The Role of DevTools in Spring Boot Development

Alexander Obregon
9 min readApr 28, 2024
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Spring Boot is a powerful framework designed to simplify the bootstrapping and development of new Spring applications. The framework aims to minimize the amount of configuration and setup needed to get a Spring application up and running. One of the most impactful tools provided by Spring Boot to achieve this goal is the Spring Boot DevTools module. This module is instrumental in streamlining the development process through features like automatic restarts and live reload, which are essential for rapid development cycles. In this article, we will explore how DevTools improves the Spring Boot development experience, focusing on its key features and their benefits.

Spring Boot DevTools Basics

Spring Boot DevTools is a important toolset designed to improve the development experience when working with the Spring Boot framework. Its primary goal is to make the development process as efficient and frictionless as possible, allowing developers to focus more on building their applications and less on the intricacies of the development environment.

Spring Boot itself simplifies the setup and deployment of new Spring applications by providing a range of opinionated configurations, setups, and defaults. Building on this foundation, Spring Boot DevTools provides additional features that further streamline the development cycle, particularly when it comes to the continuous cycle of coding, testing, and debugging.

Why DevTools?

In traditional application development, many mundane tasks can consume an inordinate amount of time and energy. These include setting up development environments, configuring settings for different stages of development, and restarting servers after changes, among others. DevTools addresses these challenges by automating and optimizing several of these processes.

Key Features

DevTools includes several features aimed at reducing development time and increasing productivity:

  • Automatic Application Restart: This feature leverages Spring Boot’s embedded server to automatically restart whenever files in the classpath change. This behavior is smart enough to keep application start time to a minimum by using two classloaders: one for third-party libraries (which don’t change often) and another for project classes (which change frequently). By doing so, it avoids the overhead of reloading the entire application and speeds up the development cycle.
  • Live Reload: This feature allows resources to be reloaded in the browser as soon as changes are detected. It is incredibly useful for developers working on the frontend aspect of their applications, as it eliminates the need to manually refresh the browser to see changes.
  • Property Defaults: DevTools automatically assigns higher priority to certain properties when the application runs in a development environment. This means developers can specify different configurations for development and production environments without having to manually switch them.
  • Global Default Properties: This is a minor but helpful feature that allows setting certain environment-specific properties universally across all projects (e.g., logging levels or database configurations).

Integration with Development Environments

Spring Boot DevTools is not limited to command-line operations. It is integrated into popular Java Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) like Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, and Visual Studio Code. These integrations allow developers to leverage DevTools features directly from their development environments, streamlining their workflow and making it more intuitive to use these productivity-enhancing features.

Automatic Restart

Automatic restart is perhaps one of the most impactful features offered by Spring Boot DevTools. It is designed to save developers a considerable amount of time during the development phase by automating the process of restarting the application whenever changes are detected in the codebase. This feature fundamentally changes how developers interact with their development environment, making it more dynamic and responsive.

How Automatic Restart Works

Spring Boot applications generally require a restart to pick up changes in the code. Traditionally, this would involve stopping the running application and starting it again — a process that, while straightforward, can be time-consuming especially in larger applications. DevTools simplifies this by monitoring the project’s classpath for changes and automatically restarting the application.

The magic behind this functionality is handled through the use of two classloaders:

  • Base Classloader: This classloader loads the external libraries (jars). Since these libraries do not change often during development, the base classloader does not need to be restarted frequently.
  • Restart Classloader: This classloader loads the classes actually being developed. It is restarted every time a change is detected.

By separating the class loaders, DevTools ensures that only the parts of the application that have changed are restarted, which drastically reduces the restart time.

Benefits of Automatic Restart

The automatic restart feature has several benefits:

  • Speed: Developers see their changes reflected almost immediately, which speeds up the development cycle.
  • Convenience: Eliminates the need for manual restarts, allowing developers to stay in the flow of coding without interruption.
  • Efficiency: By minimizing downtime, developers can experiment more freely with changes and debug more effectively.

Best Practices for Leveraging Automatic Restart

To get the most out of the automatic restart feature, here are some best practices:

  • Exclude Resources: Sometimes, you may not want certain resources to trigger a restart. DevTools allows you to customize what triggers a restart through the use of patterns in the spring.devtools.restart.exclude property.
  • Use DevTools with LiveReload: To maximize efficiency, use automatic restart in conjunction with the LiveReload feature to see changes not only in the backend but also reflected immediately in the frontend.
  • Optimize Configuration: Make sure that your IDE or build tool is configured to compile classes on save and that DevTools is monitoring the correct paths in your project.

Example of Automatic Restart in Action

Here’s a practical example to illustrate automatic restart:

Suppose you have a Spring Boot application with a basic REST controller. Initially, it might look something like this:

public class WelcomeController {

public String welcome() {
return "Welcome to our application!";

If you decide to update the welcome message to include more detail, you would simply change the method to:

public String welcome() {
return "Welcome to our Spring Boot application, improved with DevTools!";

With DevTools configured, as soon as you save this change, the application will automatically restart and immediately reflect this new message when the /welcome endpoint is accessed.

Live Reload

Live Reload is another great feature of Spring Boot DevTools, particularly beneficial for developers working on the front-end aspects of their applications. This feature improves the development experience by automatically refreshing the web browser whenever changes to resources are detected. It allows developers to immediately view the impact of their adjustments without the need to manually refresh the browser.

Understanding Live Reload

The Live Reload feature works by establishing a websocket connection between the development server and the browser. Whenever a change is made to a resource file — such as HTML, CSS, or JavaScript — the modified resources are automatically compiled (if necessary) and the browser is instructed to refresh.

This automatic refresh mechanism is particularly useful when making frequent UI adjustments, as it allows developers to instantly see how changes affect the appearance or functionality of the application.

Setting Up Live Reload

Setting up Live Reload involves a few straightforward steps that integrate seamlessly into the development process:

  1. Include Spring Boot DevTools: Ensure that your project includes the Spring Boot DevTools dependency. This can typically be done via your project’s build tool (e.g., Maven or Gradle).
  2. Install a Browser Extension: While some IDEs may support Live Reload natively, most situations require installing a browser extension that listens for the Live Reload server. Extensions are available for browsers like Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.
  3. Enable Live Reload in Your IDE: If you’re using an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that supports Live Reload, such as IntelliJ IDEA or Visual Studio Code, make sure the feature is enabled. This usually involves checking a setting in the IDE’s configuration menu.

Benefits of Live Reload

  • Increased Productivity: Developers save time by not having to manually refresh their browser, allowing them to concentrate on making iterative changes more quickly.
  • Immediate Feedback: Immediate visualization of changes enhances error detection, making it easier to experiment with different approaches or designs.
  • Smoother Development Experience: The smoother workflow promotes a more iterative and creative approach to front-end design and development.

Example of Live Reload in Use

Imagine you are developing a web application with a user interface component that displays user profiles. If you need to adjust the layout or style, you might modify the CSS file as follows:


.profile {
background-color: white;
color: black;
padding: 20px;


.profile {
background-color: blue;
color: white;
padding: 25px;
border-radius: 10px;

With Live Reload enabled, as soon as you save these changes, the browser will automatically refresh, showing you the updated styling without any additional steps required from your side.

Best Practices for Using Live Reload

To maximize the effectiveness of Live Reload, consider the following tips:

  • Use During Front-End Development: While Live Reload can be helpful for full-stack development, it shines when used during intensive front-end development sessions where visual changes are frequent.
  • Combine with Other DevTools Features: Pair Live Reload with other features of Spring Boot DevTools, such as automatic restart, to enhance both front-end and back-end development productivity.
  • Monitor Performance: Keep an eye on the performance of your application with Live Reload enabled, especially when working with large resources that may slow down the refresh rate.

Additional Features of DevTools

Spring Boot DevTools offers more than just automatic restart and live reload. It comes with several additional features that contribute to a seamless development experience. These features are designed to enhance debugging, streamline configuration, and support a flexible workflow. Let’s explore some of these additional capabilities and how they can further improve your Spring Boot development process.

Remote Debugging

Remote debugging is a crucial feature for developers working with distributed systems or on projects where direct access to the development environment is limited. DevTools allows you to connect to a running Spring Boot application remotely, enabling real-time debugging. This is useful for identifying and fixing issues in production-like environments without needing to restart or redeploy the application.

To use remote debugging, you typically need to set up a debugging port on your Spring Boot application and then connect to it from your IDE. This feature can be especially helpful when collaborating with a team, as it allows multiple developers to work on debugging the same application from different locations.

Custom Restart Rules

While the automatic restart feature is highly effective, there may be cases where you don’t want every change to trigger a restart. DevTools provides a way to define custom restart rules, allowing you to control which changes lead to a restart and which don’t. This flexibility is valuable when working on large projects with extensive resources, as it prevents unnecessary restarts and maintains a smooth development flow.

Custom restart rules can be set using a property in your or application.yml file:


In this example, changes to static files and templates won’t trigger a restart, allowing you to make adjustments to these resources without disrupting the running application.

Developer Tools Integration

Spring Boot DevTools is designed to work seamlessly with popular developer tools and integrated development environments (IDEs). Whether you use IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, or Visual Studio Code, DevTools integrates with these platforms to provide a more cohesive development experience.

For example, IntelliJ IDEA can detect when DevTools is in use and automatically connect to its Live Reload server, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of Live Reload without additional configuration. Similarly, Eclipse has support for DevTools, offering features like automatic classpath updates and live reload integration.

Automatic Caching of Static Resources

DevTools comes with a feature that automatically disables caching of static resources when in development mode. This behavior ensures that any changes made to these resources are immediately reflected without needing to clear the browser cache. It’s a subtle but powerful feature that contributes to a more responsive development experience.

Additional Property Defaults

DevTools provides additional default properties that are automatically applied when the application is running in development mode. These properties are designed to optimize the development experience without manual configuration. Some examples include:

  • Disabling Template Cache: Templates like Thymeleaf or FreeMarker are not cached in development mode, ensuring that changes are instantly visible.
  • Disabling Certain Production Optimizations: Features that are beneficial in production but not necessary during development are disabled, leading to faster restarts and less overhead.


Spring Boot DevTools is an indispensable toolkit for developers working with the Spring Boot framework. It enhances productivity by automating and optimizing various development processes such as automatic restarts and live reloads. Also, its capabilities extend to remote debugging, custom restart rules, and seamless integration with popular development tools, making it a strong aid in the development of Spring Boot applications. By leveraging these features, developers can significantly streamline their development workflow, enabling them to focus more on crafting innovative solutions and less on the technical minutiae. Ultimately, Spring Boot DevTools not only speeds up development but also enriches the overall coding experience, making it a valuable asset in any developer’s toolkit.

  1. Spring Initializr
  2. Spring Boot DevTools Documentation
  3. IntelliJ IDEA
  4. Spring Tool Suite

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Alexander Obregon

Software Engineer, fervent coder & writer. Devoted to learning & assisting others. Connect on LinkedIn: