Apple Vision Pro sucks

Akashic Agus
2 min readJul 5, 2023


Have you ever played any game in VR?

Well, if you didn’t but you want to, Apple’s headset won’t be the one that let’s you.

Why? Because it’s ****.

Hahahaha ok ok, not really.

Yes, I know. It has the best resolution out there.

It can let people see your eyes throught it.

It’s lightweight, it’s cool, it’s apple…

But it’s useless.

I can already hear people screaming at me after reading that hahaha.

Right, it’s not totally useless. You will be able to see movies in it, yeah of course, and that’s great. And also is a feature that every single other headset has… Including those that cost about 300$ instead of 3.500$…

And you may think, well, you also can do other things in it, right? Right??

Well, yes… You can stare at your home page, containing your apps icons.

And then run to a friend’s house, show them how wonderful it is, and then…

Well, then you can run back to home and put it in the drawer where it will rest in peace until you buy a real VR headset hahahaha.

Now is the part of the story where I’d say some positive things about it, just to balance it out a bit.

But nah, I don’t want to. I just think Apple has created the most pointless product they made until today.

Anyone is totally fine to disagree. But as someone who has bought 5 gens of VR headsets by now, I won’t bother to look forward for this one, and will keep enjoying my Quest 2 until the Quest 3 gets released and starts receiving more public acceptance, optimized games, and who knows, maybe some day a great game called “Acid and DMT mixed trip Simulator”.

Really looking forward to that possibility ;)



Akashic Agus

Life magician and general creative. Lets expand our minds and realities in this journey of self development and make some juicy money online ✌