Flaws.cloud walkthrough

6 min readApr 8, 2023


This is will be a brief walkthrough of the flaws.cloud ctf scenarios, flaws.cloud is a vulnerable AWS cloud environment. It is perfect to show cloud security misconfigurations and practical exploitability ,giving a glimpse into cloud penetration testing.

The ctf is in levels each showing a different attack scenarios ranging from open buckets, IAM misconfigurations, Instance Metadata service(IMDS) and more nuanced scenarios, all build on top of the previous attack

Level 1

vulnerability is bucket is accessible to everyone for the first challenge, start off simple with a dns lookup using dig

dns recon using dig

then complete an nslookup to do a reverse dns lookup to get the corresponding domain name,Its hosted on an s3 bucket

nslookup to get the domain info

add flaws.cloud to the domain name, It resolves back to the main page. since its an s3 bucket, it is possible to list content for the next stage(the vulnerability).

Assuming aws cli is installed we can be able list the content

see anything interesting, use that to go to the next level

flag found, move on to level 2

Level 2

Vulnerability is content accessible to all authenticated users, this can be an issue as all authenticated users technically could mean any aws user who is authenticated even though its not their bucket content they are accessing

To complete the challenge, create an IAM user on aws and create a profile with the aws cli(CLI creds)

configure aws profile and creds

if we list the bucket using the configured profile, we get the following files, find the flag :

we move to Level 3:

Level 3 :

Vulnerability is all users and issue of leaked credentials, similar in some ways to level 2 navigating to the bucket url, we can see .git/config files

for further investigation, we can download the contents of the bucket and comb further

look through the commits to find the access keys

configure the profile with the creds found

configure profile and get the details of the creds/profile

with the new profile lets look around

files listed with that profile

with the files found we can go

Level 4

vulnerability is publicly accessible ec2 snapshot

level 4
instructions and hints

Level 4, vulnerability is publicly accessible ec2 snapshot, the roles we found will play a key role

describe the public snapshot

we then create a volume using the snapshot which we will use to later

from the volume created we can now create an instance

then ssh into the instance,

sshed into the recently created ec2 inst. and list all available block storage

lets try listing the content of our volume:

listing isn’t possible

we have to mount the drive to be able to list content:

list the /mnt and we find interesting files

now we browse around until we get something interesting like credentials

in the /mnt/home/ubuntu, we find an interesting file setupNginx.sh with creds

we can use the creds to complete the challange

login to complete

Level 5 :

Vulnerabilty is Metadata service, instance metadata service(IMDS) and its flaws or rather misconfigurations.

Meta-data, data about data or in this instance data about this ec2 instance, used for management and configuration of a running instance, however this exploited

on to level 5

To learn more on AWS metadata service, the good the bad and downright well bad, read this article by checkpoint https://blog.checkpoint.com/security/aws-instance-metadata-service-imds-best-practices/

Get credentials here to be able to list the contents of the level 6 sub-directory

we then go to one of the listed urls and find our way(we can list creds… flaw in IMDS v1) append which is the link-local IP address for IMDS for AWS and follow the journey

and you will get creds at


creds thanks to the metadata service

create a profile with those credentials

list information about the profile created

now that we have the credentials lets try listing the contents of level 6 sub directory

without creds its not possible

if listing is possible we can find the file append and move to Level 6

listing is possible

Level 6:

Vulnerability is the overly permissive IAM user

we start off level 6 with credentials and SecurityAudit policy attached

create a profile

since the creds have secaud. policies i brought in scoutsuite(effective open-source security auditing tool for cloud). This is however a rabbit hole. I will do another blog on sec tools for cloud later

scoutsuite scans running
tabulated scoutsuite results

observe the username , we will then list the policies attached to Level6

policies attached to those creds given

“list_apigateways” seems interesting

listing the policy

use resource ARN to list

the policy is using “apigateway:GET” on the “arn:aws:apigateway:us-west-2::/restapis/* which can allow us to list rest APIs

we can use that to list all lambda functions

a single function

we can list its policies

this shows that the principal can execute/InvokeFunction on the “arn:aws:execute-api:us-west-2:975426262029:s33ppypa75/*/GET/level6\” resource

lets view the s33ppypa75 rest-api-id :

we see the stage name is “Prod” which are lamda functions using the rest-api-id, stage name, region and resource, we can call them/invoke or rather this one using


and finally we finish;

The End

the end!!!

This was a great box, it challenged my knowledge and skills, Totally recommend for anyone to gain a deeper understanding on why or how exactly certain aws security breaches happen.

On to flaws2.cloud.

