Creativity, A new communication tool

Aisha Al Maeeni
3 min readApr 2, 2018



In this fast-paced world, creativity has become the language used to communicate with diverse minds. It is the first step to reach innovation; and the existence of both creativity and innovation is what leads to long lasting success. Before we get into details, it is important to distinguish the differences between creativity and innovation.

Creativity, as defined by most dictionaries, is the ability to transcend the ordinary, or in other words, it is the essential element in all areas of life. Creativity is the fuel that generates possibilities in a unique way. Alternatively, innovation is the application of creative ideas (ex; new technology, new product line, new method of production, or an improvement in the existing product.)

Differences between Creativity & Innovation:

The need for creativity in the 21st century grew far more than expected. Today, creativity has become very close to a skill one must adapt in order to flourish in life. The urgent need for creativity is linked to the noted technological advances and changes in platforms, products and consumption habits. Media firms at this instant must apply creativity to business models, as well as the roles within. They must train their employees to think creatively in all terms of work without requiring effort or consuming time; it should be planted in their nature as a characteristic.

“Media firms must now not only to be more creative with their products, but also organizationally and strategically. They must apply creativity to business models, the design of their organizations and the roles within it, and develop new products and services for entirely new categories of media platforms and audiences.” Lucy Kung

Creativity appears to be uniquely human, since it is given that no animals and not all human exhibit it. However, to implement creativity in a product or service, there are four main criteria to follow as Lucy Kung discussed in her book. First and most influential is uniqueness and originality that solves the open-ended challenges. Then comes the agreement with public preferences, meaning that a certain product/service bring advantage and benefit to the people.

The third thing to keep in mind when designing a new product/service is the public’s acclaim. In creativity, subjective judgement is always involved, which derives from the social context. Finally, in order to establish a creative product, one must aim to help meet the objectives assigned to the work, budgets, or frame.

Source: Strategic Management in the Media, Lucy Kung, 2016

According to Lucy Kung, creativity, as seen from an economic perspective, is a critical strategic resource because of the nature of cultural goods. Viewed strategically, the higher the levels of product creativity, the higher the media firm’s ability to satisfy this customer need and the greater the potential for market success and competitive advantage.

Creativity must be seen as part of our DNA. Decisions, inventions, and jobs all involve creativity as a core ingredient that is embedded in our daily routine.

