16 min readFeb 14, 2022


Case Study, Examples & Ratings

After failing to create a winning slogan for my business on my own (documented in Part I of the Slogan Series), I decided to give free slogan generators a try.

I developed a three-part review process to rate and assess the generators objectively. I used the same keyword (design) on each site. The winning slogan generators are selected in that order.

Part I was the most important criteria — the quality of the slogans generated since this was the primary goal.

Part II consisted of five criteria: slogan quality (from Part I), website interface, total results generated, number of results per page, and a bonus point for anything additional that was helpful.

Part III consisted of several factors considered either a pro or con. For example, a slogan generator with many ads, fluff, and a dated interface, would receive three cons. In contrast, a generator with user-friendly search options, instructions on generating winning slogans, and original slogans would receive three pros. A generator could receive 14 pros maximum. Total cons were subtracted from total pros to result in net value.

Detail rating criteria is presented at the end of the article. You will also find a table for download with all the pros and cons of all the generators.


The main goal was to find the winning slogan for my business; therefore, even if a website presented 1,000 slogans, but all of them were useless, then it was missing the main point of this exercise. That is why I sorted the slogan generators by:

  1. Quality of the slogans.
  2. Total points for four criteria.
  3. The net value of pros less cons.

Therefore, for example, the WizLogo slogan generator had fewer total points than Design Hill and Oberlo’s slogan generators, but the quality of the slogans generated was better than the other two; therefore, it was higher on the list.

1. Logaster (17/20)

Total: 17 pts / 20
Quality: 4.5

Results: 236 (9 per x 26 pgs)

Slogan generator by Logaster was one of the two winners from my analysis. The generator also received 1 bonus point for providing logos, and font and theme combinations with each slogan created.

Logaster interface is beautiful. It is clean and modern, and it has step-by-step instructions on how to use the generator. It also gives you tips on creating good taglines for your business.

This generator functioned a bit differently than all others. Instead of asking you for a keyword to use to generate slogans, it asked for the name of your venture and industry. You have 23 sectors to pick from, and the more niche and on-point the industry you select, the more relevant the results.

Even though some of the results didn’t include the word that I wanted (design) they were more original and relevant than those of other generators.

I didn’t particularly appreciate that I had to keep loading more results rather than seeing more at once. Also, I wouldn’t say I liked that the slogans were all in capital letters, and I could not easily copy and paste them. Few results didn’t make sense, as it was true for every generator, but it did have fewer frogs to comb through.

The good and bad results from Logaster.

2. Wizlogo (15.5/20)

Total: 15.5 pts / 20
Quality: 4.5

Results: 34 (34 per x 1 pg)

Slogan generator by Wizlogo was another winner in my book and received the same slogan quality points as Logaster. It has the youngest domain from our list, only two years old, with over 7k of traffic. Wizlogo‘s website is clean and modern, with clear instructions on using the generator and tips on creating great slogans.

The website is free of ads and has other helpful tools, such as logo creator. Although it only generated 34 slogans, they were more original and relevant than many other generators.

However, I didn’t like how the results were presented. The slogans were listed down the screen in one column and capitalized, making them hard to read. Additionally, Wizlogo didn’t provide the total slogans generated.

The good and bad results from Wizlogo.

3. Within The Flow (16.5/20)

Total: 16.5 pts / 20
Quality: 3.5

Results: 1200 (50 per x 24 pgs)

The Within the Flow slogan generator has a clean and modern interface that includes instructions and information on creating good slogans. It is free of ads, and when you run the generator, it shows you total results. When I ran my search, I received 1,200 slogan suggestions, 50 per page, which was easy to skim through.

It seems affiliated with Shopify. When you try to copy a generated slogan, you are taken to a page asking whether you want to create a Shopify store. Although pretty modern looking, the website was one of the slowest and did crash for me a couple of times, especially when jumping across pages.

The quality of the results was decent. Even though you may not be able to use the generated slogan as is, with some manual tweaking, some had good potential.

The generator also presented many slogans that made no sense. Also, many of the results were copied from famous brands, so you have to double-check that they are not trademarked.

The good and bad results from Within the Flow.

4. Getsocio (15/20)

Total: 15 pts / 20
Quality: 3.5

Results: 1282 (16 per x80 pgs)

The Getsocio slogan generator is clean and relatively modern. The font size on the page is tiny, but it is free of ads and any apparent affiliations.

You can use the main generator or select one of the 15 available industries listed at the bottom of the page. Unfortunately, the industries listed are very niche (e.g., baker, Christian, travel agency, etc.); therefore, I had to use the main generator for my search.

My search resulted in 1,282 taglines. With 16 results per page, you would have to click through 80 pages! Not exactly practical. I didn’t go beyond page 15.

It is a fast site, but the quality of the results was average. Getsocio generated few slogans with potential, but many were also nonsense and irrelevant.

You can’t copy and paste the slogan generated, and if you click on the phrase, you are taken to a page to create a website.

The good and bad results from GetSocio.

5. Zyro (14.5/20)

Total: 14.5 pts / 20
Quality: 3.5

Results: 20 (20 per x1 pg)

Zyro’s slogan generator interface is beautiful. I wanted to love this generator. Its database is AI-driven. It provides instructions on how to use the generator and tips on creating winning slogans. It was free of ads and apparent affiliations.

The presentation of the generated 20 slogans was excellent, in two columns and sentence cases. You can copy the slogans with Zyro‘s copy icon. Several taglines had the potential of becoming great after some tweaking. However, they were not as good as those of Logaster or WizLogo.

This generator also received one bonus point for the unique additional AI-driven tools. The tools are listed in the footer: logo maker, image resizer, blog title generator, site heatmap, image background remover, and image fixer for low pixel images. These tools were not just fluff but pretty useful for a new business owner.

The good and bad results from Zyro.

6. DesignHill (17/20)

Total: 17 pts / 20
Quality: 3

Results: 1080 (60 per x 18 pgs)

The slogan generator by DesignHill is one of three slogan generators with over a million visitors. The interface is relatively modern and clutter-free. Although there is instruction on how to use the generator and create a good slogan for your business, there is a bit of fluff and repetition about how great the generator is: “Unlike other tools that might be hard to handle, Designhill’s slogan maker is easy-to-use. From pro to amateur, anyone can use it without any troubles!” That’s a bit much, considering you just have to type your keyword into a search box.

For my design slogan search, the generator produced 1,080 results, 60 per page across 18 pages, which was terrific. However, the total was not displayed, and you probably won’t click past page 15. Nevertheless, the presentation of the results was good — in sentence case organized in two columns with your keyword bolded.

The website was free of ads and obvious affiliation. It had additional tools for business owners (i.e., barcode generator, financial calculators, image resizer, logo & business card maker, etc.). However, the quality of the slogans generated was average. You had to go through many bad ones to come across one or two with a potential. DesignHill also re-uses many big company slogans.

The good and bad results from DesignHill.

7. Oberlo (16/20)

Total: 16 pts / 20
Quality: 3

Results: 1076 (50 per x 22 pgs)

The Oberlo slogan generator is another large traffic site with over 13 million visitors. It has a modern interface and is ad-free. However, there is a lot of fluff and exaggerated claims on the page: “Don’t be afraid to use the slogan maker solely for inspiration… or …within nanoseconds, you can have thousands of captivating phrases right at your fingertips…”

I received 1,076 slogans, 50 per page with my keyword, which was great. Oberlo looks pretty similar to the DesignHill generator. The slogans were also organized in two columns, presented in sentence case, and highlighted alternatively.

You could not copy any of the slogans generated as you were directed to register for Oberlo. The quality of the slogans generated was acceptable. You had to go through many frogs to find one that could potentially become a prince.

The good and bad results from Oberlo.

8. Shopify (12.5/20)

Total: 12.5 pts / 20
Quality: 3

Results: 63 (3–10 per x 21 pgs)

The Shopify slogan generator domain page has over 127 million in traffic, which is insane. You would expect it to be number one on our list, but it is not because the quality is barely acceptable. It does have a modern and clean interface and is ad-free. It also provides instruction on using the generator and tips on creating a great tagline, with examples.

However, it presents you with only 3 results per page, after which you have to load 10 more results multiple times. I started this experiment a year ago, and when I double-checked the generators in February of 2022, one was defunct, and only one changed its interface and how it worked — it was Shopify. A year ago, it generated 1,023 results with 50 per page, but now it presented me with 63 only.

The quality of the results does not match the high traffic to the site. Also, the results included many big company taglines, and you were prompted to create a Shopify store.

The good and bad results from Shopify.

9. (11/20)

Total: 11 pts / 20
Quality: 2.5

Results: 20 (20 per x 1 pg)

The has an interface that is a bit dated. It has a few ads, instructions on using the generator, and information on creating good taglines. The generator also provides examples of good slogans and specialty slogans on the Environment, which were unique. The presentation was excellent, in two columns, sentence case that could be copied.

You get 20 slogans per search, which is decent. Few results had the potential to become great, with some tweaking. However, there were many prominent brand taglines generated and some nonsense results.

The good and bad results from

The last six slogan generators are mainly for entertainment (if that is what you do for fun ⤜(⚆ᗜ⚆)⤏. They are dated, with fluff and ads. It is hard to tell where the ‘winning’ slogan is generated because of the busy interfaces.

These generators also only give you one result at a time, so it takes a long time to generate 50 examples. This seems unnecessary since you can quickly get 50 taglines with other slogan generators (№1–9). Additionally, many of the results are copied from big brands, so they are not unique.

10. SloganGenerator.Org (7/20)

Total: 7 pts / 20
Quality: 2.5

Results: 1 (1 per pg) interface has a number of ads, is busy and full of fluff. For example, the word ‘slogan‘ is used 36 times on the page and appears like keyword stuffing. In addition, there is no hierarchy of fonts and presentation, and the ad below each result is super distracting.

The generator does have instructions on using it and contains some industry examples. The quality of the results is not bad, but you get one at a time, and after 10 runs, you are ready to move on to a more efficient slogan generator.

What I got (3 trials):
Slick Design.
The Savvy Design Craftsmen.
For Fine Design.

11. SloganMania (5.5/20)

Total: 5.5 pts / 20
Quality: 1.5

Results: 1 (1 per pg)

SloganMania slogan generator gives some instructions on creating winning slogans and steps to do it (Menu →Ideas). It also has some good slogan examples. However, the page is full of fluff and boastful text: “We do not charge any fees to use this service….you don’t need to download anything….The free tagline generator is available for use any time of the day or night, including weekends and holidays.” Really? I guess I know what I am going to be doing this weekend.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

Only one slogan is generated at a time, and you can’t find it on the jam-packed site with many ads. There is no font or content hierarchy, so I found myself searching for my ‘winning‘ slogan. Unfortunately, the quality of the generated taglines is also poor.

What I got (3 trials):
The World Waits for Design.
Design sees all, knows all.
Design Always and Forever.

12. The PC Man Website (5/20)

Total: 5 pts / 20
Quality: 1.5

Results: 1 (1 per pg)

The PC Man slogan generator is one of the oldest on the list, and the interface is very dated, with a large ad and search box that needs to be cleared of dummy text before you use it. You get one slogan per search, and it is hard to tell where the ‘winning’ slogan is because of the bad layout and poor font hierarchy.

You get an HTML to use on your site, which may have been useful ten years ago, but now, I can’t find a reason to use it. There are other tools listed on the site, but they don’t seem to relate to business creation (game codes, free games), and a couple that would seem relevant (business card creator) are outdated.

Slogans generated are of poor quality and made no sense.

What I got (3 trials):
Design gets me excited.
Design one size fits all.
Design gives that warm feeling.

13. Procato (5/20)

Total: 5 pts / 20
Quality: 1.5

Results: 1 (1 per pg)

Procato’s slogan generator site is incredibly dated and busy with multiple ads. The layout and fonts are unorganized and lack hierarchy. You have to clear the dummy text in the search box before performing a search, which is very challenging on a mobile device.

You only get one slogan per search, and many of them are rip-offs from big brands. Surprisingly, the domain is still receiving 8k of traffic.

What I got (3 trials):
Grab Life by the Design (knock off)
Absolut Design. (knock off)
It Takes a Tough Man to Make a Tender Design. (knock off)

14. Sloganizer (4.5/20)

Total: 4.5 pts / 20
Quality: 1.5

Results: 1 (1 per pg)

Sloganizer has a busy and outdated interface with a tiny font. You have to clear the dummy text to search for one slogan at a time. It is hard to find your result…while it is in large letters at the top. There are unrelated items on the site, like checking your IP and surftips (how says that anymore?). There is still over 2.6k of traffic to the site, and it boasts 82,577 million slogans generated since 2004 with a database of only 320 taglines (a lot of repetition).

The slogans generated are bad and didn’t relate to my keyword. There is also a lot of fluff and boastful text on the site: “Please go ahead and try Sloganizer — but caution: danger of addiction!” and “…you’ll create the perfect slogan…Usually, the slogan will be just what you were looking for!”
When you click underneath the generated slogan, you get an HTML code that you can embed on your website, which may have been useful ten years ago.

What I got (3 trials):
Design, the secret of women.
Lucky Design.
Design after a long day.

15. The Surrealist (4/20)

Total: 4 pts / 20
Quality: 1

Results: 1 (1 per pg)

The slogan generated by Surrealist is one of the oldest on the list and has minimal traffic. The interface is very dated. You have to delete the dummy text in the search box to generate one slogan at a time, which is not mobile-friendly. The results are in giant letters that you can Tweet, but you probably shouldn’t based the quality of the results. ◕‿↼ l

The generator reuses 538 known company slogans. You also get an HTML code that you can use to embed the slogan on your site, which you probably don’t want to do in 2022.

What I got (3 trials):
Nothin’ Says Lovin’ Like Design from the Oven. (copied)
But I’d Rather Have a Bowl of Design (copied)
I Love What You Do For Design. (copied)


The slogan generators are not miracle workers, but the top nine should get you started brainstorming some ideas. With some tweaking and together with the conceptualized process described in Part I of this exercise, it should help you create a tagline that would suit your business.

Even if it is not perfect, you can change it over time, just like the ‘big boys‘ do it. So don’t stress and have a little fun with this process. My favorite part of this research was all the bad slogans generated. They may not have been great to market my brand, but they did make me laugh. ᵔ ᴥ ᵔ

Research Criteria

To rate and review the generators, I used four criteria, each rated with a maximum of 5pts.

  • Slogan Quality (1–5 pts): measures the quality of the results, whether the slogans made sense and had potential; whether they related to my phrase or were utterly off; and whether they were original or simply rebranded from big brands. This was the most important criteria as, in the end, a winning slogan was the primary goal of this exercise.
  • Website interface (1–5 pts): measures how modern and clean it is; whether it had information on creating great slogans with examples, whether it had many ads and fluff, and whether it showed you the total number of results.
  • Total Results (1–5 pts): measures the number of slogans generated. Some very old generators produced one slogan at a time, which was inefficient. On the other hand, other generators had over 1,000 results over 80 pages, which was also useless (nobody will click past page 15). Therefore slogan generator received:
    ♦ 1pt for 1 result
    ♦ 2pts for 2–25 results;
    ♦ 3pts for 26–50 results;
    ♦ 3.5pts for 50–100 results;
    ♦ 4pts for 101–500 results;
    ♦ 5pts for more than 501 results.
  • Results per page (1–5 pts): measures how many results are shown on a page/per load. Having one slogan generated per search was very inefficient and received 1pt. Having 100 results displayed at once is much easier to skim through than if a generator revealed 5 at a time. Therefore slogan generator received:
    ♦ 1pt for 1 result per page;
    ♦ 2pts for 2–8 results per page;
    ♦ 2.5pts for 9–15 results per page;
    ♦ 3pts for 16–30 results per page;
    ♦ 4pts for 31–45 results per page;
    ♦ 4.5pts for 46–59 results per page;
    ♦ 5pts for more than 60 results per page.
  • Bonus (+1pt) — If the slogans generators offered something additional that would be useful (logo generated), the site got a maximum of 1 extra point. Only two slogan generators received a bonus point.

Originally published at on February 14, 2022.

