
5 min readJul 9, 2017


MISSION: Increasing user engagement

TARGET DEVICE: Responsive website

DURATION: 3 weeks

CLIENT: Goodgym

Goodgym is a community of runners that combine getting fit with doing good and was founded in 2009 by Ivo Gormley who decided to use his desire to get fit to reach out to the old and the lonely. Currently they have 3200 members running in 32 different areas across London and the rest of the UK. Their ambitious target is to reach 60,000 isolated older people by 2020.


Goodgym website needs a refresh and need to get involved more users.Usually the users of the website are the runners.Runners profile and landing page are less intuitive and is quite hard to find the existing features.The consequence of this is a high percentage of dropping down and just the 16% of them follow the process and become effective a member.


We met our client and we decided to redesign the runner profile and dashboard. The Idea was something similar to a twitter profile page where users get easily involved with others runners and activities.

The hypothesis was to design graph with runs improvement that encourages users every week to do more and to have an easy access to the member verification process.


  • Research insight & findings concerning competitors, user types and behaviour
  • Personas and scenarios
  • Experience map/ User journeys
  • Information Architecture
  • Design & Usability recommendations for improvement
  • User flows and screen flows
  • Product sketches and wireframes
  • High fidelity mock up
  • Prototype of designg(s)
  • A final presentation to the client which summarise the UX work.

Based on the double diamond design process our first step was the “Discover” part.


We identified that there is nothing as Goodgym.The closest competitors or indirect competitors might be running clubs and volunteering website.

British Military Fitness and Nike run club are part of the competitor but without charity option.

Goodgym’s competitors were concentrated to the running part which is just half part of what googgym has to offer.The weakness of the website was the sparseness of information that are provided on the landing page.Users really can’t find out what Goodgym was exactly about.


We created a survey to investigate the user’s perspective of the website and to insight what made users sign up regularly for missions or group runs.


From our screener we recruited users for the an individual interviews . This important results helps us understand in depth what motivated people to run an to be volunteer, their expectations and impressions about Goodgym .


Feedbacks and quotes helps us to draw an Affinity Map where we were able to define user’s needs and pains points.


Working through all the research findings, we formulated the ideal proto-personas.We made two primary personas based in two different scenario with a different journey. We came out with Diana and John.


We held a design studio with the client, in which we focused on designing the dashboard

That would inspire the user to sign up for the next runs and to become a member. Using these ideas along with the insights from our research and competitive analysis we listed out and prioritised key features for our initial paper prototype.

Key takeaways:

. Run metrics of all the run and missions achieved.

. Your next run, on top of dashboard.

. Social interaction (Social network)

. Ability to comment on activity on the dashboard.

. Improving visualisation of membership


We formed our first prototype around these ideas.We went on to do many more rounds of prototyping, using testing.

Here we are the findings after the paper prototype :

“Too much information on the page”

“ No clear indication on notifications”

“ Having “Heroes” on the landing page is great”


After that we came out with the first mid fidelity prototypes

“Mixture of boxes and circles confused users”

“After signing up, a request to add the event to the user’s calendar would be useful”

“Users didn’t understand the small circle close to the notification popup”

“Pop up message too big”

“Would be great to see run metrics and how many badges or deeds achieved”


. Users didn’t understand “confirm and sign up” action

. If “ more details” are written on the top, why is there other information underneath?

. “Sign up” would probably be better than “ let’s run” or “join me”.


“Blue banner was displaying info that users didn’t find useful. “I can check the weather on BBC App”

“How does the reminder feature knows that I haven’t run? and how do I comment?”

When a user lands on the single event page they can’t see the other attendees”

70% of users liked the the summary on the event page, and the profile section with all the metrics on the right hand side

“Chat functionality is very useful”


“Here you can find the clickable two journey prototype we created for John and Diana via these links:


John came across a notification on the new homepage that Diana hasn’t signed up for a run in a while, John remembers that he ran with in the past.

Diana on the other hand is signing up by following the email notification she received.


With a lot of interviews and users testing we found out the relevant importance of design a mobile app.

The integration of more contents on local happening on the landing page

The weekly engangement to the user with more activities

