Using Chaos Engineering with Spring Microservices

Alexander Obregon
8 min readOct 18, 2023


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In today’s complex technological world, the importance of ensuring the resilience and reliability of software applications cannot be understated. One of the emerging techniques that is helping organizations to achieve this goal is Chaos Engineering. With the proliferation of microservices architecture, particularly using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud, understanding how Chaos Engineering integrates with such environments is crucial. This post delves into the world of Chaos Engineering in the context of Spring microservices.

Introduction to Chaos Engineering

What is Chaos Engineering?

Chaos Engineering is a proactive approach to software reliability that focuses on experimenting with systems in a controlled environment to discover vulnerabilities. Derived from the concept that the only constant is change and that unpredictability is inherent in distributed systems, Chaos Engineering seeks to embrace this unpredictability. Instead of waiting for unexpected disruptions, engineers intentionally inject failures into systems to see how they respond. By doing so, they can identify and fix weaknesses, making systems more resilient.

The Origins of Chaos Engineering

The concept was popularized by Netflix with its tool, Chaos Monkey, designed to randomly terminate virtual machines in their production environment to ensure that engineers built services that were inherently resilient. Their rationale? If you know a failure will occur, you’ll build systems prepared to handle it. From this, a whole discipline of engineering evolved, advocating for the active pursuit of failures in systems before customers ever encounter them.

Principles of Chaos Engineering

  1. Build Hypotheses Around Steady State Behavior: Before introducing chaos, it’s crucial to understand the normal operating conditions of the system. This “steady state” forms the baseline against which you measure deviations post-experiment.
  2. Vary Real-world Events: Introduce events that mimic real-world scenarios. This could be simulating server crashes, database outages, network latencies, or any other plausible incident.
  3. Run Experiments in Production: While it might sound counterintuitive, the goal is to test the system under real-world conditions. However, it’s vital to ensure safeguards are in place to prevent customer-impacting incidents.
  4. Automate Experiments: To consistently ensure resilience, automate chaos experiments to run them regularly and obtain frequent feedback.
  5. Minimize Blast Radius: Start with smaller, controlled experiments that have a limited impact. As confidence in the system grows, expand the scope and potential impact of experiments.

Why Use Chaos Engineering?

In the age of cloud infrastructure and distributed systems, ensuring high availability and reliability has become more challenging. Traditional testing methods, such as unit and integration tests, are essential but often insufficient in predicting system behavior under adverse conditions.

Chaos Engineering bridges this gap. By introducing deliberate, controlled chaos, we expose the weak points of our systems. This proactive approach allows teams to address potential issues in a controlled manner rather than reacting to unplanned outages. It’s a shift from thinking “What if our system fails?” to “When our system fails, how will it behave?”. By having answers to the latter, organizations can ensure more robust, reliable, and customer-friendly applications.

The Need for Chaos Engineering in Microservices

Understanding Microservices

Microservices architecture is a design approach in which an application is composed of small, independent modules that run each application process as a service. These services communicate with each other through well-defined APIs and are built around business capabilities. By decoupling services, developers can work on individual modules without impacting others, leading to faster development and release cycles.

Complexity of Microservices

While microservices offer numerous advantages, they introduce new complexities:

  1. Inter-service Communication: In a microservices architecture, services often rely on each other. This interdependency means that if one service fails, others can be affected, leading to cascading failures.
  2. Service Redundancy: To ensure high availability, microservices are often replicated. Managing multiple instances of the same service, especially in a dynamic scaling environment, can be complex.
  3. Data Consistency: Unlike monolithic systems where a single database is often used, microservices might each have their own datastore. Ensuring data consistency across these stores becomes challenging.
  4. Distributed System Challenges: Microservices inherently lead to distributed systems. Issues like network partitions, latency, and message losses become commonplace and need to be addressed.

Network Dependencies

Given the distributed nature of microservices, they heavily depend on the underlying network. Here are a few of the network-related challenges:

  1. Latency: The time taken for data to travel from one service to another can impact the user experience, especially if many services are involved in processing a single request.
  2. Packet Loss: In unreliable networks, data packets can get lost, leading to data inconsistency or the need for data retransmission, affecting performance.
  3. Service Discovery: As services are scaled up or down dynamically, keeping track of service instances becomes crucial. If a service can’t discover another, it can’t communicate.

Why Chaos Engineering is Crucial for Microservices

Given the intricacies and challenges associated with microservices, ensuring their robustness is critical. This is where Chaos Engineering comes into play:

  1. Unearth Hidden Issues: By introducing chaos, you might uncover scenarios you hadn’t considered, like how a service behaves when its dependent service is delayed due to network latency.
  2. Ensure Data Integrity: Simulating failures can help verify whether data remains consistent across different microservices, even when some of them fail.
  3. Validate Service Fall-backs: Many microservices have fall-back mechanisms, like using cached data if the primary data source fails. Chaos Engineering can validate if these fall-backs work as expected.
  4. Test Redundancy: By simulating failures in specific service instances, you can ensure that redundancy mechanisms, like service replicas, take over seamlessly.
  5. Build Confidence: As you continue to successfully identify and mitigate weaknesses in your microservices environment, confidence in the system’s resilience and reliability grows, leading to more trust from stakeholders and customers alike.

Integrating Chaos Engineering with Spring Microservices

Spring Framework & Microservices

The Spring framework, particularly with the advent of Spring Boot and Spring Cloud, has become a go-to choice for many developers when creating microservices. With features like auto-configuration, integrated health checks, and a vast ecosystem of tools, Spring Boot simplifies the microservice development process. Spring Cloud further extends these capabilities by providing patterns and tools for building fault-tolerant, scalable, and distributed systems.

Chaos Engineering in the Spring Ecosystem

Given Spring’s widespread adoption in the microservices realm, integrating Chaos Engineering within this ecosystem is a logical step. Thankfully, several tools and libraries cater specifically to this need.

Chaos Monkey for Spring Boot

One of the primary tools available for introducing chaos into Spring applications is Chaos Monkey for Spring Boot. It’s inspired by Netflix’s Chaos Monkey but tailored for Spring applications.

Features of Chaos Monkey for Spring Boot:

  1. Assault Types: It offers various assault types, like killing application instances, introducing latency, or throwing exceptions, to mimic real-world disruptions.
  2. Watchers: With fine-grained control, developers can specify which components, like services, repositories, or controllers, should be targeted for chaos assaults.
  3. Profiles: It allows setting up different profiles, enabling or disabling chaos only in specific environments, ensuring that production is affected only when desired.


public class MyController {

public String fetchData() {
return "Data fetched successfully!";

In the example above, by adding the @ChaosMonkeyRequestScope annotation to the fetchData endpoint, we instruct Chaos Monkey to introduce chaos (like latency or exceptions) into this specific method.

Spring Cloud Resilience4j

While Chaos Monkey aids in introducing chaos, it’s also essential to build resilient systems that can gracefully handle these disruptions. Spring Cloud provides integration with Resilience4j, a fault-tolerance library that helps you implement patterns like Circuit Breakers, Rate Limiters, Retries, and more.

By combining the capabilities of Chaos Monkey and Resilience4j, developers can not only test the resilience of their Spring microservices but also implement mechanisms to handle failures gracefully.


public class ResilientController {

@CircuitBreaker(name = "dataService", fallbackMethod = "fallback")
public String fetchResilientData() {
// Potential code that might fail
return "Data fetched with resilience!";

public String fallback(Exception e) {
return "Fallback data due to error: " + e.getMessage();

In this example, using Resilience4j’s @CircuitBreaker, we ensure that if the fetchResilientData method encounters any issue (perhaps due to chaos introduced), the fallback method is invoked, providing a seamless user experience.

Best Practices for Implementing Chaos with Spring Microservices

Start Small

Just as with any testing strategy, it’s essential to begin with small, controlled experiments. Start by targeting a single service or even a particular method within a service. This controlled approach ensures that you can quickly identify, analyze, and rectify any issues that surface.

Monitor Everything

When conducting chaos experiments, monitoring is your best friend. Comprehensive monitoring helps you understand the immediate and secondary effects of the chaos you introduce. Tools like Spring Boot Actuator, combined with observability platforms like Prometheus and Grafana, can provide real-time insights into your microservices’ health and performance.

Integrate with CI/CD

Automate chaos experiments by integrating them into your CI/CD pipelines. This ensures that with every new deployment or update, your services are validated for resilience. However, always have safeguards to ensure that chaos experiments in the CI/CD pipeline don’t accidentally affect production environments.

Document Your Experiments

Every chaos experiment, whether successful or not, provides a wealth of knowledge. Document your hypotheses, the nature of chaos introduced, observations, results, and, most importantly, any remediation taken. Over time, this documentation becomes a valuable resource for understanding system behavior and resilience.

Always Have an Emergency Stop

When introducing chaos, especially in near-production or production environments, always have a mechanism to stop the chaos immediately. This is crucial if things go south and you need to prevent further disruption or customer impact.

Educate and Collaborate

Chaos Engineering is not just an engineering task; it’s a collaborative effort. Ensure that all stakeholders, including product managers, QA teams, and even business teams, understand the purpose and value of chaos experiments. Collaborative understanding ensures smoother execution and minimizes surprises.

Use Real-world Scenarios

While random chaos can uncover unexpected weaknesses, it’s also essential to simulate real-world failure scenarios. Think about potential issues like a sudden surge in traffic, dependency failures, data corruption, and more. Simulating real-world events provides more practical insights into system behavior.

Combine with Other Resilience Patterns

Chaos Engineering tests resilience, but implementing resilience patterns is equally crucial. With Spring, make use of patterns provided by Resilience4j, such as Circuit Breakers, Bulkheads, Rate Limiters, and Retries. When you combine resilience patterns with chaos experiments, you validate the efficacy of these patterns in real-world situations.

Stay Updated

The field of Chaos Engineering is continually evolving. Stay updated with the latest practices, tools, and methodologies. Communities like the Chaos Engineering Slack group or events like Chaos Conf can be great resources.


Chaos Engineering is not about breaking things randomly, but rather a systematic approach to uncovering weaknesses in systems. With the inherent complexities that come with Spring microservices, integrating Chaos Engineering into the development and deployment lifecycle can significantly enhance the resilience and reliability of your applications. Embrace chaos, but do so strategically and with intent.

  1. Spring Boot Actuator
  2. Prometheus
  3. Chaos Monkey for Spring Boot
  4. Resilience4j
Spring Boot icon by Icons8



Alexander Obregon

Software Engineer, fervent coder & writer. Devoted to learning & assisting others. Connect on LinkedIn: