#3/30: Self Discovery

You won’t feel ‘HURT’ anymore

Are you hurt or is the ‘I’ hurt?

Akshat Gupta
3 min readAug 9, 2021
Photo by Engin Akyurt from Pexels

First of all, I must pay my regards to the good sir J.Krishnamurti before starting the article, he’s the one who enlightened many dark paths of life for me.

Have you ever wondered why are you feeling hurt?

Whether you weren’t called for lunch by your friend or it’s criticism from a loved one.

We do know, that it’s not the physical pain that bothers us, but the psychological pain; the emotional wound that those words left us with.

Then what is it that is the cause of our suffering?

Is it a possibility that you are not hurt, but the image of yourself that you had in your mind is hurt? The relationship you thought you had with the person whose words feel like a knife stab now, is the reason for your suffering?

But is the image and you are different? No, as the experiencer and the experience are one. You are not different from the image because you created the image. The way you see society, family, the world, and yourself makes that image.

‘You are so stupid. I can’t imagine how can someone be that stupid.’

This particular sentence, word by word would have different effects if said by a stranger, by a loved one, or a person whom you admire and respect. But why is that?

The reason being, you have a different image of yourself for everyone you encounter.

Is It Possible To Be Free From Hurt?

When one is hurt, they are presumed to create a boundary around themselves. To avoid further hurt, they isolate themselves. All their energy goes toward that image.

One must not run from it. Or try to hide from it or for the worse, suppress it. But there exists a solution that may bring peace to you. Pay Attention. You don’t need to do anything else despite this. You are hurt when you acknowledge the image which is now hurt. The mind had recorded the image which is hurt.

Choose not to be harmed — And you won’t feel harmed. Don’t feel harmed — And you haven’t been

-Marcus Aurelius

When you pay your full attention to the words, to the situation. Your mind will become aware of it hence it won’t create an image that is hurt. You have your energy concentrated toward it. Your senses are aware of it. Hence, it won’t record. Hence you won’t feel hurt.

Screenshot from J.Krishnamurti official website

I hope this article had helped you in any way possible. For a more detailed explanation, you should consult this article. I deeply suggest you, take a look at sir J.Krishnamurti’s work if you are tired of quick fixes and remedies and want real Self-help i.e by eradicating the problem from within.



Akshat Gupta

‘Jack of few trades, Master of none’. I like learning about the different schools of thought.