The Dream is Over for Sanders

Alex Marshi
2 min readMay 8, 2016


No amount of optimism can compete with the numbers.

Clinton is ahead of Sanders in 100% of the latest polls listed on RealClearPolitics. Clinton vs. Trump General Election Polls

PredictIt, “the stock market of politics,” which has accurately predicted the outcome 87% of the time, currently estimates that Clinton has a 91% chance of winning the Democratic nomination.

PredictIt Market Prices as of May 7th 6pm EST

And gives Clinton a 94% chance of winning.

It hurts to accept the inevitable loss, but Sanders supporters should continue their struggle.

So, What Can Be Done?

If you’re campaigning, keep campaigning. If you live in one of the states which have yet to hold a primary, still go vote for Sanders. The Bernie Sanders revolution shouldn’t be seen as a failure just because he will not be this year’s Democratic nominee. Proving there’s such a significant desire for Sanders to be president is the victory.

Time is On Your Side: Looking Ahead to 2020

Young Democrats overwhelmingly want Bernie, and there are going to be millions more young voters when the 2020 elections come around. Hopefully Clinton will do a great job as president, but if she doesn’t, Bernie could well be president four years from now.

Four years isn’t a very long time, so I say to all Bernie supporters: Don’t lament, just be patient.

A Parting Plea

Unless you want Donald Trump to be president, please still vote Democrat in the general election.Trump’s likelihood of becoming president has risen as high as 43% over the last few days. Worse yet, Trump’s odds have more than doubled in the last month, PredictIt traders estimated he only had an 18% chance of becoming president. If Sanders supporters don’t vote in the general election, the statistics suggest Trump will win. He will.

If you’re a Bernie supporter but you don’t vote Democrat in the general election, you are helping Donald Trump.

Please don’t do that.

Alex Marshi is an American writer, comedian, and marketer currently residing in California. Follow him on Twitter (@Alexandermarshi), read more of his Medium articles, and visit his satirical news site, Too True News.



Alex Marshi

American writer. Bylines include @RollingStone and @PortMagazine