Salah right on time.

