Theory of Consciousness — Theory of the Self; Enself Part 1

Al Link
14 min readMar 30, 2024


Many Selves: Physical Body, Ego Identity, Unself and Enself

Imagine an indigenous person living in an isolated village and who has never walked farther than the boundaries of the village, being presented with a photograph of a human being. The native asks the obvious question, “how did you get her inside there?”

846. Philosophy of wholeness requires a theory of consciousness, and a theory of consciousness requires a theory of self.

847. Tat Tvam Asi (Sanskrit) (तत् त्वम् असि) = Thou Art That = I AM THAT. I am eternal; enlightenment feels like identity, with certainty.

i. Tat Tvam Asi (तत् त्वम् असि) — traditionally rendered as ‘That Thou Art’ (that you are), (Chandogya Upanishad 6.8.7 of the Sama Veda, with tat in Ch.U.6.8.7 referring to sat, ‘the Existent’; correctly translated as ‘That’s how [thus] you are,’ with tat in Ch.U.6.12.3 referring to ‘the very nature of all existence as permeated by (the finest essence)’ Wikipedia[1] (brackets original)

ii. Aham Brahmāsmi (अहम् ब्रह्मास्मि) — ‘am Brahman’, or ‘I am Divine’ (Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 1.4.10 of the Yajur Veda) Wikipedia[2] (brackets original)

iii. Prajnanam Brahma (प्रज्ञानम् ब्रह्म) — ‘Prajñāna is Brahman’, or ‘Brahman is Prajñāna’ (Aitareya Upanishad 3.3 of the Rig Veda) Wikipedia[3] (brackets original)

iv. Ayam Atma Brahma (अयम् आत्मा ब्रह्म) — ‘This Self (Atman) is Brahman’ (Mandukya Upanishad 1.2 of the Atharva Veda) Wikipedia[4] (brackets original)

848. Enself is not personal and not, not personal. Enself gains a vastly expanded self, while simultaneously removes all vestiges of egotism, for instance, narcissism and self-absorption. Realization of itself means the prodigal returns home. Realization of enself, gifts you with access to an exalted academy of knowledge in a shared commons.

849. Consciousness functions: attention, intention, choice, and action add up to freewill. Your feet are necessary for walking, but your feet do not decide to walk anywhere. Your brain is necessary for attention, intention, choice, and action, because your ego consciousness is docked to a physical body, brain, central nervous system organism. But your brain does not decide anything. Your ego consciousness decides everything. Your ego consciousness commands your brain as surely as it commands your feet. Your whole physical organism is under command control of your ego consciousness. You are the boss of your own brain. Try to do it. Practice and get better at it. Humans are, with training, even in command the autonomous nervous system, including all automatic functions, such as immune system, healing, digestion and elimination, heart pumping and blood circulation, breathing, etc., as demonstrated by Yogis. Your consciousness is in command control of cognition, sensation, and perception.

850. It is certain all human beings have a self because they are consciously self-aware, aware they are aware. A human being is whole, therefore complete, nevertheless each whole human being has more than one self, many self-identities.

851. Enself is a holon unity of wholeness.

852. Enself: center of cognitive knowing is brain.

853. Enself: center of feeling knowing is heart.

854. Enself: center of ground is hara (from navel to perineum).

855. Enself: center of physical body mass, for men is prostate and for women is clitoris.

856. By far, the most important learning for a human being is through experience, not thinking about experience. Living primarily in your head, somewhat disconnected from feeling, is to be severely being-malnourished. When trying to convey meaning about being = selfhood, it is relatively easy to talk with ideas about what the self is, but without an inner experience to attach those ideas to, they mostly fail to communicate a fully-integrated-knowing-with-certainty. Verbal and written ideas are useful, but relatively inferior to actual experience. Mathematics is virtually useless for communicating knowledge of enself.

857. For instance, imagine trying to describe with spoken words what color is to someone who has been blind from birth. What kind of experience would you convey by talking about hue = the color’s name, value = lightness or darkness of hue, and intensity = brightness or dullness of a hue? Remember, you are talking to someone who has never seen those qualities. Imagine abstracting even further, by describing to the blind person a more mathematical description, then close your eyes and tell me what you see inside your consciousness.

i. “Hue can typically be represented quantitatively by a single number, often corresponding to an angular position around a central or neutral point or axis on a color space coordinate diagram (such as a chromaticity diagram) or color wheel, or by its dominant wavelength or by that of its complementary color.” Wikipedia[5] (brackets original)

858. How could you possibly imagine that kind of written/verbal information would communicate anything meaningful to a forever-blind person? The great challenge when trying to communicate about oneself is to somehow induce another person to have their own inner experience of enlightenment, to light within, seeing in the dark, seeing inside without physical eyes. If a human being does have such an experience, they arrive exactly at enself, I AM THAT, feels like identity, with certainty.

859. Some things are primarily experience existents, rather than idea existents. [experience/idea] is correlated complementary pair dualism in actual existence domain. Enself is one of those things that without the direct enlightenment experience, a human being cannot really know enself as a fact of actual existence, rather only as an abstract idea, which is an inferior knowledge.

860. Humans are severely limited in their capacity to share any inner experience with another human being. An identity condition of ego consciousness is that it is uniquely private, docked with exactly one physical body-brain-central nervous system organism. The sense of I-ness is almost exclusively a unique, personal, private knowledge = subjective. Making subjective into objective is so difficult, that mathematicians, scientists, even philosophers, basically simply dismiss it as nothing important enough to bother with, or worse, deny subjective even exists at all, as in doctrine of physicalism including materialism, fatalism, and physical closure.

861. This can be confusing because no human being is issued an owner’s manual at birth, or any time after that either, as they get themselves educated and as they age biologically. Each of us is left to wander in a kind of spiritual wilderness, and we are all expected to just figure everything out for ourselves. There are only two options for getting through the spiritual wilderness: 1) follow a path previously well-trodden, or 2) create your own path for others to follow.

862. Who dares to declare, “I have figured something out about the way a human being organism is designed to work?” I sincerely believe that I have cracked the cosmic egg (Joseph Chilton Pearce). It is necessarily my ego self that reports what I have discovered, but it certainly was not my ego self that did the heavy lifting of personal discovery; rather it was epiphany and illumination. Epiphany and illumination are gifts to ego, not accomplishments of ego.

863. In a way I did not intend when I started to work on writing this manuscript, it has turned out to be an owner’s manual for a human being. There is some physics and math in it, but don’t hold that against me 😊. I believe everything in this manuscript can be useful to assist virtually any human being to let their light shine, discover and share their gift(s) with the world. I also believe the gift must move, which means it gets passed along from person to person.

i. “There is this much connection certainly between scientific truth, on the one hand, and beauty and morality, on the other: that if a man entertain false opinions regarding his own nature, he will be led thereby to courses of action which will be in some profound sense immoral or ugly.” Gregory Bateson[6]

864. The paradigm, which is an abstract framing of information for understanding and bestowal of meaning, that is internalized, typically without questioning, and without even being consciously aware you are doing it, is to assume the boundary of yourself begins and ends at your physical bag of skin which encloses your body, brain and central nervous system, and the immaterial ego consciousness that is docked to it.

865. In this bag-of-skin brain-centered model of selfhood, everything outside your bag of skin is other, not self. It just seems intuitively obvious this identity boundary is reality; the way it is, the way it must be, and your experience confirms it. You feel what your skin touches, not what someone else’s skin touches. You have your private thoughts, feelings, dreams, fears, and desires; they belong to you personally, and are no one else’s business. Without a self, there could be no sentient experience of what it feels like to be someone. There can be no denial of this interpretation. I agree it is a correct interpretation, but insist it is incomplete in a most fundamentally important respect..

866. Self-awareness and awareness of other (everything that is normally perceived as not yourself) are dependent upon 7 primary physical powers of one immaterial ego consciousness. You have 5 physical senses: 1) see, 2) hear, 3) smell, 4) taste, and 5) touch. You have 6) power of affective emotion feeling. You have 7) power of cognitive thinking. These 7 primary physical powers of ego consciousness are 7 streams of holographically redundant information and simultaneously 7 Möbius entangled logical levels. These 7 powers exist ultimately simultaneously, overlapping inside each other, with all 7 powers existing inside ego, and with ego consciousness existing inside superconsciousness.

867. Ultimate simultaneous means objects exist inside each other; they occupy the set of Euclidean empty zero points (points with zero-dimension, zero extension and zero mass). Five universal mediums exist ultimately-simultaneous-inside-each-other everywhere at-once: superconsciousness, meta-information matrix, now, enself and emptiness.

868. Light, gas, bubbles, and ego consciousness have a center, and automatically radiate outwards (extension in emptiness within our space boundary) from that center in all directions simultaneously.

869. Ego consciousness is permanently docked with a physical body/brain/central nervous system organism, therefore is local. The location of that physical organism is the center from which ego consciousness radiates outward to merge with enself. Enself is a universal medium, ego consciousness is not, however, an identity condition of ego consciousness is to feel identical with anything and everything else that exists in actual existence. The illumination experience, knowledge through identity, enlightenment, feels exactly like I AM THAT, with certainty, far stronger than the certainty of knowing you are an ego, or you are a physical body.

870. When you know for sure (approaching certainty), what you know will include, 1) exists and is true, and 2) does not exist, therefore is unreal and not true.

871. For instance, I know for sure you are a sentient-consciousness center of the whole spherical physical universe, because every self is center of the whole universe. Wherever you (a sentient ego consciousness) are, you extend out 360° (in every direction at-once), and that extension continues without end; not because there is no end, rather, because there is no possible way to determine where the end actually is (if there is one), but it is certain that enself is ultimately simultaneous with the total set of Euclidean empty zero points.

872. There is no way to determine any other center of the whole physical universe, except as an object of pure imagination, because the edge boundary of the universe is too far away from everyone, to possibly see. By common assumption in physics, the boundary of our universe is expanding faster than the speed of light. That expansion is therefore, necessarily in the dark. Dark in this context necessarily includes, 1) absence of visible light electromagnetic radiation, and 2) too far away to see, therefore a necessary absence of knowledge about that boundary edge, even if there is something to see or know.

873. How long that faster-than-light expansion has been going on and how long it might continue, is unknowable. Any mathematical determination of the physical center of our whole sphere is necessarily arbitrary, because without circumference, there is no meaning at all to center of a sphere. Arbitrary means the imaginary center is not more than an assumption in consciousness; it is certainly not any actual mathematical measure of empirically observable physical. Such a mathematical calculation would necessarily be pure mathematics and pure physics because application to anything actually physical is in imagination only.

874. Enself is ultimately simultaneous. Emptiness inside our space boundary is ultimately simultaneous. Ultimately simultaneous means an object occupies the total set of Euclidean empty zero points, in the whole physical universe. The center of ultimately simultaneous necessarily remains as imaginary as the points themselves are. The ultimately simultaneous objects, superconsciousness, meta-information matrix, now, enself and emptiness, exist everywhere at once, literally inside each other, therefore, the center of ultimately simultaneous is, necessarily, every unique point of ego consciousness, and every point of ego consciousness, expands in the direct knowledge experience, illumination, enlightenment, knowledge through identity to enself. The center is necessarily ego consciousness; immaterial self-awareness, consciousness of consciousness; not some imaginary physical point, with some imaginary set of cosmic mathematical coordinates.

Oh, Such a Feeling

“I have no satisfaction in formulas unless I feel their numerical magnitude.” Lord Kelvin (Irish physicist William Thomson)

875. Beyond those 7 primary physical powers, you also have 5 meta-powers of ego consciousness. You have 8) power of epiphany. 9) First illumination feels like identity with enself. 10) Second illumination feels like identity with witness consciousness. 11) Third illumination feels like identity with dark superconsciousness. 12) Fourth illumination feels like identity with eternal Aseity.

876. The four powers 9–12 all feel like identity, but are limited to equivalence, because those objects remain distinct, not identical in every possible comparison.

877. The four illuminations are: 1) enself, 2) witness consciousness, 3) superconsciousness, and 4) eternal Aseity. All four illuminations are levels of enlightenment.

878. The fourth illumination is the highest level of enlightenment, which feels like total knowledge, total bliss, total love, and perfect unity of ONE = I AM THAT.

879. Feel, know, see, understand, and grok means you have information, and that information is ordered into knowledge. Cognitive, affective, and sensual are all forms of information that get ordered into knowledge. Truth is something you can grok with sentient feeling certainty.

i. “I believe in intuitions and inspirations. I sometimes feel that I am right. I do not know that I am.” Albert Einstein, quoted by physicist Paul Halpern[7]

880. Distinction between feels good and feels right are crucial. Feels good tends to trap you in addictions, all of which contract your life options, therefore denying your natural freedom. Feels right cracks open and expands your freedom; “truth will set you free.” Feels good leads all too quickly to “I want more,” “I need more,” “I’ll do anything to get more,” which are the boundary edges of addiction. Addictions take control of your will, forcefully directing your intention, attention, choice, and action, in ways that tend to be harmful to yourself and others. Feelings of powerlessness are commonly associated with all addictions, for instance “I could not help myself.” Feelings of powerlessness are commonly associated with feelings of self-loathing, for example “I don’t like myself,” or “something is wrong with me,” or “I am a bad person.” These feelings form a shell that seems to contract ruthlessly, like being squeezed by a boa constrictor snake, making it hard even to breath, an extreme loss of freedom. Feels right cracks your-self open to light; “I see,” “I understand,” “I know what things are for,” “I know what really matters,” “I know what to do,” “I know that what I do affects others that I love.” “I know some things for sure.” Feelings of empowerment, confidence, happiness, well-being, compassion, and love for others (as well as yourself) naturally follow.

881. Feels right, also naturally feels good, but feels good without feels right, is dangerous. Beware, and get yourself free. If you get confused about this distinction, use the Neurolinguistic (NLP) method, congruency check, to sort yourself out. Using any NLP method requires conscious consultation with witness consciousness. The congruency check means ego consciousness intentionally consults with witness consciousness, and looks for, “does this feel right” or “does this feel wrong.” The congruency check is not used to confirm “this feels good” because that feeling is not a reliable guide to choices and action, but “this feels right” is a reliable guide to choices and action. Once you master this awareness, feels right, always leads to the best decisions possible in every situation. That does not mean you will have no problems, or everything will go the way you would prefer, but it is the best that is possible, with full acknowledgment that you are a small part of a much larger ecology. The parts certainly influence the whole, the whole influences the parts, however, it is certain, parts cannot control the whole.

882. When a self (a conscious human being) simultaneously feels/knows/sees/groks, that essentially makes proof redundant. Consider these instances of feel/know/see/grok-inner-experience knowledge, and it is obvious, if someone asks you to prove it, they simply do not know what the experience feel/know/see/grok is, or they are trapped in a state of denial of personal-subjective actual existence reality, which is denial of sentience. I am not suggesting feel/know/see/grok is objectively infallible, but with reference to enself-awareness, largely irrelevant. You [feel/know/see/grok] yourself being inside your physical self; inside your body/brain/central nervous system. Consider these instances of [feels/knows/sees/groks], and ask yourself, what is the relevance of proof?

· You [feel/know/see/grok] yourself being inside your ego consciousness identity; you know that you know = ordinary self-awareness of internal being.

· You [feel/know/see/grok] yourself being inside your physical body identity; you know that you know = ordinary self-awareness of physical being.

· You [feel/know/see/grok] yourself inside a building or outside in nature = natural, obvious, intuitive awareness of external reality.

· You [feel/know/see/grok] yourself inside enself = an extraordinary expansion of enself-awareness of internal being; first stage of illumination.

· You [feel/know/see/grok] yourself inside witness consciousness; second stage of illumination.

· You [feel/know/see/grok] yourself inside dark superconsciousness; third stage of illumination.

· You [feel/know/see/grok] yourself inside eternal Aseity; fourth stage of illumination.

883. Beyond the fourth stage of illumination, it is eternal (certainly including infinite), all the way up and all the way down, without bound, which means without beginning and without end.

884. Human beings do not actually live their lives trying to prove every inner experience; that would lead surely to insanity.

i. “Daughter: my friends think you’re weird.

Me: Why?

D: you talk like a scientist.

Me: what does that mean, exactly?

D: Yes. Just like that.” Daniel Whiteson (physicist)[8]

ii. “Whitehead and Russell’s Principia Mathematica is famous for taking a thousand pages to prove that 1+1=2.” Mark Dominus[9]

885. What you know, feels like identity. What you know ultimately feels like I AM THAT. [see/know/feel/grok] is a correlated complimentary unit in actual existence domain, without logical contradiction.

886. Feels like is equivalence, not actual identity. Identity is when two objects are the same in every comparison. The only possible identity is tautological, for instance 5 = 5, x = x, human human, which always means any-thing is exactly, only, and always itself. Equivalence means ordered information in the form of holographic information redundancy and Möbius entangled logical levels. When your consciousness expands sufficiently permitting you to see that ordered information, and you bestow meaning upon the information that you see, that feels like identity.

887. To restrict your belief to what can be proven, is to impoverish yourself. Why not ask yourself: “could it be that what is most important in life is ineffable?” And if ineffable necessarily remains perpetually ineffable, then insisting upon proof means you are denying yourself engagement with the great mystery, and I am pretty sure you have already discovered that boredom knocks you flat. I am also pretty sure that without mystery, we are left mostly with boredom.

i. “And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry[10]

[1] Wikipedia “Mahāvākyas”

[2] Ibid

[3] Ibid

[4] Ibid

[5] Wikipedia “Hue” (brackets original)

[6] Gregory Bateson, Steps to an Ecology of Mind, Jason Aronson Inc., 1987, p. 270.

[7] Albert Einstein, quoted by physicist Paul Halpern Twitter, 29 May 2022.

[8] Daniel Whiteson (physicist), Twitter, 28 May 2022.

[9] Mark Dominus, Plover Blog (mathematics)

[10] Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince, quoted in Wikipedia

The Secret Cosmos



Al Link

✨ I follow back. ✨ I share confessions of a consciousness detective.