The Taste Of The Finish

Alexis Swenson
1 min readJun 2, 2016

What gets me past the start is the taste of the finish. I am hungry now. When I reach the finish I know I won’t be. Naturally, I want that fullness.

It is not necessarily the taste of being the first or the best to cross the finish line although I crave that too sometimes. It is more so the taste of a complete product. What gets me past the start is the expectation that I will be challenged, learn and be changed. When I reach the finish line, I want my reward to be hearing these words: “Well done, good and faithful servant.” Those words will not mean that I did not, at various times, tragically fail, drift listlessly, or feel frustrated with the process. Those words will simply mean that I tried, I trusted and that I kept my head up.

I remind myself I am doing what I am doing because I am part of a story more grand than I can ever imagine. The taste of the finish will be all satisfying and I will no longer crave anything ever again. What gets me past the start is the taste of the finish. I will be full.

So, when I start, I know I am that much closer to being full. That’s what helps me.



Alexis Swenson

Ultimately, I write because it makes it easier for me to breathe. Here’s a place where I share hilarity: