PinnedAbout MeHello, I’m Alexander Obregon, a 28-year-old who’s passionate about code and software development. Currently residing in the United States…Dec 22, 20236Dec 22, 20236
Solving the ‘Capitalize the Title’ Problem on LeetCode — Java Solutions WalkthroughIntroduction14h ago14h ago
Java’s String.toUpperCase() Method ExplainedThe toUpperCase() method from the java.lang.String class is a built-in Java method that converts all characters in a string to uppercase…19h ago19h ago
Java’s BitSet.and() Method ExplainedThe BitSet class in Java provides a memory-efficient way to handle sequences of bits. The and() method in java.util.BitSet performs a…1d ago1d ago
How Spring Boot Uses OpenAPI for API DocumentationAPI documentation is an important part of building well-structured APIs, allowing developers to understand available endpoints, request…1d ago1d ago
Java’s Stream.concat() Method ExplainedThe Stream.concat() method from the class allows you to combine two separate streams into a single stream. This…2d ago2d ago
How Spring Boot Handles Validation AnnotationsSpring Boot’s validation system is built on top of Jakarta Bean Validation (formerly Java Bean Validation, JSR 303 and JSR 380). When…2d ago2d ago
Java’s NavigableSet.ceiling() Method ExplainedThe ceiling() method in Java is part of the java.util.NavigableSet interface. It is used to find the smallest element in the set that is…3d ago3d ago
A Technical Look at How Spring Boot Implements Data EncryptionSpring Boot integrates with encryption libraries to protect sensitive data, including application properties, credentials, and stored…3d ago3d ago
Java’s Duration.toMinutes() Method ExplainedJava’s Duration.toMinutes() method is a simple way to convert a duration into minutes. This method is part of the java.time.Duration class…4d ago4d ago