Aitheon Plans to combine Blockchain, AI, Internet of Things and Gig Economy to offer a wide variety of solutions

2 min readApr 22, 2018

Going Beyond the Internet of Things

The Aitheon platform is very different from the much-hyped Internet of Things (IoT), Archer said. The Internet of Things makes devices available but does not solve problems. “We want to put the power and features back in the hands of the individuals that use it,” Burleson noted.

The Aitheon platform will give the public far more control than the IoT. You can request new features and improve the features and request that software is changed or adjusted for you, through the Aitheon blockchain.

An IoT thermostat may just adjust the temperature in a home by remote control. Using Aitheon, individuals would be able to refine the software and AI and create additional products taking you one step ahead of the existing IoT. A thermostat using Aitheon AI would be able to detect when the resident is coming home via GPS and adjust the air conditioning or heat to meet her preference.

The AI notes their preferred at-home temperature, say 72°F, and also determines appropriate “away” temperatures — 60º in winter and 80º in summer. To account for conditions outside, the AI checks the weather over Wi-Fi, and its indoor humidity sensor tells it when to kick in the fan for comfort. If everyone leaves, a motion sensor signals the processor to activate the “away” setting.

The Aitheon platform will include communities of creators that will let average people change the software to fit their needs, Burleson predicted. There will even be a pool of funding for the projects available through the Aitheon blockchain. The biggest advantage of Aitheon’s solution is that it “gives the power to the individual to make the system better.”




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