Aiternate Game Pass: Season One

Aiternate Studios
5 min readOct 18, 2022


It’s time to reveal what we have been cooking for the Holotabs and Entities.

Sorry, no Ponzinomics and no shitcoin…

Game Pass?

2 months ago, we developed what we call “Gamified Staking” with Just Ape. The principle is simple: You don’t need to be rewarded with a token (also known as shitcoin) for staking your NFTs, you can get something different.

Aiternate Studios team is not here to create a pump & dump. We wanted this staking to reward long-term holders and early supporters. The rewards of the Game Pass are here for you to say “I was there right at the beginning when these guys were nobodies” with a tangible proof.

Let’s get right into it.

Stake your Holotabs.

When the season starts, it can be accessed via our website:
Connect your wallet, click “Stake my Holotabs” and your Holotabs will appear.

Once it’s all loaded, you can stake your Holotabs. This will remove your Holotab from your wallet and stake it. (it’s a custodial staking)

You can unstake them from the same interface.

The season will end on December the 05th — which means the season duration is 48 days.

Please note: None of the fees are for us. These are Solana fees. A part of the fees are given back when you unstake. Each NFT is staked in a different address on purpose.

Why should I stake my Holotabs?

Each staked Holotab will earn you some experience and allow you to unlock special cosmetics inside Aurora.

These cosmetics are exclusive to the Season 1 and will not be redeemable once the Season has ended.

The rewards will be assigned once the Season ends.

One Holotab will earn 0.5 level per day, and each additional Holotab will add 0.085 levels to your daily experience. So to summarize, staking 3 Holotabs will earn you 0.67 experience daily (0.5 + 0.085 + 0.085).

What about the Entities?

There are two types of rewards, the “Normal” rewards and the “Premium” rewards.

In order to be able to claim the “Premium” rewards, you will need to own an Entity. You don’t need to stake the entity, just to have it in your wallet.

You don’t need to have the Entity from day 1 of the Season to claim the Premium rewards; once you get one, all the Premium rewards related to your level will be unlocked.

What are the rewards?

Please note, nothing is an NFT or a SPL Token, for now.

Level 5: Each pack contains around 6 assets. Once you own these packs, they are tied to your wallet and will be usable inside Aurora.
Level 10: These emotes will be used to display emotions on top of your character inside Aurora.
Level 15: Not a SPL Token. Its utility will be revealed later.
Level 20: A chance to win a free mint for the PFP. All the Normal tickets will be drawn from one bucket and all the Premium tickets from another.
Level 25: A specific title under your name with an ornament around it.
Level 30: Exclusive animations available only if you staked during the first season.
Level 35: Exclusive dances available only if you staked during the first season.
Level 40: See level 20.
Level 45: Two special skins for Ace. This will be the first and last time they’re redeemable.
Level 50: A free-mint for our PFP collection.
Level 55: The possibility to WL another wallet for the PFP mint.
Level 60: Two raffle tickets (see level 20)
Level 65: The possibility to WL another wallet for the PFP mint.
Level 70: Two raffle tickets (see level 20)
Level 80: ???

Please note:
- Some events will happen during the season in order to gain extra experience.
- The raffles draws for the free PFPs will be done at the end of the season.
The season duration is 48 days. This means that with just one Holotab, you will be able to reach level 20. (A chance to win a free mint)
- The tier of the Holotab have no effect for the first season of the game pass.
- The rewards will be applied to the wallet. In the future, it will be possible to switch them to another one.

Reminder: You will be able to claim BOTH, normal & premium rewards, if you own an entity.

The real Free Mint for the PFP collection is hard to get!

Yes, it is.

Here is what we need to deal with:
- If we give the PFPs for free, some people will dump it regardless of what the cost is and crash the floor price.
- If we give them for free with one Holotab = one PFP, this means we are giving away 6660 PFPs. With 555 more for Entity holders. This makes the collection a “free/degen” mint and it’s not what we want to achieve with this collection.
- BUT we need to reward our supporters and believers, especially those sticking around in these dark times. This means, they need to be able to get some for free.
- BUT, if they do, we still need a way to control the supply to avoid collection immediately crashing.
- ALSO, we want to market this collection on its own. We don’t want this to be seen as “an exit liquidity airdrop for Holotab holders” but more like “the PFP from the best builders in the space”.

With all that in mind, we truly believe we have found the perfect balance. If you get a free PFP, this means you’ve got enough Holotabs to be considered as a true believer.

As usual, if something is unclear, please let us know in Discord. The team will happily answer any questions.

Thank you for reading! See you in Aurora!

