How Much You Should Spend on Marketing?

3 min readAug 28, 2017


When you have a growing business, naturally you need to let people know that you have it. That way the potential customers will come and be patrons later on. In order for people to let other people know of what they are doing, they have to promote it or market it in a sense. That is where marketing comes in where it is basically a means where people have to promote their business, products or events. There are a lot of forms of marketing and in fact the simplest way to do it is by giving the current customers a satisfactory service. They will promote the business through word of mouth because of how good it was.

One type of marketing that people are very into is called digital marketing. It is still marketing but utilizes the form of digital media. These could include movies, TV shows, radios, podcasts and of course the internet and more. Dubai is into digital marketing as they are a booming city and they have to promote their products and businesses to drive in customers for the future.

The question now is you as a potential promoter or marketer is how much you should spend when it comes to your marketing costs. It doesn’t matter if you rely on traditional or social media marketing, you have to know your limits. That’s because you may end up spending more on your marketing costs than making that money back.

When you’re just starting up, it is ideal to not spend too much on marketing. Go for the basic and simple ones like posters, pamphlets and small visual materials. When you are able to afford then go for some radio promotions before you head out to local newspaper and TV ads. The unfortunate thing is that only big companies can promote their products through product placements in popular TV shows or high budget movies unless you’re willing to spend that much into marketing. Then finally the internet is considered to be the best tool for digital marketing around.

You don’t have to spend much and it can grant a lot of returns. Plus the internet has numerous ways for you to market your business through videos or just site banners. Spending too much on marketing isn’t ideal at first and when you have do have the money to spend make sure to hire the best digital marketers around.




I am a professional writer. Like to share valuable information.