Why Is Love So Political?

Alex Jordan (They/Them)
3 min readSep 3, 2023


Image by Bernard Hermant from Unsplash

Love, the most profound and beautiful emotion known to humanity, has an unfortunate tendency to become deeply entangled with politics. As a proud member of the LGBTQ community, I’ve often found myself wondering why love has been subjected to the divisive rhetoric of Republicans and conservatives. Why do they feel entitled to dictate who we, members of the “alphabet army,” are allowed to love? In this first-person perspective, I’ll explore this question while sharing a heart-wrenching example of estrangement from my own parents due to my authentic lifestyle. It is my firm belief that love should be the answer, not hatred.

Love, in its purest form, transcends gender, sexual orientation, and societal expectations. It is a universal language that unites us all. So, why has it become such a political battleground?

In recent years, discussions around LGBTQ rights, including marriage equality and anti-discrimination measures, have become highly politicized. Conservatives and Republicans, driven by their beliefs and ideologies, have often opposed these rights, using fear and prejudice to justify their stance. They argue against LGBTQ individuals’ right to love and marry who they choose, perpetuating a divisive and harmful narrative.

My own journey as a transgender woman has been marked by moments of profound love and heartbreaking estrangement. When I embraced my true self, I did so knowing that it might cost me the acceptance of those closest to me — my parents.

Despite my hopes that love would conquer all, my parents’ deeply ingrained beliefs proved insurmountable. They refused to accept my gender identity and the lifestyle I embraced as a proud member of the LGBTQ community. Our relationship fractured, and we became estranged.

The pain of this estrangement is indescribable. The love I hold for my parents remains intact, but it is weighed down by the heavy burden of their disapproval. I’ve often wondered how something as beautiful as love could be overshadowed by politics and prejudice.

It’s essential to recognize that the battle for LGBTQ rights is not about forcing anyone to change their beliefs. Instead, it’s about securing equal rights and protections for all, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. Love, after all, should be the cornerstone of our society.

As members of the LGBTQ community, we are not asking for special privileges. We are simply seeking the same rights and opportunities afforded to our heterosexual counterparts. We yearn for the freedom to love and marry whomever we choose without facing discrimination, hatred, or estrangement from our loved ones.

The question of why love has become political remains a complex and deeply personal one. But let us remember that love is a force more powerful than politics. It is up to us to continue advocating for a world where love is celebrated, not vilified, and where acceptance triumphs over prejudice.

Love is the only answer, and it’s a truth that transcends all boundaries and barriers.



Alex Jordan (They/Them)

Alex Jordan is a passionate transgender non-binary woman writer, fearlessly exploring the intersections of identity, culture, and social justice🦄🌈👬