Fixing timeout errors when mocking Date in Jest using Supertest

Alfonso Ghislieri
1 min readOct 31, 2023


I’ve recently been running into timeout errors when trying to mock timer functions when using Jest and Supertest to test my API routes. Jest 26 brough a new timer faking interface which supports the ability to mock Date. We can use setSystemTime rather than having to create a Spy, which in most cases makes the process as simple as:

const mockDate = new Date(2023, 10, 31);

describe("Example", () => {
beforeEach(() => {

afterEach(() => {

test("Example test", () => {
// Write assertions here

However, my tests kept failing as I ran into timeout issues when using Supertest and trying to test my API routes … I traced this issue back to the fact that Jest is mocking everything under the moon (documentation), shown here below in the default config options:

type FakeableAPI =
| 'Date'
| 'hrtime'
| 'nextTick'
| 'performance'
| 'queueMicrotask'
| 'requestAnimationFrame'
| 'cancelAnimationFrame'
| 'requestIdleCallback'
| 'cancelIdleCallback'
| 'setImmediate'
| 'clearImmediate'
| 'setInterval'
| 'clearInterval'
| 'setTimeout'
| 'clearTimeout';

Yet, some of these are needed for Supertest to not timeout, namely: setImmediate and nextTick. This makes for a quick fix:

const mockDate = new Date(2023, 10, 31);

describe("Example", () => {
beforeEach(() => {
jest.useFakeTimers({ doNotFake: ["nextTick", "setImmediate"] });

afterEach(() => {

test("Example test", () => {
// Write assertions here

Voila! Quick and easy fix 🎉



Alfonso Ghislieri

My personal blog following my journey down the rabbit hole of programming.