The Certainty of “Be Here Now”

Al Link
5 min readApr 4, 2024


Where Else Could You Be?

Be here now (Ram Dass) means you have your full attention on exactly where you are and exactly what you are doing. Here is where you are and now is when you are here. Wherever you go there you are exactly now. Whatever time it is, that is exactly now. Now cannot be what time is because every now is the same now, but completely reconfigured for the very first time. Now is the perpetual reconfiguration of monism (everything is one thing), wholeness (the totality of everything all at once) and our whole physical universe live organism (commonly defined by physicists to include everything that exists). All time exists within now, but time is not what now is. I refer to our whole live universe as GAIA (James Lovelock coined the term with reference to planet Earth but it can coherently be extended to the whole universe by sound logical inference).

What you are doing, wherever you are doing it and whatever the real clock and calendar time are, that is you participating in the perpetual reconfiguration of GAIA, now. That statement is necessarily true, it could not, not be true. The realness (= exists + true) of now, the truth of now, the existence of now, the reality of now is certain. All tautologies are by common definition necessarily true. X = X exactly, only, and always in every possible universe. Tautology means that every-thing (regardless of what that thing actually is), is exactly only and always itself. Now is something, not nothing, therefore now is exactly, only, and always itself by tautological truth.

You can’t change now, but it is impossible for you to avoid participating in the perpetual reconfiguration of now, because now is not the change that is happening, rather now is perpetual change. Now is not the contents that are changing, now is the action of change and that action of change is perpetual. The objects that change are not what now is, for instance time that constantly changes in a sequence of second after second, is not what now is. Now is the perpetual reconfiguration of everything that actually exists. Now has no sequence in it; now has zero-time duration in it. That is what perpetual reconfiguration means; there is no previous reconfiguration and no next configuration, because previous and next require reference to duration in time. Now is ontologically senior existence, meta-existence, compared with everything that actually exists and changes over some duration of time.

Meditate on that until you grok it. If you really grok it, you will experience an epiphanic illumination of consciousness which dramatically shocks your ordinary ego consciousness zapping you with knowledge through identity, enlightenment, in which you experience the sentient feeling certainty, I AM THAT. Only ego consciousness docked to a physical body/brain/central nervous system organism, a live human being, can have such an experience, no physical particles in any possible sum of particles in any possible configuration can have that and no AI (artificial machine intelligence) can either.

What is up? Ego consciousness invents the term up and bestows meaning upon that semantic (word form) abstraction symbol. However, it is much more complex than that. The word up and its meaning are necessarily with reference to something that is not itself, to something other than up. Up is necessarily with reference to yourself. Up is also with reference to the multiplicity of objects in your external environment. For instance, if you are on the surface of planet Earth, up has a distinctly different interpretation than if you were floating freely in space. On planet Earth, up is with reference to the poles of our planet, but North and South are bestowed definitions done by ego consciousness. North is by consensus considered up and South by consensus considered down. If you float in space, up is with reference to the direction your head is pointing, and that can change instantly if your head moves as you float. Up is arbitrarily associated with whatever ego consciousness determines it to be associated with, and that includes its opposite, down. Up is away from down and down is away from up. It is quite obvious that up and down without reference to each other has no meaning at all.

All abstractions work the same way as up in relation to down. Any abstraction can only be described including what it is and what it is not. There can be no clarity of meaning without all that information. What is alive if not with reference to death? What is on without reference to off. What is true without reference to false? Of course, you grok that.

Abstractions are the primary way human ego consciousness bestows meaning upon external reality including our whole physical universe when it looks at now. Abstractions include actions like naming, describing, defining, mathematical calculations and measurements, etc. Something objectively exists in the sense that say a quark existed before ego consciousness invented the name quark, but that does not deny the deeper more profound reality that superconsciousness created everything physical, because it is certain that everything physical must be caused to begin, therefore quarks could not create themselves. It also ignores the well-established reality that ego consciousness looking at quantum elementary mass units in double-slit experiments, causes those stem units to take either particle or wave form, just by looking at them. Looking is causally dynamic, not passively permissive. Ego consciousness is a substantial agent with command power (physical causality, creates-manifests) over physical mass (within limits of laws of physics). This is a clear, coherent, and correct description of how collective ego consciousness, which I name enself, literally creates-manifests the whole physical universe that is perpetually reconfigured, now.

It is certain that all complex objects, say human physical brains, planets, galaxies, and even our whole physical universe is made from quantum elementary mass units; elementary mass units are constituents of all complex objects. Therefore, by dynamically causing quantum elementary mass units to change into a specific form, collective ego consciousness commands the perpetual reconfiguration of the whole physical universe now.

Each of us humans is a co-creator of GAIA. You have no idea how brilliantly powerful you are, however in the instant of ego consciousness illumination (enlightenment) you discover (remember is a better word), with sentient feeling certainty, I AM THAT.



Al Link

✨ I follow back. ✨ I share confessions of a consciousness detective.