Summer Running Through Our Veins

Alex Praytor
2 min readJul 26, 2023
Author’s photo.

Lazy summer days seemed to last forever when we were too young to care about politics, news, and grown-up stuff. We’d spend the sunny days in backyards and front lawns chasing the neighbor boys with water guns. When our energy waned, we lay like snow angels in the grass welcoming its coolness against our skin.

The clouds traveled across the sky morphing from flowers to white rabbits, ever-changing and never the same, our own private movie. Like us, the sun almost never went to bed.

The pulse of life was high. We had new worlds to explore. Summer was running through our veins.

As tweens and teens, we welcomed school’s end. The bell rang one final time and we threw our school books in a back corner of the closet.

Hot summer days were broken with cool dips in the pool. We’d fight with water noodles, then spend afternoons like mini-adults at the mall. We did our make-up like Hollywood stars in the movies we watched.

Our world was quickly changing, but we greeted the future with open arms. We felt summer running through our veins.

Summers came and went; we couldn’t stop time as we morphed from child to teen to adult. Like the sun on its eternal course, we couldn’t stay still.



Alex Praytor

Writer, traveler, and avid coffee-drinker. I write about life in Europe, coffee, and other musings.