Alex Hendry
2 min readApr 14, 2016

Tips for Structuring a Dissertation

Writing a dissertation is, in itself, an uphill task. From finding the right topic to going into a phase where you do nothing but research and finally emerging with your own work which you’re going to be proud of — dissertation provides quite a lot of information and experience to the writer.

If you’re good with words, writing your paper would comparatively be easier than for those of a non-writing background (probably a non-native English speaker!). For those who fall into the latter category, coursework writers can save you from a lot of trouble!

Below are few tips (in brief) that will further help with dissertation writing and thus getting better grades:

  • Plan your dissertation structure before you begin. Break the entire dissertation into parts and thus complete each part one-by-one and fit all of them together in the end.
  • The Abstract of the dissertation, although places in the very beginning, should be left to complete in the end. Once the entire paper is done, write the abstract just like a summary!
  • The literature review is the most important — make sure your literature review gives away the gist of your entire paper including the methods, research and your understanding of the topic based on the existing literary context. There are many service providers who help with assignment writing and can do just the literature review for you; if you’re unsure of this part — take help from the experts!
  • Make sure your findings are clearly explained so that the reader has no difficulty in differentiating your results from that of previously available.
  • Your conclusions should clearly state your stance.
  • Do not underestimate correct and proper referencing and citations. They’re VERY important.

Last, but not the least, even if you structure your dissertation is perfect and as per the guidelines, do not copy others’ work. Plagiarism can cost you the degree you’ve been working hard for!

Read more about How to Structure a Dissertation in detail to have a thorough idea about your dissertation structures.

Alex Hendry

I am a professional academic writer at one of the leading writing help services providing company in UK