Polyglot Persistence in Spring Microservices: Using Multiple Databases

Alexander Obregon
8 min readOct 16, 2023
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With the increasing complexity of software solutions, a single type of database may no longer suffice to meet the diverse needs of modern applications. This is where Polyglot Persistence comes into play: the concept of using multiple databases in the same application based on the problem they solve best. In the world of microservices, where each service can potentially have its own database, leveraging Polyglot Persistence becomes even more relevant. In this post, we’ll delve into how to implement Polyglot Persistence in Spring Microservices.

Introduction to Polyglot Persistence

In today’s digital era, as the realm of software applications grows, so too does the variety and complexity of the data they process. With the increasing diversity of application requirements, relying solely on a single type of database can limit an application’s potential. This limitation led to the emergence of the concept known as Polyglot Persistence.

What is Polyglot Persistence?

Polyglot Persistence is the practice of using different database technologies to handle different data storage needs within a single application. The term “polyglot” typically refers to someone who speaks…



Alexander Obregon

Software Engineer, fervent coder & writer. Devoted to learning & assisting others. Connect on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexander-obregon-97849b229/