The SCOTUS is Targeting Us!

Our Hard-Won Rights Are At Risk!

Alex Jordan (They/Them)
3 min readJul 2, 2023

With the recent decision concerning the First Amendment made by the SCOTUS, the struggle for LGBTQ+ rights has reached critical junctures, with landmark decisions by the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) shaping the landscape of equality. However, there are concerns among transgender and non-binary individuals that some SCOTUS decisions may enable discrimination and threaten our hard-won rights.

Image by Maria Oswalt from Unsplash

In this article, I will explore these concerns from a transgender, non-binary perspective, highlighting the importance of unity and resilience in the face of adversity.

Echoes of the Past: A Call to Vigilance
The path towards equal rights has been hard-fought, and yet, we find ourselves confronted with a sense of déjà vu. Comparisons drawn between SCOTUS decisions and the dark chapters of history, such as the Nazi regime, raise alarms within our community. While it is essential to approach these comparisons with caution, it is a reminder that progress is not guaranteed, and we must remain vigilant in safeguarding our rights.

Enabling Discrimination: A Step Backward
Recent SCOTUS rulings have given rise to concerns that they may enable discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals. The erosion of protections, particularly for transgender and non-binary people, leaves us vulnerable to discrimination, exclusion, and denial of basic human rights. It is disheartening to witness our hard-fought victories potentially undermined, forcing us to confront the fear of being pushed back into the closet.

Image by Ian Hutchinson from Unsplash

Fighting Back: A Call to Action
In the face of these challenges, it is crucial that we stand united and resilient. We must channel our frustration and disappointment into positive action, advocating for change, and demanding our rights be upheld. Organizations, activists, and allies must join forces to resist any attempts to strip away our hard-earned progress. Together, we can create a collective voice that cannot be ignored.

Strengthening Our Allies: Building Bridges
We must remember that our fight for equality is not one we face alone. Allies play a crucial role in amplifying our voices and standing up against discrimination. By fostering connections and building bridges with individuals and organizations that champion inclusivity and equality, we strengthen our movement and increase our chances of success. It is through solidarity and understanding that we can effect meaningful change.

Image by Casey Horner from Unsplash

The Power of Resilience: Never Going Back
Our history is marked by resilience and a refusal to be silenced. We have overcome immense challenges and fought against oppression throughout the ages. The setbacks we face today serve as reminders of the strength and determination required to forge ahead. We will not allow the far-right forces to force us back into the closet. We will continue to assert our rights, demanding equality and justice for all.

While concerns exist regarding certain SCOTUS decisions, it is essential to remember that the fight for LGBTQ+ rights is far from over. As transgender and non-binary individuals, we must stay vigilant, united, and unwavering in our commitment to equality. By standing together and amplifying our voices, we can challenge discrimination, resist oppression, and create a future where all individuals are free to live authentically and without fear.

Image by Dhaya Eddine Bentaleb from Unsplash

Together, we will prevail, pushing forward toward a more inclusive and just society.



Alex Jordan (They/Them)

Alex Jordan is a passionate transgender non-binary woman writer, fearlessly exploring the intersections of identity, culture, and social justice🦄🌈👬