Billionaire SpaceJam: The Musk, Bezos, Branson, & Allen Space Race

Alex Moskov
9 min readFeb 21, 2019

Houston, we have traction.

After 50 years of space industry stasis, we are approaching an upward inflection for space travel. We put a man on the moon in 1969, and then spent the next two decades figuring out how to put nukes on rockets to bomb the Russians. The underfunded NASA hasn’t made much progress since 1969, and it’s time for non-federal hands to take over. Luckily, the 21st century versions of the Men Who Built America are taking control. Now is the first time in the history of the world that the possibility for us to extend life to other planets is open.

Welcome to the space race.

Jeff Bezos plans to create the infrastructure to speed up the growth of the space industry. Bezos cites the space industry’s slow growth is due to the lack of infrastructure. This is coming from the guy who built the $350 billion dollar Amazon empire on remote payment systems and excellent shipping services.

Elon Musk wants to turn humanity into a multi-planetary species, first by creating a self-sustaining outpost on Mars as insurance for humanity’s survival if disaster were to happen on Earth. If this seems like a fever dream, welcome to Elon Musk. Earth’s rapid environmental deterioration would cost $60 trillion to start reversing the damage done. This is a tough bill to pass around the global dinner table, where the total GDP of all national economies is only $75 trillion. Global warming and overpopulation are two problems that…

