A Wang
3 min readApr 5, 2017


Driving lesson in Croydon

Before going in for the first driving lesson it is important to get certain things ready which is required while even the lessons. Driving lesson in Croydon and other places require a provisional license. No qualified instructor should take a pupil on their first lesson until they see a provisional license, as it is an essential document a person needs to be road legal.

Applying for the provisional license is easy but it can take up to two weeks to arrive so it should be made sure that a person sends off the application well in advance to starting. The fee structure of the driving lessons should be discussed and cleared well off in advance. Some companies do offer block bookings, in which case a person had to pay for a block of lessons in advance, which may suit some better if there is no cash in hand. If the candidate is not serious enough regarding the lessons then admission should be considered. It is useless to waste money on lessons if there are plans of discontinuing. Pupils start with good intentions but if they are not 100% committed then it is a waste of their time and money even starting.

Most parents gift their school going children with cars and trucks to drive to school. Also, it has become almost a fashion statement for children in high school to drive to school on their own. To provide help in this situation there are many centers across the country offer driving lessons for children under 17 years. Obviously, all lessons are off road — some on private industrial estates or purpose build driving centers and some of the racetracks. All should be offered by qualified driving instructors. Some offer sample driving lessons but the best ones to go for offer a course of lessons which will cover the actual scenario on the road driving lessons which will become possible at the age of 17. Having already learned the basic car control in a safe environment, being on the road surrounded by traffic won’t be so scary.

Prospective pupils must obviously ensure that they like the instructor and that the instructor has the right personal qualities for them. Some instructors reduce lesson time to 50 minutes to increase their earning power but the learner should be aware of this practice when comparing the cost of lessons between different driving schools. At the other extreme, learners should be wary of booking a three-hour lesson if they are only able to concentrate effectively for 60–90 minutes at a time — once concentration goes the ability to learn decreases and the money are wasted. This last point is particularly important for those considering an intensive course of lessons.

Driving lessons are expensive but there are a number of ways one could try to save money with. Most driving schools offer block bookings which are quite economical. Driving schools offer different driving packages to students. With many driving schools now available, it is easier for students to choose a school that has potential in creating a good driver.

It is always wise enough to choose a school that has been offering lessons for years. The school should be certified and insured as well. The lesson schedule that these schools work with consists of a plan that is most convenient for the time that a person can spare. Good driving schools will offer different day schedules to handle students with limited time.

