7 anti-stoic habits to remove from your life immediately

Alesha Mai
2 min readDec 25, 2023

Today, we’re diving into ‘The Anti-Stoic’s Checklist: 7 Habits to Remove for a Happier, Wiser You!

anti-stoic habits

“Before we begin, let’s quickly revisit what Stoicism is all about. Originating in ancient Greece, Stoicism teaches us to embrace life’s challenges with wisdom, courage, and inner tranquility. It’s about focusing on what we can control and letting go of what we can’t.”

“Habit 1: Excessive Worry Over Things You Can’t Control

Stoics believe in focusing energy only on what’s within our power. When you catch yourself worrying about the weather, traffic, or other people’s opinions, pause. Remind yourself, that these are outside your control. Instead, redirect your attention to your actions and attitudes.”

“Habit 2: Neglecting Self-Reflection.

Stoicism isn’t just about external actions; it’s also about internal reflection. End each day by asking yourself: What did I do well? What can I improve? This habit of introspection is a cornerstone of personal growth.”

“Habit 3: Pursuing External Validation.

Stoics find strength from within. Seeking approval or validation from others can be a trap. Focus on self-improvement and self-validation. Remember, your worth isn’t determined by others’ opinions.”

“Habit 4: Lack of Mindfulness in Daily Life.

Are you truly present in your daily activities? Practice mindfulness. Enjoy your food, listen actively in conversations, and immerse yourself in your tasks. Stoicism teaches us to live in the present moment.”

“Habit 5: Failure to Accept Change.

Change is a natural part of life. Stoics embrace it. Instead of resisting change, ask yourself, ‘How can I adapt to this new situation?’ Adaptability is a key to resilience.”

“Habit 6: Holding Grudges and Not Forgiving.

Holding onto anger harms you more than it does the other person. Practice forgiveness. It’s not just about letting others off the hook; it’s about freeing yourself from negative emotions.”

“Habit 7: Prioritizing Pleasure Over Virtue.

While pleasure isn’t bad, Stoics warn against making it the central goal of life. Virtue — like wisdom, courage, and self-discipline — should be your guiding star. Balance is key.”

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“To recap, the 7 Anti-Stoic habits to remove are: worrying about the uncontrollable, neglecting self-reflection, seeking external validation, missing mindfulness, resisting change, holding grudges, and prioritizing pleasure over virtue. Work on these, and you’ll be on your way to a happier, wiser you.”

