Optimizing Queries with @Query Annotation in Spring Data JPA

Alexander Obregon
16 min readAug 28, 2023


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Spring Data JPA (Java Persistence API) simplifies the development of data access layers in Java applications by providing ready-to-use repositories. One of its powerful features is the @Query annotation, which allows developers to define custom queries easily, ensuring optimization and fine-grained control over data retrieval.

In this article, we will delve deep into how the @Query annotation can help optimize JPA queries.

Understanding @Query

The @Query annotation is one of the cornerstones of Spring Data JPA. At its core, this annotation provides developers with a mechanism to define custom JPQL (Java Persistence Query Language) and native SQL queries directly on repository methods. But there's a lot more beneath the surface.

Basics of @Query

When you’re working with Spring Data JPA repositories, you often find that method names like findByFirstName, findByLastNameOrderByAgeDesc automatically generate the necessary queries. However, there are times when these method names become unwieldy or you need more control over the generated query. Enter @Query.

By annotating a repository method with @Query, you can provide a custom query to be executed. This can be a JPQL query or, if you set the nativeQuery flag to true, a native SQL query.

Example using JPQL:

@Query("SELECT u FROM User u WHERE u.email = ?1")
List<User> findByEmail(String email);

Native Queries vs. JPQL

While JPQL queries are written in a database-independent manner, focusing on the entities, native queries use pure SQL and are written with database-specific syntax. The nativeQuery attribute lets you define these native SQL queries.

Example using native SQL:

@Query(value = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = ?1", nativeQuery = true)
List<User> findByEmailUsingSQL(String email);

However, using native queries should be done judiciously as they can compromise the portability between databases.

Parameter Binding in @Query

Spring Data JPA provides two types of parameter bindings for @Query: positional and named parameters.

  • Positional Parameters: They are indexed, starting from 1.
@Query("SELECT u FROM User u WHERE u.email = ?1")
List<User> findByEmail(String email);
  • Named Parameters: These are more readable and are recommended for queries with multiple parameters. They use a colon followed by the parameter name.
@Query("SELECT u FROM User u WHERE u.email = :email AND u.name = :name")
List<User> findByEmailAndName(@Param("email") String email, @Param("name") String name);

Modifying Queries with @Modifying

By default, @Query is designed for select queries. But what if you want to use it for INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE operations? The @Modifying annotation comes into play.

When combined with @Query, the @Modifying annotation indicates that the query will modify data.

@Query("UPDATE User u SET u.email = :email WHERE u.id = :id")
void updateUserEmail(@Param("id") Long id, @Param("email") String email);

It’s important to remember that when using @Modifying with a transactional method, the underlying JPA EntityManager may need a call to flush() or clear() for synchronization purposes.

Customizing Fetch Joins

Fetching strategies play a pivotal role in determining the efficiency of JPA-based applications. However, the default fetching strategies provided by JPA might not always be optimal. With the use of Fetch Joins in conjunction with the @Query annotation, developers have a fine-grained control over fetching related entities.

Basics of Fetch Joins

In JPA, when you want to retrieve an entity and its associated entities in a single database round trip, you employ a fetch join. Fetch joins allow you to bypass the default fetch type of an entity association, be it lazy or eager, and specify the strategy right in the JPQL.


@Query("SELECT u FROM User u JOIN FETCH u.profile WHERE u.id = ?1")
Optional<User> findByIdWithProfile(Long id);

In this example, irrespective of the default fetch type of the profile association in the User entity, the JOIN FETCH ensures it's loaded eagerly.

Addressing the N+1 Problem

The N+1 problem is a common performance pitfall in ORM tools, including JPA. For instance, when fetching a list of users and their profiles, without a fetch join, JPA might execute one query to fetch all users and then, for each user, an additional query to fetch the associated profile. Thus, for N users, you’d have N+1 queries.

Fetch joins can efficiently address this by fetching all the required data in a single query.

Multiple Fetch Joins

It’s possible to use multiple fetch joins in a single query to load several associated entities. However, it’s important to approach this with caution as it can lead to Cartesian product scenarios, especially when fetching multiple collections.

@Query("SELECT u FROM User u JOIN FETCH u.profile JOIN FETCH u.orders WHERE u.id = ?1")
Optional<User> findByIdWithProfileAndOrders(Long id);

This query fetches a User, their Profile, and all their Orders. While powerful, be wary of the amount of data this could load, especially if orders is a large collection.

Fetch Joins vs. Entity Graphs

While fetch joins provide great flexibility, JPA also offers another feature called Entity Graphs which allows dynamic partial loading of entities. Depending on the use case, developers might find Entity Graphs more suited to their needs.

However, fetch joins through @Query give explicit control within the repository method and can be more intuitive for those familiar with SQL or JPQL joins.

Considerations and Best Practices

  • Beware of Cartesian Products: As mentioned, fetching multiple collections can lead to Cartesian products which could be detrimental to performance.
  • Lazy vs. Eager: Use fetch joins judiciously. Always fetching everything eagerly isn’t optimal. Analyze the use cases and determine the best fetching strategy.
  • Avoid Duplicate Results: Fetch joins can lead to duplicate results due to the nature of SQL joins. Using DISTINCT in JPQL or handling duplicates in Java might be necessary.

Avoiding the N+1 Problem

The N+1 problem is a notorious performance issue that often sneaks into applications using ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) tools like JPA. It pertains to the inefficiency that arises when the framework queries the database once to retrieve an entity and then makes additional queries for each of its related entities. Let’s delve deep into understanding, diagnosing, and resolving this problem.

Diagnosing the N+1 Problem

Imagine you have a Post entity, and each post has multiple Comment entities. You decide to fetch all posts along with their comments:

List<Post> posts = postRepository.findAll();
for (Post post : posts) {
List<Comment> comments = post.getComments();
// ... process comments

If you’re not careful, this code could execute 1 query for all posts, and then, for each post, an additional query to retrieve its comments. For 10 posts, that’s 11 queries — hence the name “N+1”.

Using Fetch Joins to Counter N+1

One way to resolve the N+1 problem is to use fetch joins, which we discussed in the previous section. By explicitly joining an entity with its related entities, you ensure they’re fetched in one database round trip:

@Query("SELECT p FROM Post p JOIN FETCH p.comments")
List<Post> findAllWithComments();

Using Entity Graphs

Apart from fetch joins, JPA offers another powerful feature known as Entity Graphs to tackle the N+1 problem. Entity Graphs allow you to define which attributes to fetch (either lazily or eagerly) at runtime:

@EntityGraph(attributePaths = "comments")
List<Post> findAll();

By using this approach, the comments association of the Post entity will be fetched eagerly, even if it's defined as lazy in the entity mapping.

Batch and Subselect Fetching

Another strategy to tackle the N+1 problem is by utilizing batch or subselect fetching, which are Hibernate-specific optimizations.

  • Batch Fetching: Fetches entities in batches of a specified size, reducing the number of queries.
@OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
@BatchSize(size = 10)
private List<Comment> comments;
  • Subselect Fetching: Instead of fetching related entities one-by-one, Hibernate generates a subselect query to fetch them all at once. This is especially useful for collections.
@OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
private List<Comment> comments;

Considerations and Best Practices

  • Analyze and Test: Always use tools like JPQL or Hibernate logging to monitor the number of queries being executed. This helps in early detection of potential N+1 issues.
  • Be Cautious with Eager Loading: While eager loading (using EAGER fetch type or fetch joins) can resolve the N+1 problem, overuse can lead to loading more data than needed.
  • Leverage Tools: There are third-party tools and utilities that can help detect and prevent the N+1 problem. For instance, the Hibernate library provides hibernate.generate_statistics for gathering statistics on executed queries.

Using Projections for Selective Data Retrieval

In a typical data-driven application, there are often scenarios where you don’t need to fetch an entire entity with all its attributes. Instead, you might only need a subset of them. Spring Data JPA offers a compelling solution to this challenge with the concept of projections, enabling you to shape the data you retrieve from your database more selectively and efficiently.

What Are Projections?

At its essence, a projection is a reduced view of your data. In Spring Data JPA, projections can be seen as interfaces or DTOs (Data Transfer Objects) that define a contract on which data you wish to retrieve.

Interface-based Projections

The simplest form of projections in Spring Data JPA is through interfaces. By defining an interface that your repository can return, you can selectively retrieve attributes of an entity.

For instance, let’s say you have a User entity with name, email, and dateOfBirth attributes but you only want name and email:

public interface UserNameAndEmail {
String getName();
String getEmail();

public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, Long> {
List<UserNameAndEmail> findByName(String name);

Here, the method findByName will return a list of projections containing only the name and email.

Class-based Projections (DTOs)

If you need to use data from various entities or require more complex transformations, DTO projections might be more suitable. These are essentially classes with a set of fields, a constructor that matches the JPQL query, and getters:

public class UserNameAndEmailDto {
private final String name;
private final String email;

public UserNameAndEmailDto(String name, String email) {
this.name = name;
this.email = email;

// Getters...

public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, Long> {
@Query("SELECT new com.example.UserNameAndEmailDto(u.name, u.email) FROM User u WHERE u.name = ?1")
List<UserNameAndEmailDto> findByName(String name);

Dynamic Projections

One powerful feature of Spring Data JPA projections is the ability to define dynamic projections. This means you can let the client of the repository decide which projection type should be used during runtime:

<T> List<T> findByName(String name, Class<T> type);

By calling this method with different types (interfaces or DTOs), you can retrieve different views of your data without creating separate repository methods.

Benefits of Using Projections

  • Performance: By fetching only the data you need, you reduce the overhead of data retrieval and transmission.
  • Flexibility: Projections, especially dynamic ones, allow you to adapt to varying data requirements without changing the underlying query.
  • Encapsulation: Instead of exposing your entire entity, you expose only what’s necessary, promoting better data encapsulation.

Considerations and Best Practices

  • Stay Lean: Always aim to retrieve only the data you need. Fetching unnecessary data can lead to performance inefficiencies.
  • Avoid Overusing Dynamic Projections: While they provide great flexibility, they can also make the code harder to read and maintain if used indiscriminately.
  • Test: Always ensure that your projections are working as expected. Subtle bugs can emerge, especially with complex DTO projections.

Leveraging Native Queries

Native queries in Spring Data JPA allow you to write plain SQL queries for your entities, bypassing the JPQL abstraction. They are incredibly powerful, especially in situations where JPQL falls short in supporting database-specific features or when you need to optimize a particular query at the database level.

What Are Native Queries?

In contrast to JPQL, which is an abstraction over SQL tailored for JPA entities, native queries are raw SQL queries that you can write within your repository. They are executed directly against the database.

Basic Usage

To define a native query, you can use the @Query annotation in combination with the nativeQuery flag set to true. Here's a simple example:

public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, Long> {
@Query(value = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = ?1", nativeQuery = true)
List<User> findByName(String name);

In this example, the SQL is directly targeting the underlying database table users.

Using Named Parameters

Spring Data JPA supports using named parameters in native queries, enhancing readability:

@Query(value = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = :name", nativeQuery = true)
List<User> findByName(@Param("name") String name);

Return Projections with Native Queries

You’re not limited to returning entities. With native queries, you can also use projections:

@Query(value = "SELECT name, email FROM users WHERE name = :name", nativeQuery = true)
List<UserNameAndEmail> findNameAndEmailByName(@Param("name") String name);

Benefits of Using Native Queries

  • Flexibility: Allows you to harness the full power of SQL, including database-specific features.
  • Performance: Sometimes, the most efficient way to fetch or process data is by using a finely-tuned SQL query.
  • Migration: If you’re migrating an application that already has raw SQL queries, native queries can provide an easier migration path.

Considerations and Best Practices

  • Portability Concerns: Native queries might be tied to specific database dialects. This means that if you switch databases, these queries might need to be rewritten.
  • Maintenance: Native queries can make your application harder to maintain if overused. You bypass many of the advantages and abstractions provided by JPA.
  • Error Handling: Errors in native queries might not be as descriptive as with JPQL, so be sure to test thoroughly.
  • Use Judiciously: It’s tempting to use native queries for their power and flexibility, but always assess if JPQL or Criteria API can achieve the same goal. Keep in mind the trade-offs.

Handling Pagination with Native Queries

While native queries offer unparalleled flexibility in querying, they introduce specific challenges, particularly when combined with pagination and mapping results to custom DTOs or projection interfaces. Unlike JPQL, where Spring Data JPA automatically applies pagination, native queries require a more manual approach due to their direct interaction with the database, bypassing some JPA abstractions.

One effective strategy is to complement your native query with a countQuery. This approach involves specifying a separate SQL query to count the total number of rows that match your criteria, essential for accurate pagination. However, the effectiveness of this method can vary based on the database type and the version of Spring Data JPA, necessitating tailored solutions for different environments.

Custom Solutions for Pagination Challenges

For developers facing these challenges, several strategies can be employed:

  • Manual Pagination Parameters: Incorporate pagination directly in your native SQL queries using LIMIT and OFFSET clauses, adjusting these based on the pagination information (page, size, etc.) calculated at the service layer.
// Repository Method with Manual Pagination Parameters
@Query(value = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE status = 'active' LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset", nativeQuery = true)
List<User> findActiveUsersWithPagination(@Param("limit") int limit, @Param("offset") int offset);
  • Using a CountQuery for Pagination: This involves specifying a separate SQL query for counting the total number of entries, essential for implementing pagination.
// Repository Method with CountQuery
@Query(value = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE department_id = :departmentId",
countQuery = "SELECT count(*) FROM users WHERE department_id = :departmentId",
nativeQuery = true)
Page<User> findByDepartmentIdWithPagination(@Param("departmentId") Long departmentId, Pageable pageable);
  • Hybrid Approach: Utilize native queries for data retrieval with manual pagination and leverage JPQL for the count operation. This method benefits from the automatic pagination support in JPQL for counting while maintaining the flexibility of native queries for data fetching.
// Service Layer
public Page<User> findUsersByDepartment(Long departmentId, Pageable pageable) {
List<User> users = userRepository.findUsersByDepartmentNative(departmentId, pageable.getPageSize(), pageable.getOffset());
long count = userRepository.countUsersInDepartment(departmentId);

return new PageImpl<>(users, pageable, count);

// Repository
@Query(value = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE department_id = :departmentId LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset", nativeQuery = true)
List<User> findUsersByDepartmentNative(@Param("departmentId") Long departmentId, @Param("limit") int limit, @Param("offset") int offset);

@Query("SELECT count(u) FROM User u WHERE u.department.id = :departmentId")
long countUsersInDepartment(@Param("departmentId") Long departmentId);
  • Service Layer Pagination: Retrieve the necessary data using a native query (potentially fetching more data than required) and then perform pagination manually within the service layer, constructing a custom Page object to encapsulate the paginated result set.
// Assuming the native query fetches all active users
List<User> users = userRepository.findAllActiveUsers();
// Manual pagination logic applied in the service layer
List<User> paginatedUsers = users.stream().skip(page * size).limit(size).collect(Collectors.toList());
int total = users.size();
Page<User> userPage = new PageImpl<>(paginatedUsers, PageRequest.of(page, size), total);
  • Exploring Alternatives: For complex scenarios where native queries are preferred but pagination integration is cumbersome, consider using Criteria API or Querydsl. These provide a more flexible approach to constructing dynamic queries and might offer more seamless integration with Spring Data JPA’s pagination features.

Implementing these strategies requires careful consideration of the specific requirements and constraints of your application, including the database system in use, performance implications, and the complexity of the queries involved.

Pagination and Sorting

In web applications and API services, handling large datasets efficiently is crucial. Fetching all records from a table with thousands of rows is impractical and could impact performance significantly. This is where pagination and sorting come into play. Spring Data JPA simplifies these operations, ensuring efficient data retrieval.

Why Pagination and Sorting are Essential

Scalability: As the amount of data grows, efficiently retrieving a manageable subset becomes vital to ensure application performance.

User Experience: From an end-user perspective, presenting data in a paginated and sorted manner enhances readability and navigation.

Basic Pagination

Spring Data JPA’s PagingAndSortingRepository provides methods to fetch data in a paginated format. Here's a simple usage:

public interface UserRepository extends PagingAndSortingRepository<User, Long> {}

// Service or Controller layer
private UserRepository userRepository;

public Page<User> getAllUsers(Pageable pageable) {
return userRepository.findAll(pageable);

When calling the getAllUsers method, you provide a Pageable object, which encapsulates pagination information, such as the page number and size.

Incorporating Sorting

The Pageable object can also include sorting directives:

Pageable pageable = PageRequest.of(0, 10, Sort.by("name"));
Page<User> users = getAllUsers(pageable);

In the example above, results are sorted by the name attribute in ascending order. For descending order, you can use Sort.by("name").descending().

Custom Queries with Pagination

You can combine custom queries with pagination:

public interface UserRepository extends PagingAndSortingRepository<User, Long> {
Page<User> findByNameContaining(String name, Pageable pageable);

This repository method fetches users with names containing a specific string and supports pagination.

Web Integration

Spring makes it relatively easy to integrate pagination with web controllers. For instance:

public ResponseEntity<Page<User>> fetchUsers(
@RequestParam(defaultValue = "0") int page,
@RequestParam(defaultValue = "10") int size,
@RequestParam(defaultValue = "name") String sortBy) {

Pageable pageable = PageRequest.of(page, size, Sort.by(sortBy));
Page<User> users = userRepository.findAll(pageable);

return ResponseEntity.ok(users);

The above endpoint allows clients to request user data with pagination and sorting parameters.

Considerations and Best Practices

  • Default Limits: Always have default limits in place to prevent unintentional full-table scans.
  • Maximum Page Size: Consider setting an upper limit to the page size to prevent fetching too many records.
  • Validation: Ensure to validate sort parameters to prevent SQL injection or queries that could degrade performance.
  • Use Projections: When combined with pagination, projections can make your data retrieval even more efficient by fetching only required columns.

Dynamic Queries with SpEL Expressions

Spring Data JPA provides a rich set of features to create dynamic queries. One of these powerful tools is the use of SpEL (Spring Expression Language) within @Query annotations. When used appropriately, SpEL can significantly improve flexibility and adaptability in your data access layer.

Understanding SpEL

SpEL is an expression language that supports querying and manipulating an object graph at runtime. In the context of Spring Data JPA, it can be used within the @Query annotation to dynamically adjust parts of a query based on certain conditions.

Basic SpEL Usage in @Query

SpEL expressions are encapsulated within #{} when used inside the @Query annotation. For instance:

@Query("SELECT u FROM User u WHERE u.name = :name AND u.active = #{#activeFlag}")
List<User> findByNameAndActiveStatus(@Param("name") String name, @Value("#{someBean.activeFlag}") boolean activeFlag);

Here, #{#activeFlag} references a value that gets resolved at runtime, possibly coming from another Spring bean named someBean.

Using Entity Names and Column Names with SpEL

One common use case is to dynamically refer to entity names and columns, especially when working with shared repositories or generic entities:

@Query("SELECT e FROM #{#entityName} e WHERE e.columnName = :columnValue")
<T> List<T> findByColumnValue(@Param("columnValue") String columnValue);

The #{#entityName} expression gets replaced by the actual entity name at runtime.

Conditional Expressions

You can use SpEL to introduce conditional statements into your queries. This is particularly useful when a query parameter might be optional:

@Query("SELECT u FROM User u WHERE (:name IS NULL OR u.name = :name) AND (:email IS NULL OR u.email = :email)")
List<User> findByNameAndEmail(@Param("name") Optional<String> name, @Param("email") Optional<String> email);

Though the above example doesn’t use SpEL directly, combining such conditional checks with SpEL can provide more complex dynamic behavior.

Benefits of Using SpEL in Queries

  • Flexibility: Dynamically adjust queries based on certain runtime conditions or configurations.
  • Reusability: Craft generic repositories that can operate over different entities or conditions.
  • Maintainability: Reduce code duplication by centralizing common query patterns.

Considerations and Best Practices

  • Complexity: Introducing dynamic segments into queries can increase complexity. Make sure to document and comment appropriately.
  • Performance: Ensure that dynamic parts of the query do not unintentionally degrade performance. Test and optimize as necessary.
  • Security: Always be wary of potential injection attacks. Though SpEL within Spring Data JPA’s @Query is relatively safe, ensure that you don't inadvertently introduce vulnerabilities.

Best Practices with @Query Annotation in Spring Data JPA

Utilizing the @Query annotation in Spring Data JPA is powerful, but like all powerful tools, it must be used with care and diligence. Ensuring that you follow best practices can save you from performance pitfalls, maintenance headaches, and potential security vulnerabilities.

Favor JPQL over Native Queries

While native queries offer the flexibility of raw SQL, JPQL is tailored for JPA entities, ensuring database agnosticism. Unless you need specific database features or extreme optimizations, prefer JPQL:

  • Portability: JPQL ensures your queries remain portable across different databases.
  • Maintainability: Relying on the JPA abstraction reduces the risk of database-specific pitfalls.

Use Projections for Specific Data Retrieval

Fetching only the necessary data can significantly reduce the load on your database and application. Instead of fetching entire entities, consider using projections:

@Query("SELECT new com.example.MyProjection(u.name, u.email) FROM User u")
List<MyProjection> findNamesAndEmails();

Beware of the N+1 Problem

Always be on the lookout for the N+1 problem, especially when working with relationships:

  • Regularly profile and analyze your queries.
  • Utilize fetch joins or entity graphs to load related entities efficiently.

Validate and Sanitize Inputs

Especially when working with dynamic segments or SpEL expressions, ensure that your inputs are validated and sanitized:

  • Use bind parameters (:name) instead of string concatenation.
  • Avoid exposing raw error messages to end-users, as they could reveal insights into your database structure or logic.

Limit Result Sets with Pagination

Fetching massive datasets can be a performance nightmare. Always consider pagination:

@Query("SELECT u FROM User u")
Page<User> findAllUsers(Pageable pageable);

By using Pageable, you can easily control and limit the number of results returned.

Use Comment Annotations for Complex Queries

For particularly complex or crucial queries, consider using the @Comment annotation:

@Query("SELECT u FROM User u WHERE ...")
@Comment("This query retrieves users based on ...")
List<User> someComplexQuery();

The @Comment annotation doesn't affect the query execution. It's purely for documentation purposes, aiding maintainability.

Consistent Naming Conventions

Ensure that your method names and queries are consistent and self-explanatory. This improves code readability and aids in debugging.

Test Your Queries

This might seem obvious, but it’s worth emphasizing:

  • Write unit and integration tests for your repository methods.
  • Mock database interactions or use an in-memory database like H2 for testing.

Regularly Review and Refactor

As your application evolves, so will your data needs. Regularly reviewing and refactoring your queries ensures they remain optimal and aligned with your application’s requirements.


Spring Data JPA’s @Query annotation offers developers a powerful tool for intricate data access needs. Through our exploration, we've seen its versatility from basic operations to advanced techniques like SpEL expressions and native queries. However, with this power comes the responsibility to use it judiciously. By adhering to best practices, developers can ensure efficient, scalable, and secure applications. In essence, the @Query annotation, combined with knowledge and best practices, enables the creation of robust data-driven applications with Spring.

  1. Spring Data JPA — Reference Documentation
  2. Baeldung’s Guide to @Query
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Alexander Obregon

Software Engineer, fervent coder & writer. Devoted to learning & assisting others. Connect on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexander-obregon-97849b229/