Stop Worrying About How Many People Follow You

Here’s something more significant to focus on

Ajayi Olalekan
3 min readMay 7, 2024
Photo by Venti Views on Unsplash

You obsessively check your follower counts, dissecting every new like or comment for validation. The more people that follow you, the more successful you think you’re becoming. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

Fixating on superficial metrics is missing the point entirely.

It’s not about how many random followers you can amass - it’s about the quality of your audience connections.

Audience Size Means Nothing Without Substance

Countless influencers and creators boast millions of followers yet struggle to convert those numbers into meaningful impact, income, or change. Their vapid content fails to truly move people beyond empty engagement — In some cases, no engagement at all.

On the flip side, you’ll find niche experts, authors, and thought leaders with modest yet incredibly engaged followings. Their focused, high-caliber audiences actively listen, take action, and become evangelists for their work.

If a user follows you based on “follow for follow,” they are not likely to read your next post because they didn’t follow you for the value you have to offer.

Which would you prefer - a million bots or 1,000 true fans?

Focus on Serving Your Audience, Not Collecting Them

Constantly pleading for follows and attention reeks of desperation.

Instead, flip your mindset. Concentrate first on honing your craft and developing superior skills worth following.

Put in the unglamorous work without expectation or entitlement.

Build something meaningful and impactful first.

The reward? Your tribe will then assemble organically around your remarkable output. They’ll be constituents and advocates, not passive follows motivated by reciprocal frivolity.

Building a lasting brand is about generously serving your tribe over the long-term.

Connect Beyond the Transaction

In our increasingly transactional culture driven-by follows, likes, and DMs, human connection gets shallower each day.
Stop mindlessly pursuing the packaged illusion of popularity and belonging. Strive instead to forge authentic relationships - give without expectation, celebrate others' wins, support others first.

Be genuinely curious about people beyond their ability to stroke your ego. Nurture rapport around mutual interests and respect.

From there, meaningful overlap and opportunity will blossom around your shared values and aspirations.

Wrapping Up

Ultimately, any worthwhile legacy hinges on the depth of your influence - not artificially-inflated appearance.

Recalibrate your priorities to favor quality over quantity.

It’s not about how many people follow you, but the authenticity of the journeys you сreate together.

If you want to learn how to grow a genuine brand on Medium, how to create content that speaks to your ideal target audience, as well as how to monetize your brand on Medium, this Medium Masterclass answers all your questions about Medium.

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Ajayi Olalekan

Premium Ghostwriter 🇳🇬 🇺🇸 🌎 Get my free ebook (Passion to Profit) - | Get my Medium Masterclass —