The Forgotten Art of Doing Nothing

3 min readMay 8, 2023


What’s your favorite time of day?

Are you an early bird or a night owl like me?

I love staying up late in the darkness when the world is quiet and still. It’s a magical moment that I can only share with myself.

Usually, even at 2 AM, I might be busy with editing a video for Instagram or doing a content research.

The Art of Doing Nothing: Edited using Canva

When Exhaustion Sets In

Unfortunately, I got a viral fever. I was tired, exhausted, and impatient.

This week, I realized I needed a break. It’s hard for me to do nothing since I’ve always been someone who needs to be doing something.

But I think many of us feel like we always need to be productive, and we don’t know how to just be still and enjoy the moment.

As author Alan Lightman once said in his book “In Praise of Wasting Time”,

“Without downtime, we might not physically die, but we will die psychologically, emotionally, and spiritually. Invisibly, almost without notice, we are losing ourselves.”

The Need for Downtime

This resonates deeply with me, and it’s a reminder that sometimes we need to give ourselves permission to let go of the constant need to achieve and to simply be present in the moment.

Last month, a friend told me about his solo mountain trip, and he spent hours just sitting on a hill without doing anything. I asked him how he found the time and admitted that I always feel guilty doing nothing.

Discovering the Art of Doing Nothing

But this week, I had an epiphany.

I discovered the forgotten art of doing nothing — a guiltless pleasure that we should all experience.

All you have to do is shut up and sit still for a while.

It may seem like no big deal, but it’s a rare and fulfilling experience in a world full of distractions and obligations.

At 2 AM, I sat still and did nothing. It was a moment without distractions and obligations, and oddly enough, it was the most fulfilling time of my day.

So, my challenge to you is to take a moment to do nothing.

Sit, breathe, and be quiet. It’s a simple act, but it can have a profound impact on your overall well-being.

In the timeless words of Lao Tzu,

To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders.

By embracing the forgotten art of doing nothing, we can find peace and clarity in the stillness, allowing our minds to recharge and refocus on what truly matters.

Embracing the Moment

As we learn to embrace these moments of stillness and quiet, we can begin to appreciate the beauty and power of doing nothing.

The Roman philosopher Seneca once said,

“True happiness is to enjoy the present, without anxious dependence upon the future.”

So, let’s cherish the art of doing nothing and experience the happiness that comes from being present in the moment.

In conclusion,

Let’s take a step back and embrace the art of doing nothing.

For it is in these moments of stillness and quiet that we often find the answers we seek and the inspiration we need to continue on our journey.

As the wise words of Henry David Thoreau remind us,

“It’s not enough to be busy. So are the ants. The question is: What are we busy about?”

So, I challenge you once again to take a moment to do nothing.

Sit, breathe, and be quiet. You might just be surprised at what you discover.




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