Navigating AWS Free Tier with Zero Expense

Alexander Obregon
10 min readJan 3, 2024


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Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a comprehensive cloud computing platform offering a wide range of services. For beginners and those experimenting with new projects, AWS’s Free Tier can be an ideal starting point. This post goes into the capabilities and limitations of the AWS Free Tier, guiding you through what you can achieve without incurring costs.

Understanding the AWS Free Tier

Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers a generous Free Tier to help new users get started with cloud computing. Here we will take a closer look at the types of Free Tier offers and the essentials of setting up an account and understanding its eligibility criteria.

Types of Free Tier Offers

The AWS Free Tier is designed to provide users with hands-on experience with AWS services without the upfront investment. It’s divided into three distinct categories:

  1. Always Free: These are services that are free to use indefinitely, with certain usage limits. For example, Amazon DynamoDB offers 25 GB of database storage and up to 200 million request units per month at no cost. This offer is perfect for small-scale applications and continuous learning.
  2. 12-Months Free: This offer is available to new AWS customers and includes free limited usage of popular services for one year. For instance, under this tier, users can access Amazon EC2 instances, which includes 750 hours per month of Linux, RHEL, or SLES t2.micro or t3.micro instances, as well as 750 hours of Windows t2.micro or t3.micro instances. This is especially beneficial for hosting small websites or practice servers.
  3. Trials: Trials offer short-term free access to specific services that are typically not included in the Always Free or 12-months Free categories. These are ideal for testing new services or temporary projects. For instance, AWS might offer a 30-day trial of a higher-end database service, which lets you experiment with more robust features.

Account Setup and Free Tier Eligibility

To access the Free Tier, you need an AWS account. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Sign-Up Process: Visit the AWS homepage and click on the “Create an AWS Account” button. You’ll be prompted to enter your email address, password, and account name.
  2. Contact Information: Fill in your contact information. You can sign up as an individual or as a company. Make sure the details are accurate, as AWS uses this information for account recovery and verification.
  3. Payment Information: Even though you’re signing up for the Free Tier, AWS requires a credit card. This is for identity verification and to cover any charges if you exceed the Free Tier limits.
  4. Identity Verification: AWS will verify your identity by sending a one-time passcode to your phone number. This step ensures the security of your account.
  5. Select a Support Plan: You will be given a choice of support plans, including a basic plan that’s free.
  6. AWS Management Console: Once the account is created, you can access the AWS Management Console, where you can start using AWS services.

Eligibility and Best Practices

  • New AWS Customers: The 12-month Free Tier is only available to new AWS customers. If you’ve had an AWS account in the past, you may not be eligible for some Free Tier services.
  • Stay Informed: AWS updates and changes its Free Tier offers periodically. Regularly check the AWS Free Tier page for the latest information.
  • Monitor Usage: Use the AWS Budgets and AWS Cost Explorer to monitor your usage. These tools can help you stay within Free Tier limits and avoid unexpected charges.
  • Understand Service Limits: Each service in the Free Tier has specific limits. For example, EC2 free usage is capped at 750 hours per month. If you run two instances simultaneously, you’ll reach the limit in half the time.
  • Educational Resources: AWS provides extensive documentation and tutorials, which are invaluable for understanding how to use Free Tier services effectively.

By understanding these aspects of the AWS Free Tier, you can start your cloud journey with confidence, exploring a wide range of services without the stress of immediate costs.

Exploring Core AWS Services Within the Free Tier

The AWS Free Tier offers access to a variety of core services which are essential for most cloud-based projects. These include Amazon EC2 for computing power, Amazon S3 for storage, and Amazon RDS for database management. Understanding how to leverage these services can set the foundation for effective cloud computing.

Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud)

Amazon EC2 is a central part of AWS, providing resizable compute capacity in the cloud. It’s designed to make web-scale cloud computing easier for developers. In the Free Tier, AWS allows users to run a certain type of virtual machine, known as an instance, for up to 750 hours per month. This can be a single instance running continuously throughout the month or multiple instances running concurrently for shorter periods.

When working with EC2, users can select from various instance types, which are optimized to fit different workload types and applications. In the Free Tier, the most commonly used instance types are the t2.micro and t3.micro, which are well-suited for small-scale applications or for learning purposes. With EC2, users can configure security and networking, and manage storage. It also allows for the automation of scaling and instance management, making it a robust tool for both simple and complex cloud computing needs.

Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service)

Amazon S3 offers highly scalable object storage. It’s a widely used service that allows users to store and protect any amount of data for a range of use cases, such as websites, mobile applications, backup and restore, archive, enterprise applications, IoT devices, and big data analytics. The Free Tier includes 5 GB of standard storage, 20,000 GET requests, and 2,000 PUT requests.

The beauty of S3 lies in its simplicity and scalability. Users can start with a small amount of data and scale up to petabytes or more. S3 provides comprehensive security and compliance capabilities, ensuring data is protected. Users can also manage access controls to keep data secure. This service is particularly beneficial for those looking to store large amounts of unstructured data, like images, videos, or logs.

Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service)

Amazon RDS makes it easier to set up, operate, and scale a relational database in the cloud. It provides cost-efficient and resizable capacity while automating time-consuming administration tasks such as hardware provisioning, database setup, patching, and backups. The Free Tier allows for 750 hours of use and 20 GB of storage for one database instance.

RDS supports several database instance types, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, Oracle, and SQL Server. This flexibility allows users to choose the database engine that best fits their application’s needs. RDS instances are pre-configured with parameters and settings appropriate for the chosen database engine, but these can be easily customized according to specific requirements.

Building a Simple Web Application Using Free Tier Resources

The AWS Free Tier is not only a playground for learning but also a powerful environment for building and deploying simple web applications. This section will guide you through a simplified, conceptual process. We’ll focus on the key considerations and underlying principles of using AWS Free Tier resources to construct a basic web application. From setting up a server to hosting and managing data, each step is designed to provide practical insights into the development process while leveraging the resources available in the Free Tier.

Setting Up the Environment with Amazon EC2

The journey of building a web application begins with setting up a server. Amazon EC2 is ideal for this purpose. In the Free Tier, you can launch a t2.micro or t3.micro instance, which is sufficient for hosting a small web application. The process involves selecting an appropriate Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that comes pre-installed with the necessary software, like Linux or Windows OS, and a web server like Apache or Nginx.

Once the instance is running, you’ll configure the security groups to allow HTTP and HTTPS traffic, ensuring that your web application is accessible over the internet. This setup forms the backbone of your application, where you’ll deploy your web files and scripts.

Storing Data and Files with Amazon S3 and RDS

For data storage, Amazon S3 and RDS come into play. S3 is perfect for storing static files such as images, stylesheets, and JavaScript files. Its high durability and availability ensure that your application’s static content is always accessible to your users.

On the other hand, for dynamic data storage, such as user information or application data, Amazon RDS is the go-to service. Within the Free Tier, you can set up a MySQL, PostgreSQL, or another database instance, providing a robust backend for your application. The process involves creating a database instance, setting up the initial database schema, and connecting it to your EC2 instance.

Deploying a Simple Web Application

Deploying a web application on your EC2 instance involves uploading your web files to the server. You can use SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) to securely transfer files from your local machine to the EC2 instance. Once the files are in place, you’ll configure the web server (like Apache or Nginx) to serve these files, effectively making your website live.

If your application uses a backend language like PHP, Python, or Node.js, you’ll need to ensure that the corresponding interpreter or runtime is installed on your EC2 instance. This allows your server to process dynamic content, interact with the RDS database, and serve personalized content to users.

Monitoring and Managing Your Application

With your web application up and running, it’s crucial to monitor its performance and usage to stay within the Free Tier limits. AWS provides various tools for this, like CloudWatch, which allows you to monitor the performance of your EC2 instances and RDS databases. Additionally, setting up billing alerts is recommended to notify you if your usage is nearing the Free Tier limits.

Advanced Uses of the Free Tier for Experimentation

The AWS Free Tier, while often associated with basic applications and learning exercises, also opens a doorway to more advanced and sophisticated experimentation. Here we look into how you can push the boundaries of the Free Tier to explore higher-level services and complex scenarios.

Leveraging AWS Lambda for Serverless Computing

AWS Lambda represents a shift in computing by allowing you to run code without provisioning or managing servers. In the Free Tier, AWS offers a generous amount of free requests and computing time per month. This makes Lambda an excellent platform for experimenting with serverless architectures.

You can create functions in response to HTTP requests via Amazon API Gateway or in reaction to events from other AWS services. For example, you could build a serverless application that automatically processes media files as soon as they are uploaded to Amazon S3, leveraging Lambda functions for image resizing, video transcoding, or data transformation.

Experimenting with AWS DynamoDB for NoSQL Databases

Amazon DynamoDB, a fast and flexible NoSQL database service, is ideal for applications that require consistent, single-digit millisecond latency at any scale. Within the Free Tier, DynamoDB offers enough storage and read/write capacity for developing small to medium-sized applications.

This service is particularly suited for experimentation with web-scale applications requiring a robust database backend. You can explore features like DynamoDB Streams to capture changes to items stored in your database in near real-time, allowing for creative implementations like triggering a Lambda function on data modification.

Exploring AI and Machine Learning with AWS SageMaker and Lex

AWS provides opportunities to delve into the world of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). AWS SageMaker, for instance, allows you to build, train, and deploy machine learning models quickly. The Free Tier includes a certain number of hours of use for the notebook, training, and hosting.

You can experiment with creating custom ML models or utilize pre-built models and algorithms provided by SageMaker. This is particularly useful for developing predictive analytics features in your applications, such as recommendation systems or automated customer service bots.

Moreover, AWS Lex offers an opportunity to build conversational interfaces into any application using voice and text. With Lex, you can create chatbots for a variety of scenarios like customer service, information retrieval, or e-commerce transactions.

Best Practices for Advanced Experimentation

When venturing into these advanced areas, it’s crucial to:

  • Plan Your Architecture: Before diving in, outline your project’s architecture, which can help in optimizing resource usage and staying within the Free Tier limits.
  • Monitor Usage Closely: It’s critical to keep a close eye on your service usage through the AWS Management Console. Regular checks can prevent accidental overuse. I once incurred a $97 charge at the end of the month because I forgot to shut down a few services after I was done experimenting, which exceeded my Free Tier limits after just a few days.
  • Leverage AWS Documentation and Community: AWS provides comprehensive documentation and tutorials for all its services. Additionally, the AWS community is an invaluable resource for tips, guidance, and best practices.
  • Start Small and Scale: Begin with small-scale experiments and scale up as you gain confidence and understanding of the services.


In this look at AWS Free Tier, we’ve uncovered the vast potential it holds for individuals and organizations embarking on their cloud computing journey. From understanding the various types of offers available to building a simple web application and experimenting with advanced features, the AWS Free Tier presents a rich, cost-effective learning environment.

Whether it’s launching an EC2 instance, storing data in S3, managing databases with RDS, delving into serverless computing with Lambda, or exploring AI and machine learning capabilities, the Free Tier allows you to experiment and innovate without financial commitment. It’s an ideal platform for learners, developers, and entrepreneurs to test ideas, acquire new skills, and lay the groundwork for more complex cloud-based solutions.

As you navigate the AWS Free Tier, remember the importance of planning, monitoring usage, and leveraging the wealth of resources and community support provided by AWS. With these tools and knowledge, you’re well-equipped to make the most of what AWS has to offer, setting the stage for a future where cloud computing is an integral part of your digital endeavors.

  1. AWS Free Tier Details
  2. AWS EC2 Documentation
  3. AWS S3 Resource
  4. AWS RDS Overview
  5. AWS Lambda Information
  6. AWS DynamoDB Details
  7. AWS SageMaker Info
  8. AWS Lex Guide
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Alexander Obregon

Software Engineer, fervent coder & writer. Devoted to learning & assisting others. Connect on LinkedIn: