Albanian Foreign Policy in Review 2016

Albanian MEFA
7 min readDec 29, 2016


Prime Minister Rama meets with President Obama and Vice President Biden

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama hold a meeting with the President of the United States Barack Obama and the Vice President Joe Biden.

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama held a meeting with the President of the United States Barack Obama and the Vice President Joe Biden. These meetings came at a moment when our two countries share an intensive agenda of dynamic cooperation at the bilateral, regional and international level, in the framework of the 25th anniversary of the re-establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, on the eve of the first anniversary of signing of the Declaration of Strategic Partnership and following the crucial visit of the Secretary of State John Kerry in Tirana.

“Albania is an extraordinary ally. I wish to thank you for what you have done. Under your leadership, Albania is now a reference point in the Balkans and one of the most responsible actors in the region. We appreciate your role and fully support you” — President Obama said.

American Secretary of State John Kerry Visits Tirana, Albania (February 14, 2016)

Albania has made significant progress and is clearly committed — no question about it — to achieving more. And in so doing, Albania can count on the full friendship and support of the people of the United States, of our government,” said Secretary John Kerry.

Albania supports condition set forth in EC recommendation for opening accession talks. Prime Minister Rama meets with Chancellor Merkel

Prime Minister Edi Rama met with the German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin on the 104th anniversary of Albania’s independence and at a key moment on Albania’s path towards membership of the EU.

“Albanians in Albania, in the region and beyond are deeply grateful for Germany’s support during this process. The Berlin Process has become inspirational to Albania and other countries in the region.”

FM Ditmir Bushati with his German colleague Frank-Walter Steinmeier in Berlin

The visit to Berlin of Foreign Affairs Minister Ditmir Bushati once again reaffirmed the excellent relations that exist between Albania and Germany as well as the common commitment to strengthen and further intensify this cooperation.

The European Commission recommends the opening of accession negotiations with Albania

European Commission recommendation for opening of accession negotiations with Albania is a long-awaited news and marks a decisive step for the country’s European path.

The green light for starting accession talks with the EU is the result of the efforts of state-consolidating reforms. We can say clearly that Albania has achieved this year the same level of assessment that Commission gives to countries that are already sit in the table of talks, especially with regard to reforms in the rule of law in the economy.

Friends of Albania group established at European Parliament

Friends of Albania group at the European Parliament

Friends of Albania group at the European Parliament was launched in Brussels, in an initiative aimed at serving as a friendship bridge between the European Parliament and Albania, with a view to increase support for Albania’s advancement in its EU integration process, thus enabling the establishment of stronger ties and constructive dialogue within EP.

Meeting with Western Balkans Foreign Ministers in Durrës

Meeting of FM Ministers of the Western Balkans at the Archaeological Museum in Durrës

The meeting with the Foreign Ministers of the Western Balkans, some EU member states and the European Commission, confirmed the commitment to progress in the European integration process, in view of democracy, security, stability and prosperity in our region.

Support for Albania from Visegrad Countries

The Visegrad Group countries welcomed the European Commission’s recommendation to start accession negotiations of Albania with the European Union and expressed support for establishing as soon as possible of a date for the official launch of negotiations. They commended Albania’s progress, especially the reform of the justice system, and urged that this progress is clearly reflected in the conclusions of the EU Council.

Paris Summit: the integration process continues with concrete projects

The Paris Summit of EU expressed support for the continuation of the integration process of the Western Balkans. Berlin Process has formed a real conscience in the region, which proves that the region itself is the main factor of its success

An agreement was signed for the establishment of the Regional Cooperation Office of Youth, already established in Tirana, to fund projects that increase mobility of young people in the region, professional qualifications and cultural exchanges.

Diaspora Summit

At the opening of the first ever Summit of the Albanian Diaspora in Tirana.

Around 1000 representatives from 40 countries of the world in a 2-day summit to build an institutionalized relationship with the Diaspora. For centuries the biggest contributor to historical processes and promoter of economic and social development of the country.

Golden Eagle Award

Conference of Ambassadors 2016

The Conference of Albanian Ambassadors, a three-day event was held in Tirana which gathered heads of diplomatic and consular missions of the Republic of Albania abroad.

This Conference served as a platform for exchange of information and ideas as well as raised awareness on some important issues related to the Albanian foreign policy, regional developments and international arena.

The Guest of Honor of this conference, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Italian Republic, Paolo Gentiloni, addressing the diplomatic corps, focused on the latest developments in the continent, importance of the strategic relations between our two countries and special attention that Italy pays to the region.


#ColoursofAlbania aims at improving the image of Albania and highlighting our values

We closed for the second consecutive year #ColoursofAlbania photography contest. The initiative was first promoted in 2015 and following the tradition created, this year it raised the interest of foreign and Albanian public who participated in the photographic competition on social media, everyone playing their role as “Ambassadors of our country” accordingly. Over the entire summer season, more than 10,000 photos were captured by the camera lens thus promoting the Albanian beauty through the eyes of citizens, youth or photography enthusiasts.

“This initiative aims at improving the image of Albania and highlighting our values. Photographs of this edition display different parts of Albania reflecting the energy and vitality of our people, culture and historical heritage, as well as our wonderful nature” — Minister Bushati said at the closing ceremony.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs launches E-Consulate App

E-Consulate application comes in the framework of the MFA reform in the field of consular services.

It can be downloaded from App Store and Play Store in any mobile device or tablet that has access to the internet and can be used anywhere, serving as an interactive platform of communication and information for all Albanian citizens, wherever they are. This app includes correct contacts and coordinates of every Albanian diplomatic mission in the world, information on procedures for the legalization of documents, other consular services at home and abroad as well as information on the political and health situation in each country of 181 countries part of the E-Consulate.

In Review: Albanian Foreign Policy in Review 2016

By the Department of Public Diplomacy — The above materials are easy to find on the Albanian MFA Webpage, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Flickr.



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