Mastering SpEL: A Beginner’s Guide to Spring’s @Named and @Inject Annotations with CDI

Alexander Obregon
7 min readSep 11, 2023


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The Spring Framework is a comprehensive solution for building enterprise-grade applications in Java. One of its many features includes the Spring Expression Language (SpEL), which provides a powerful expression language for querying and manipulating objects during runtime. In this article, we will delve into the basics of SpEL and look at how the @Named and @Inject annotations work with CDI (Contexts and Dependency Injection) to streamline application development.

Introduction to SpEL

The Spring Expression Language, more commonly known as SpEL, is an integral part of the Spring Core framework. Designed to extend the capabilities of the framework, SpEL offers a robust expression language that enables querying and manipulating objects at runtime. With features reminiscent of the unified EL in the Java EE platform, SpEL, however, goes several steps further, integrating seamlessly with the Spring ecosystem and providing enhancements that cater to a variety of complex scenarios.

Understanding the Basics

At its core, SpEL is designed to interact with objects during runtime. For instance, if you have an object and you’d like to retrieve or manipulate its properties without knowing them at compile-time, SpEL makes this a breeze. With its expressive syntax, you can delve deep into nested properties, invoke methods, and even integrate regular Java classes.

// Example of a basic SpEL expression
String expressionStr = "name";
Expression exp = new SpelExpressionParser().parseExpression(expressionStr);
String name = (String) exp.getValue(new Simple().setName("Name")); // Outputs: Name

SpEL in Spring Configuration

One of the primary applications of SpEL is within Spring’s XML-based or annotation-driven configuration. By using SpEL, developers can derive bean properties or constructor values dynamically based on other beans or system properties.

Example in XML Configuration:

<bean id="sampleBean" class="com.example.SampleBean">
<property name="propertyName" value="#{anotherBean.propertyName}" />

Powerful Collection Projections and Selections

SpEL isn’t just for simple property access. It has a profound capability when it comes to working with collections. You can filter, project, and even concatenate collections with ease.

Example with lists:

List<Integer> list = ... // some list values
Expression exp = new SpelExpressionParser().parseExpression("#root.?[#this > 10]");
List<Integer> result = (List<Integer>) exp.getValue(list);

In this example, the SpEL expression filters out all integers in the list that are greater than 10.

Integration with Annotations

SpEL’s versatility shines through when integrated with various annotations in the Spring framework. One such use-case is with the @Value annotation, which allows you to inject values into Spring beans using SpEL.

public class MyComponent {

private String userHome;

// ... rest of the class

Here, the user’s home directory, as specified by the system property user.home, is injected into the userHome field.

By now, it should be evident that SpEL is not just another expression language. Its deep integration with the Spring ecosystem and its capability to simplify complex runtime operations make it a vital tool in a Spring developer’s arsenal.

Why Use @Named and @Inject with CDI in Spring?

The introduction of Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI) in Java EE has revolutionized the way developers think about dependency management. CDI, by definition, is a set of services that help improve the structure of application code. With its seamless integration into the Spring framework, developers have a versatile toolset at their disposal. Two of the primary annotations in this context are @Named and @Inject.

@Named — Giving Identity to Your Beans

At its core, the @Named annotation provides a mechanism to assign a custom name to a bean. While Spring can autogenerate bean names, giving them explicit, developer-defined names can have several advantages:

  • Reference Clarity: By naming a bean explicitly, you can refer to it more intuitively in various parts of your application. For instance, when working with JSF (JavaServer Faces) views or when injecting a bean by name.
  • Enhanced Documentation: Explicitly naming beans can serve as implicit documentation, helping other developers understand the role or purpose of a bean quickly.
  • Framework Independence: The @Named annotation originates from the Java EE standard, which means beans named using this annotation can be more easily ported across different Java EE compliant frameworks.

@Inject — Simplifying Dependency Management

The @Inject annotation has dramatically simplified the way dependencies are introduced into Java classes. While it mirrors the purpose of Spring's @Autowired annotation, it brings forth the following benefits:

  • Standardization: @Inject is a part of the Java EE standard. By using it, you adhere to a standardized approach, potentially making your application more compliant with Java EE norms.
  • Flexibility with Qualifiers: @Inject can be combined with qualifiers, allowing you to fine-tune your injection points. For example, if you have multiple bean implementations of a particular interface, you can specify which exact bean to inject using qualifiers.
  • Constructor and Method Injection: Beyond field injection, @Inject supports both constructor and method injection, making it highly versatile for different scenarios.

Spring + CDI: A Perfect Harmony

Bringing CDI into the Spring ecosystem amplifies the strengths of both. While Spring offers comprehensive tools and a vast ecosystem, CDI, with its annotations like @Named and @Inject, makes certain operations more standardized and intuitive.

For developers who have worked in both the Java EE and Spring worlds, the convergence of features offers a familiar and efficient environment. It encourages best practices from both ecosystems, resulting in more maintainable and scalable applications.

Integrating @Named and @Inject in Your Spring Application

The seamless amalgamation of Spring with CDI annotations, like @Named and @Inject, offers developers an intuitive way to manage bean lifecycle and dependency injection. To effectively utilize these annotations, understanding their integration within a Spring application is crucial.

  • Setting Up Your Project:

To start, you’d need to ensure your Spring project is set up correctly to support CDI.


Ensure you’ve included the necessary dependencies in your Maven or Gradle project. For Maven, you would need:


Note: Always refer to the official documentation or Maven repository for the latest version.

Spring Configuration

Ensure that your Spring configuration (either XML-based or Java-based) is set up to scan components. If you’re using Java Config, @ComponentScan should be enabled. For XML configuration, ensure you have the <context:component-scan> element.

  • Using @Named:

As mentioned, @Named gives your beans a custom identifier. The integration is straightforward.

import javax.inject.Named;

public class CustomBean {
// class content

With the above, anywhere in your application where you might need to reference this bean by name, you’d use “customBeanName”.

  • Using @Inject:

The @Inject annotation allows automatic dependency resolution, much like @Autowired in pure Spring applications.

import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Named;

public class ServiceBean {

private CustomBean customBean; // This bean gets automatically injected

// rest of the class
  • Combining with Qualifiers:

Sometimes, you may have multiple beans of the same type, and specifying which one to inject becomes crucial. This is where qualifiers come in. The @Named annotation itself can act as a qualifier.

public interface Vehicle {
void drive();

public class Car implements Vehicle {
// implementation

public class Bike implements Vehicle {
// implementation

public class TransportService {

private Vehicle vehicle; // The Car bean will be injected

// ...
  • Listening to CDI Events:

Spring’s event mechanism and CDI events can work harmoniously. With CDI, you can fire events and listen to them, facilitating a decoupled event-driven architecture within your application.

For instance, after injecting a bean, you might want to perform some post-initialization actions. CDI events can be used for such scenarios.

  • Going Beyond — Integrating with Other Annotations:

Both @Named and @Inject can be used seamlessly with other annotations in the Spring ecosystem. For instance, combining @Inject with @Transactional in service beans, or using @Named beans with @Cacheable to leverage Spring’s caching mechanisms.

Best Practices with @Named, @Inject, and SpEL

Utilizing annotations and expression languages effectively requires an understanding of best practices. Let’s delve into some recommended practices when working with @Named, @Inject, and SpEL within your Spring applications.

Naming Conventions for @Named

  • Descriptive Names: Always choose a name that describes the bean’s purpose. For instance, instead of naming a bean bean1, you might choose paymentServiceBean or userAuthenticationBean.
  • Consistency: Maintain a consistent naming convention across the application. If you’re using camelCase for one bean, avoid switching to snake_case for another.
  • Avoid Ambiguity: Ensure that the bean names are unique and do not clash with other beans, especially if you’re working in a large project or integrating multiple modules.

Dependency Injection with @Inject

  • Constructor Injection: Prefer constructor injection over field injection as it makes the dependencies of a class explicitly clear and facilitates immutability.
public class UserService {

private final UserRepository userRepository;

public UserService(UserRepository userRepository) {
this.userRepository = userRepository;

// rest of the class
  • Limit the Number of Dependencies: A class with too many injected dependencies might indicate a violation of the Single Responsibility Principle. Refactor such classes to ensure that they adhere to good design principles.
  • Use Qualifiers Judiciously: While qualifiers can help in specifying which bean to inject, overusing them can make the codebase hard to maintain. Only use them when there’s genuine ambiguity.

Leveraging SpEL

  • Avoid Over-complication: SpEL is powerful, but using very complex expressions can reduce code readability. If an expression is becoming too convoluted, consider refactoring or handling that logic in Java code.
  • Use Safe Navigation: The safe navigation operator ?. in SpEL can prevent null pointer exceptions. For instance, #user?.address?.zipCode will return null if either user or address is null, instead of throwing an exception.
  • Cache Expensive Operations: If your SpEL expression performs an operation that’s computationally expensive or requires IO, consider caching the result for performance gains.
  • Testing: Ensure that your SpEL expressions are covered in your unit and integration tests. This helps in catching any unforeseen issues or potential errors in the expressions.

General Tips

  • Documentation: Always document the purpose and, if necessary, the intricacies of your @Named beans, especially when the naming or the qualifier might not be self-explanatory.
  • Stay Updated: SpEL, @Named, and @Inject have evolved over time. Ensure you're up-to-date with the latest features and changes by regularly checking the official Spring documentation or following major Spring community contributors.


Mastering SpEL, along with the @Named and @Inject annotations in Spring, can significantly improve the way you develop Java applications. By understanding the nuances of these tools and following best practices, you can create more flexible, maintainable, and scalable applications.

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Alexander Obregon

Software Engineer, fervent coder & writer. Devoted to learning & assisting others. Connect on LinkedIn: