My Trans Non-Binary Journal: First Straight Man Experience As A Trans Woman

Journal Entry: January 17, 2024

Alex Jordan (They/Them)
3 min readJan 20, 2024

Dear Journal,

Today marks another chapter in the intricate narrative of my life, one that intertwines the threads of discovery, love, and identity. As I navigate through the evolving dynamics of my open relationship with Sarah, and our deepening connection with Maggie, our new partner, I experienced something truly remarkable — my first intimate encounter with a straight man.

This experience was not just a personal exploration but also a testament to the understanding and trust that Sarah, Maggie, and I share in our relationship.

Their support and acceptance have been the backbone of my journey into these new realms of intimacy and connection.

The encounter was a beautiful tapestry of vulnerability and discovery. The man, whose sensitivity and openness were immediately evident, approached our interaction with a deep respect for my identity as a trans woman. It was an interaction that transcended conventional norms, rooted in mutual respect and a desire to understand and appreciate one another’s experiences.



Alex Jordan (They/Them)

Alex Jordan is a passionate transgender non-binary woman writer, fearlessly exploring the intersections of identity, culture, and social justice🦄🌈👬