Fight forward!
Don’t let them overwhelm you with pre-apocalyptic despair. Defend your heart and your hopes.
The vilest of all the Trump gang’s attacks is the one you’re suffering right now: the assault on your spirit and hopes.
That dread, that despair, that sense of doom: that’s a strategy, and it’s working on you. No blame — spiritual self-defense against the president of the United States is not a move we’ve had to practice in the last eight years. It’s real now, though. The corrupt old fascists in the White House want to crush your spirit. They want you to break your heart so they can take your country.
Protect your heart, friends: fight forward.
Dream your dreams of the world we want. Tell your stories of the future we’ll build. Make your plans for the days after we win.
Nurture what is fragile in the meantime. Work hard, give more, love more boldly. Seek out brave and funny allies and friends. Imagine together, loudly and in public. Take back tomorrow.
“Work,” as Alasdair Gray wrote, “as if you live in the early days of a better nation.”
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