Handling Distributed Tracing with Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin

Alexander Obregon
8 min readSep 30, 2023


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In today’s microservices architectures, managing and tracking requests across multiple microservices can be a daunting task. Distributed tracing is the practice of monitoring and troubleshooting transactions or requests as they propagate across the various components of a distributed system. Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin are popular tools used to handle distributed tracing effectively. This post delves into handling distributed tracing with Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin.

Overview of Distributed Tracing with Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin

Microservices architectures have become the norm for building scalable and easy-to-manage applications. However, as the number of services increases, so does the complexity of managing and monitoring these services. Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin are tools that help alleviate these challenges by providing distributed tracing capabilities for microservices architectures.

Understanding Spring Cloud Sleuth

In a microservices architecture, tracing requests and transactions across different services and infrastructure components can be complex. Spring Cloud Sleuth emerges as a compelling solution to this problem by providing a powerful framework for distributed tracing. This section delves deeper into Spring Cloud Sleuth, outlining its functionality, workings, and its seamless integration with Spring Boot applications.

Defining Spring Cloud Sleuth

Spring Cloud Sleuth is a library that enables developers to incorporate powerful tracing capabilities into their projects. It is part of the larger Spring Cloud family of tools, designed specifically to help developers build robust cloud-native applications. When integrated into a Spring Boot application, Sleuth enhances the app’s logging mechanism by adding trace and span IDs to the log entries. This additional data aids in correlating log entries from different services, providing a coherent view of the request path across the entire microservices ecosystem.

How Spring Cloud Sleuth Works

Spring Cloud Sleuth operates by assigning a unique trace and span ID to each incoming request.

  • Trace ID: A unique ID assigned to each request that enters the system, which remains constant as the request travels through various services.
  • Span ID: Represents a basic unit of work, or a specific operation within a system, like a REST API call to a microservice. A single trace can have multiple spans as a request moves through various services and operations.

These IDs are attached to the log entries, enabling developers to filter and search log data effectively, facilitating easier debugging and issue resolution.

Automatic Instrumentation

One of the standout features of Spring Cloud Sleuth is its automatic instrumentation. When integrated into a Spring Boot application, it automatically instruments common ingress and egress points, ensuring that every request and response is tagged with trace and span IDs without requiring additional coding or configuration. This capability significantly simplifies the process of implementing distributed tracing, allowing developers to focus on building functionality rather than worrying about tracing logistics.

Integration with Other Tools

Beyond its core functionality, Spring Cloud Sleuth is designed to work seamlessly with other tracing and monitoring tools. It can export tracing data to Zipkin, a distributed tracing system that provides additional visualization and analysis capabilities, offering a more comprehensive overview of request paths and system performance.

Customization and Flexibility

Spring Cloud Sleuth offers extensive customization options. Developers can customize the tracing configuration, define new spans, and attach additional metadata to spans, providing more context and making the tracing data even more useful for analysis and debugging.

By understanding the intricacies of Spring Cloud Sleuth, developers can effectively leverage its capabilities to enhance the visibility, debugging, and monitoring of their microservices architectures, contributing to more reliable and maintainable systems.

The depth of insight and control offered by Spring Cloud Sleuth makes it an invaluable tool in a microservices architecture, enabling teams to maintain high levels of service reliability, performance, and efficiency.

Exploring Zipkin

Zipkin is a distributed tracing system that stands out for its ease of integration, scalability, and ability to facilitate efficient problem resolution in microservice architectures. In this section, explore Zipkin in depth, understanding its architecture, operation, and the insights it provides into the behavior and performance of microservices.

Introduction to Zipkin

Born out of a need to trace requests across multiple services, Zipkin is a robust solution that provides developers with the necessary tooling to monitor and analyze the journey of requests and responses across a system. The tool collects timing data related to the requests and responses, helping developers identify latency bottlenecks and performance inefficiencies in their applications.

Architecture of Zipkin

Zipkin is composed of four main components:

  1. Collector: Gathers timing data from application services. It can collect data through various means, including HTTP, Kafka, or RabbitMQ.
  2. Storage: Once the data is collected, it is stored in a backend storage system. Zipkin supports multiple storage options, such as In-Memory, Elasticsearch, Cassandra, and MySQL.
  3. Search: Offers robust search functionality, allowing developers to query the stored tracing data based on various parameters like service name, trace ID, or time frame.
  4. API and Web UI: Provides a RESTful API and a Web UI for accessing the stored tracing data, visualizing trace flows, and analyzing timing data.

How Zipkin Works

Zipkin’s operation is seamless and automatic. Here’s how it works:

  • Services instrumented with Zipkin send timing data to the Zipkin Collector. The data includes information like the timestamp, annotation, service name, trace, and span IDs.
  • The Collector processes the data and stores it in the chosen backend storage.
  • Developers and teams can use the Web UI or API to query the stored data, visualize traces, and understand the interactions between different services in the architecture.

Visualization with Zipkin

One of Zipkin’s most valuable features is its powerful visualization capabilities. The Web UI allows developers to:

  • Trace Visualization: See the path that requests take through the various services in the system.
  • Latency Analysis: Analyze the time taken by each service to process a request, helping identify services that are potential performance bottlenecks.
  • Dependency Analysis: View the dependency graph between different services, providing insights into the relationships and interactions between various services in the system.

Integration with Spring Cloud Sleuth

Zipkin’s seamless integration with Spring Cloud Sleuth allows developers to correlate tracing data with application logs, providing a comprehensive view of the request flow, interactions, and performance across different services.

By leveraging the capabilities of Zipkin, developers and teams can significantly enhance their ability to monitor, analyze, and optimize their microservices architectures, leading to more robust, efficient, and performant systems. The tool’s easy setup, flexible storage options, powerful search and visualization capabilities, and integration with Spring Cloud Sleuth make it an essential component in a microservices ecosystem.

Integrating Spring Cloud Sleuth with Zipkin

The integration of Spring Cloud Sleuth with Zipkin forms a robust combination for handling distributed tracing within a microservices ecosystem. This section elucidates the step-by-step procedure for integrating Sleuth with Zipkin, outlining the configuration and ensuring seamless communication between these tools.

Initial Setup

Before proceeding, ensure you have a Spring Boot application where you wish to implement distributed tracing with Sleuth and Zipkin. If you’re starting from scratch, generate a new project via the Spring Initializr or clone an existing project.

Step 1: Adding Dependencies

Add the Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin dependencies to the pom.xml file of your Spring Boot application. The Sleuth dependency ensures that trace and span IDs are added to the logging data, while the Zipkin dependency sends this data to the Zipkin server.


Step 2: Configuring the Application

Configure the application to send tracing information to the Zipkin server. In the application.properties or application.yml file, specify the URL of the Zipkin server.

# application.properties


# application.yml
base-url: http://localhost:9411/

Step 3: Running the Zipkin Server

Download and run the Zipkin server on your local machine. You can use the following command to run the Zipkin server using Docker:

docker run -d -p 9411:9411 openzipkin/zipkin

Ensure that the Zipkin server is running and accessible at http://localhost:9411.

Step 4: Running Your Application

Run your Spring Boot application. As it starts, Sleuth will automatically integrate with the application’s logging mechanism, and the Zipkin dependency will send the tracing data to the Zipkin server.

Step 5: Verifying the Integration

Verify the integration by sending a request to your application. Check the logs to see the trace and span IDs added by Sleuth. Next, open the Zipkin UI at http://localhost:9411 and search for the trace data. You should see the traces, and by clicking on a trace, you can visualize the path and timing information of the request.

Additional Considerations

While integrating, consider the following:

  • Custom Spans: You can create custom spans in your application code to provide more granularity in tracing.
  • Sampling: Configure the sampling rate to control the amount of tracing data sent to Zipkin, ensuring the balance between visibility and performance overhead.

By following these steps, developers can successfully integrate Spring Cloud Sleuth with Zipkin, enhancing the monitoring and troubleshooting capabilities for microservices architectures, providing deeper insights into the behavior, performance, and interactions of various services and components within the system.

Benefits and Challenges

The integration of Spring Cloud Sleuth with Zipkin provides substantial benefits but also presents certain challenges. Understanding both helps in making an informed decision and preparing for effective distributed tracing implementation.


Enhanced Visibility:

  • Obtain a holistic view of the microservices architecture, understanding how requests navigate, and where potential issues lie.
  • Identify performance bottlenecks, reducing the time spent in troubleshooting and enhancing system efficiency.

Efficient Debugging:

  • Pinpoint the services causing issues and analyze the interactions between different services.
  • Trace and span IDs linked with logs facilitate easier and faster issue resolution.

Performance Optimization:

  • Monitor the performance of each microservice, allowing for targeted optimizations.
  • Identify and improve inefficient paths, leading to an overall performance boost.

Seamless Integration:

  • Easy integration into Spring Boot applications, requiring minimal configuration.
  • Automatic instrumentation reduces manual intervention and potential errors.

Effective Monitoring:

  • Monitor the system in real-time and receive insights for proactive issue resolution.
  • Ensure consistent and high-quality service delivery to end users.



  • Additional processing and memory usage can introduce overhead, potentially affecting system performance.
  • Essential to balance the level of tracing detail and the performance impact.


  • For large-scale systems, managing and analyzing large volumes of tracing data can be challenging.
  • Requires effective tools and strategies for trace data management and analysis.

Integration Concerns:

  • Ensuring seamless integration and compatibility with existing system components and configurations.
  • Potential issues with different versions or non-standard setups.

Security Considerations:

  • Tracing data can potentially contain sensitive information.
  • Implementing proper security controls to protect tracing data is crucial.


  • Need for regular updates, monitoring, and management of the tracing setup.
  • Ensuring continued effectiveness and reliability of the tracing system as the microservices architecture evolves.

While the integration of Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin offers comprehensive and efficient distributed tracing capabilities, it’s crucial to consider and address the associated challenges to ensure a secure, performant, and reliable tracing setup. This understanding facilitates the extraction of maximum benefits from the integration, contributing to the robustness and efficiency of the microservices architecture.


Handling distributed tracing with Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin is vital for efficiently managing and monitoring microservices architectures. By understanding and implementing these tools, developers can gain valuable insights into their systems, leading to optimized performance and improved issue resolution.

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Alexander Obregon

Software Engineer, fervent coder & writer. Devoted to learning & assisting others. Connect on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexander-obregon-97849b229/