The Biggest Writing Mistake I See New Writers Making All The Time

It would be best if you stopped this ASAP

Ajayi Olalekan
3 min readFeb 9, 2024
Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

When I started writing online, I was guilty of a huge yet common blunder — I wrote only about topics I enjoyed. I’d churn out articles simply because I felt passionate about the subject matter.

But over time, I realized this amateur approach was torpedoing my growth and impact.

Just writing what you wish is a recipe for failure as a writer.

Here’s why this strategy backfires:

No one cares what you think or feel. Harsh but true!

Your audience visits your blog or publication looking for help solving their problems and achieving their goals. They aren’t there to soak up your opinions — except if it meets their needs.

Readers want information that benefits them specifically. Unless your perspective directly serves their needs, they have little interest.

Writing narrowly about niche topics you love risks creating content that appeals to almost no one. You fail to understand or serve your audience’s needs.

For example, a post on “Obscure French Poets From the 1600s” might reflect your interests but will add zero value for readers lacking this hyper-specific passion.

To grow as a writer, the mindset shift required is focusing not only on your interest but that of your readers rather too — even more.

Ask repeatedly: How does my writing help my audience?

This begins with research to understand your ideal readers’ core challenges, goals, and interests.

Learn what keeps them up at night and what information they seek.

Only then can you create content that truly resonates and provides value. Write to serve their outcomes rather than indulging your whims.

The most successful writers always start their process by asking key questions:

  • Who specifically is my ideal audience?
  • What problems do they need help solving?
  • What outcomes are they looking to achieve?
  • What topics positively impact their lives?
  • What questions do they need to be answered?
  • What information would they find fascinating, helpful, or entertaining?

The magic happens when your interests and knowledge intersect with these audience needs. Your passion for a topic allows you to create next-level content, but only if that topic is highly relevant to readers.

This balances serving your audience and playing to your strengths. But the audience must come first and foremost.

Want to learn how to crush it on Medium? Check out my Medium Masterclass.

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Or check this out — 21-Day Medium Writing Challenge

Wrapping Up

Next time you publish, evaluate whether your content serves your goals or your readers’ goals. I learned that creating value for others is the only viable writing strategy. Once I shifted my mindset outward, my growth accelerated exponentially.

Don’t spin your wheels in isolation — by writing what you wish. Truly help and empower people through purposeful content tailored to their needs. Get this right, and you’ll elevate your writing to new heights.

Need help on how to build a profitable writing business and the lifestyle of your choice? Hop on a free 15-minute clarity call with me.

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Ajayi Olalekan

Premium Ghostwriter 🇳🇬 🇺🇸 🌎 Get my free ebook (Passion to Profit) - | Get my Medium Masterclass —