Decision Optimization in Cloud Pak for Data - Step by Step videos

1 min readSep 9, 2020


The following videos show everything from end-to-end to use Decision Optimization in Cloud Pak for Data, including setting up the environment for a new user.

1- Create an IBM id and set up the environments

Starting from a new gmail, connect to Cloud Pak for Data using, create a new IBMid, and get WS, WML and COS service setup. Create a new project in WS to test the setup.

2- Create a new project from template with a notebook using DO+ML

Create a new project from a template in WS. Look at data and notebook, run notebook and understand different Jupyter environments.

3- Create a DO Experiment to develop model with scenarios and visualization

Create a new DO Experiment, upload data in the project, import it to default scenario, import model from local disk, run model, duplicate scenario and modify data, run and compare in visualizations.

4- Deploy model in WML and create a job

Save model for deployment, promote it to deployment space, create deployment and create a job with assets added to space. Run the job. Download solution.

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Former Decision Optimization Senior Technical Staff Member at IBM Opinions are my own and I do not work for any company anymore.