Automating Microservices Deployment with Jenkins and Spring Cloud

Alexander Obregon
9 min readOct 6, 2023


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The era of monolithic applications is gradually fading, making way for the microservices architecture. As businesses continue to evolve rapidly, so do their needs to release new features swiftly, handle scalability efficiently, and ensure high availability. Microservices answer many of these demands by allowing applications to be broken down into smaller, independent services that can be developed, deployed, and scaled separately.

However, managing the deployment of these services can be complex. This is where Jenkins, a leading Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) tool, and Spring Cloud, a set of tools for building cloud-native apps, come into play. When combined, they offer a seamless mechanism to automate the deployment of microservices.

Introduction to Jenkins and Spring Cloud

In the realm of software development, particularly with the emergence of microservices and cloud-native applications, the right tools can significantly streamline the development, testing, and deployment processes. Two such tools, which have become pivotal in the microservices ecosystem, are Jenkins and Spring Cloud. Both have their distinct roles and strengths, but when combined, they offer an unparalleled synergy for developers and operations alike.

Jenkins: The Master of Automation

Jenkins, at its core, is an open-source automation server. Originating from the Hudson project back in 2005, it has grown tremendously both in popularity and capability:

  • Versatility: Jenkins can be used for a wide array of tasks. From the continuous integration (CI) of code into a shared repository multiple times a day to ensuring the continuous deployment (CD) of applications into production environments, Jenkins covers it all.
  • Extensibility: The vast ecosystem of plugins is arguably one of Jenkins’ most significant strengths. With over a thousand plugins available, Jenkins can integrate with almost any tool in the CI/CD space, from version control systems like Git to deployment platforms like Kubernetes.
  • Scalability: As teams and projects grow, Jenkins scales alongside them. Through distributed builds, where workload is distributed across multiple machines, Jenkins ensures that large-scale projects do not suffer from bottlenecks.
  • Community Support: Jenkins, being open-source, boasts a massive community. This not only ensures regular updates and patches but also means a wealth of knowledge and solutions are available through forums, blogs, and dedicated events.

Spring Cloud: The Cloud-Native Companion

As developers increasingly lean towards cloud-native applications, Spring Cloud emerges as an indispensable ally. An offspring of the broader Spring ecosystem, Spring Cloud specifically targets the challenges posed by cloud-based microservices architectures:

  • Centralized Configuration: With the Spring Cloud Config Server, managing configurations across multiple microservices becomes a breeze. Rather than each service managing its own config, centralized management ensures consistency and eases maintenance.
  • Service Discovery: One of the inherent challenges with microservices is keeping track of them, especially when services scale up or down dynamically. Eureka, a tool within Spring Cloud, provides a service registry to address this, allowing microservices to find each other without hard-coded URLs.
  • Intelligent Routing & Load Balancing: Tools like Zuul and Ribbon provide out-of-the-box solutions for intelligent routing, ensuring requests are balanced across service instances and even adding resilience patterns.
  • Circuit Breakers: With Hystrix, another component of Spring Cloud, applications can gracefully degrade functionality rather than fail outright when downstream services become unavailable. It’s a critical feature ensuring the robustness of a microservices system.

While Jenkins masters the art of automation in the development lifecycle, Spring Cloud addresses the complexities of deploying and managing microservices in cloud environments. Together, they form a potent combination, ensuring that modern software development remains agile, efficient, and robust.

Setting up Jenkins for Microservices Deployment

Setting up Jenkins for microservices deployment is a systematic process that ensures a smooth CI/CD pipeline. While Jenkins is extremely versatile, optimizing it for microservices requires some specific steps:

Jenkins Installation & Configuration:

  • Prerequisites: Ensure you have Java installed on your machine. Jenkins requires Java to run.
  • Installation: Depending on your OS, Jenkins offers different installation methods:


sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install jenkins


sudo yum install jenkins
  • Starting Jenkins: After installation, activate the Jenkins server:
sudo service jenkins start
  • Unlocking Jenkins: Access Jenkins through a web browser at http://localhost:8080/. Upon first access, Jenkins will request an admin password. This can typically be found at the path /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword.
  • Initial Setup: After unlocking, Jenkins will prompt you to install suggested plugins. For microservices deployment, accept this suggestion as it will install essential plugins like Git, Maven, and Docker among others.

Plugin Management for Microservices

Jenkins thrives on its extensibility through plugins. When setting up for microservices, certain plugins become essential:

  1. Docker Plugin: Given that microservices are often containerized, the Docker plugin lets Jenkins build and publish Docker images with ease.
  2. Kubernetes Plugin: If your microservices are deployed on a Kubernetes cluster, this plugin aids in deploying and scaling applications within the cluster.
  3. Pipeline Plugin: Enables Jenkins to use Pipeline, a suite of plugins that supports implementing and integrating continuous delivery pipelines.

Configuring Build Environment

  1. Setting up Executors: For microservices, especially in large projects, it’s beneficial to have multiple executors. Executors determine how many build jobs Jenkins can run simultaneously. Navigate to Manage Jenkins > Configure System and set the number of executors based on your needs.
  2. Source Code Management (SCM): Configure Jenkins to connect to your version control system (like Git or SVN). This will enable Jenkins to fetch your microservices’ source code for building and deployment.
  3. Build Triggers: Set Jenkins to poll your SCM periodically for changes or configure webhooks in your SCM to notify Jenkins of changes. This ensures that any code change triggers a build and deploy process.

Setting up a Basic Microservice Job

  1. New Item: From the Jenkins dashboard, select ‘New Item’, name your project, and choose the ‘Freestyle project’ option.
  2. Source Code Management: Set up the repository URL and credentials if required.
  3. Build Steps: Define how your microservice is built. This might involve compiling your code, running tests, or creating Docker images.
  4. Post-Build Actions: Here you can define deployment steps or notifications based on the build outcome.
  5. Save & Build: After configuration, save your project settings. You can now manually trigger a build or let Jenkins do it automatically upon code changes.

With Jenkins now optimized for microservices deployment, the next steps would involve integrating with tools like Spring Cloud to handle service discovery, centralized configuration, and other microservice-specific concerns.

Integrating Spring Cloud with Jenkins

Spring Cloud and Jenkins, when harmoniously integrated, can significantly boost the efficiency of deploying and managing microservices. To achieve this synergy, it’s essential to understand how Jenkins can be set up to work with various components of Spring Cloud:

Spring Cloud Config Server: Centralized Configuration Management

  1. Setting up Config Server: Begin by setting up a Spring Cloud Config Server. This server centralizes your microservices configurations across different environments.
  2. Storing Configurations: Typically, configurations are stored in a Git repository. This allows Jenkins to access configurations and use them during build and deployment stages. Ensure your configurations are well-structured in the repository for each service and environment.
  3. Jenkins Integration: Within Jenkins, create a build step in your pipeline or job to pull the necessary configurations for the microservice being deployed. This ensures the microservice uses the latest configuration when being deployed.

Service Discovery with Eureka

  1. Setting Up Eureka: Deploy a Eureka server. This will act as a registry where each of your microservices will register themselves.
  2. Microservices Registration: Ensure that each microservice has the Spring Cloud Eureka client dependency and is configured to register with the Eureka server upon startup.
  3. Jenkins Awareness: While Jenkins doesn’t directly interact with Eureka, it’s good practice to have health checks or post-deployment steps to verify that the deployed microservice has successfully registered with Eureka.

Automating Deployment with Jenkins Pipeline

  1. Pipeline Creation: Use Jenkins’ Pipeline feature to define a series of steps that your code goes through, from pulling from the repository, building, testing, fetching configurations from the Config Server, to deploying the microservice.
  2. Example Pipeline Script:
pipeline {
agent any

stages {
stage('Checkout') {
steps {
// Checkout your microservice source code
stage('Pull Configurations') {
steps {
// Pull necessary configurations from the Config Server's Git repository
stage('Build & Test') {
steps {
// Compile, test, and package your microservice
stage('Deploy') {
steps {
// Deploy your microservice to the desired environment

Resilience with Hystrix and Circuit Breakers

While this isn’t a direct integration with Jenkins, it’s worth mentioning within the context of deployments:

  1. Hystrix Integration: Integrate Hystrix into your microservices to provide a level of resilience and fault tolerance.
  2. Monitoring: Post-deployment, Jenkins can trigger tools or scripts that monitor the Hystrix dashboard. This ensures that if any of the services start failing, the team can be alerted promptly.

By ensuring a tight integration between Jenkins and Spring Cloud, not only is the deployment of microservices automated, but it’s also made robust, scalable, and resilient to failures. This integration forms a solid foundation upon which agile and efficient microservices-based systems can be built and maintained.

Automated Deployment in Action

After integrating Jenkins with Spring Cloud and setting up all the necessary tools and configurations, the deployment of microservices becomes a seamless and automated procedure. Here’s a glimpse into the automated deployment in action:

Code Commit & Push

  • Developer Perspective: Developers write and test their code in their local environments. Once satisfied, they commit the code changes to a version control system (like Git).
  • Best Practice: It’s always good to commit code to a feature branch first, especially if you’re following a Git workflow like GitFlow or feature branching.

Triggering Jenkins

  • SCM Polling: Jenkins, if configured to do so, will continuously poll the repository for changes. Once it detects a new commit or merge, it triggers the predefined pipeline.
  • Webhooks: Alternatively, for immediate action, Jenkins can be set up to respond to webhooks. This means as soon as a change is pushed to the repository, the repository notifies Jenkins to start the pipeline.

Build Stage

  • Fetching Source Code: Jenkins pulls the latest code from the repository.
  • Fetching Configurations: Jenkins accesses the Spring Cloud Config Server to pull the necessary configurations for the microservice being built.
  • Compilation & Packaging: Jenkins compiles the source code, runs unit tests, and packages the application, usually into a container image if Docker is being used.

Test Stage

  • Deploy to Test Environment: The packaged application is deployed to a test environment. This environment mirrors production to detect any discrepancies early.
  • Integration Tests: Automated tests run to ensure the microservice interacts correctly with other services and components.
  • Feedback Loop: If tests fail, Jenkins can notify developers of the issues, typically through email or integration with tools like Slack.

Deployment Stage

  • Deployment to Staging: If all tests pass, Jenkins deploys the microservice to a staging environment. This environment is a final step before production, allowing for last-minute checks and manual tests if necessary.
  • Service Registration: Upon deployment, the microservice registers itself with the Eureka service registry, making it discoverable by other services.

Production & Monitoring

  • Production Deployment: After successful verification in staging, the microservice is deployed to the production environment.
  • Monitoring Tools: Post-deployment, monitoring tools integrated with Spring Cloud, like Hystrix and Micrometer, continuously monitor the health and performance of the microservice. This ensures immediate detection and alerting of issues.
  • Feedback Loop for Monitoring: Just as with the testing stage, if monitoring tools detect anomalies or failures, alerts can be sent to developers or operations teams for immediate action.

The above steps illustrate a typical flow of automated deployment in action. It highlights how, with the right tools and configurations in place, microservices can be continuously integrated and deployed with minimal manual intervention, ensuring faster, more reliable releases.


Automating the deployment of microservices might seem daunting initially, but with the right tools in hand, it becomes a walk in the park. By leveraging the power of Jenkins and Spring Cloud, businesses can ensure their microservices architecture is not only robust and scalable but also incredibly agile. As we continue to delve into a world dominated by microservices, tools like these will become the linchpin ensuring operational efficiency and development velocity.

  1. Jenkins User Documentation
  2. Spring Cloud Documentation
Spring Boot icon by Icons8



Alexander Obregon

Software Engineer, fervent coder & writer. Devoted to learning & assisting others. Connect on LinkedIn: